Now were rollin'.. 430w HPS soil grow with 150w CFL.


Active Member
Got everything dialed in now.. here's hoping for so happy happy plants.

Made myself a DIY cooltube yesterday... has helped alot with temps: final cost 40$
Was hard to find a 6" peice of glass tubing long enough... but i found the perfect piece. Temps have easily gone down 10 degrees, with 2 less fans on... woot. I need to fix up the ducting going to i t a bit, for now its just duct tape.. but it doesnt even get hot enough to be a problem ATM. I can eaily touch the glass tube, its hot but not too hot to hold your hand on it.

check it out.. with a couple of 6" O rings and a piece of steel bent to fit:

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First seed, now 2 weeks old, transplanted it and gave it a 1/8 hit of cheapo nutes, on 18/6.. see what it does... still growing, so can't have screwed up too bad. It's unknown strain... heavy indica from what im seeing so far, which is good considering my space.

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Ive got 4 more at less than a week, and 3 more at a couple of days, on 24/0, will probably just throw the gang into the big cab when there ready for some HID and move the CFL's over to have 150w of 6500 and the 430w sunagro (has a bit of both).. they shoudl all have more than enough light, going to flower asap, and possibly throw a SCROG in there when its time :

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Active Member
Update, 5 days later.. and seeing daily growth. Repotted a couple of the smaller ones out of the jiffy cups... don't think my holes were big enough for drainage, they were struggling... nice and perky now.
Big one is really growing furiously.. watered with 1/4 strength nutes, now 3 weeks old... might start flower this weekend, my grow space isnt that tall, and it just seems to have vegged enough, tons of growth insde the plant, hard to see from that pic.

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Active Member
Jesus... i flipped the switch to 12/12 last night...

This is before sleepy time:
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This is after 12hrs...........
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AND WTFOMG. can they show sex after one night? Is this what i think it is?
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This plant amazes me


Active Member
Update on the gang, all seems to be going well....

having a bit of issues with the leaf tips goign brown on a couple... but i went and picked a PH test kit today to test the different water i've been using.

Been buying distilled.... abnd it has a PH of 6.0.-6.2, my tap water is sitting at 7.0 almost on the nose.....

So... think ill stick with tap water going forward...

ANYONE know if the drops you can buy for fish tank that neutralize chlorine and hard minerals is ok for watering plants?

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Active Member
Things seem to be gowing badass, heres some of the gang..

3 for 3 on the females!!!!!! so far...

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First big plant at 10 days flowering and doing fiiine.. applied some LST to lower branchs.. shes all spread out nice, and the top cola has some nice makings..

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One of the other 2 in flower.... needed space in the veg box.. so this one started small, but still doing very well.

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The third in flower... TOPPED this one.. and LST the main stem over and the branches all out... all going well.

The smaller ones are growing very well as well.. still on 18/6 in the veg box, and getting a bit of HPS once in awhile:

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Active Member
Picked up some nutes a few days ago.. A+B flowering formula (6-0-3 and 1-4-8), + seawead based (1-2-1), + specialty nurtrient (0..3-0.5-1)

Doing a foliar misting of the seawead and specialty nurtient.. about an hour before lights on for the last few days...

Also given this SOUP mix second time now.. alternating with PH'd water..... no burning... and always great growth so far.

the big lady in all its current glory, for a 34 day old plant.. this is pretty crazy, way beyond my expectations:

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Active Member
About a week later now..

3 bigger plants at 2-3 weeks of flowering... still going strong. Still doing some mild LST to keep things spaced out.. and the topped plant in the left corner
is responding nicely to it.

watering with soup of nutes every second watering (with decent run off)... they are all drying out after 2 days...

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seedlings and one left to veg... 5-6 days old. also doing awesome. all the same seed/plant. this way ill know which is which at least. (compared to what i have going now... possibly one of 3 seed types i had)

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+rep for any comments... good or bad!



Well-Known Member
Wow man it's like a ghost town in here.... who's wheaties did you pee in? lol j/k man. You keep doing what you're doing.

Your plants look awesome man. I'm subbed since you are using the same light that I just got, you obviously are putting it to good use.

That veg setup in the last pic, is the bigger one a mother or just a seed started earlier? I would like to see how you have that setup since I am going to use my CFL setup I was using to flower and build me a veg room / box


Well-Known Member
looks great for a small indoor soil grow. Keep doing what your doing seems like your plants are responding well.


Active Member
i know. thanks for posting! lol +REP!!


The bigger one is just one i didn't accidently put into flower... i was putting my little plants in with the big flowering plant for the 12 hours the 400w was on, then putting
them back into the veg box... it was enough to make them all flower... had one male.. 6 females... and the one left that i hadn't really moved back and forth too much,
didn't start flowering, so its in with my seedlings. I topped that one... and might flip it to flowering to see if its female and throw it back to veg and use it for cloning... we'll see.


Active Member
this is my first grow...

thanks to alot of lurking around threads here... its been almost perfect as far as a grow could have gone for me.


Well-Known Member
OMG it's a functional thread with people posting and everything now lol. You are kicking ass for your first grow. I'm on my first too. RIU is an awesome resource :joint:


Well-Known Member
OMG it's a functional thread with people posting and everything now lol. You are kicking ass for your first grow. I'm on my first too. RIU is an awesome resource :joint:
You betcha.. Just don't screw it up for yourself and start being a dick head ;-). You'll get a name real quick around here if you try hard enough.


Active Member
OMG it's a functional thread with people posting and everything now lol. You are kicking ass for your first grow. I'm on my first too. RIU is an awesome resource :joint:
OMG i know! lol. after...... a month? i had pretty much given up. figured id keep myself happy with this thread.. somewhere quick to compare pics and progress.

I'll post more pics... ive tweaked a few things.. figured out a cheap way to ventilate everything pretty well... i might share with everyone :)


Active Member
You betcha.. Just don't screw it up for yourself and start being a dick head ;-). You'll get a name real quick around here if you try hard enough.
one thing i am not is a dick. i just truely love weed. the smoke the smell the high... and now the grow.


Well-Known Member
corúm;4720447 said:
one thing i am not is a dick. i just truely love weed. the smoke the smell the high... and now the grow.
Yep. Cultivating quickly becomes a favorite hobby. If there's one thing I enjoy more than smoking the buds it's growing them to my satisfaction.