Right? Lol, Im on em right now. I'm on CLOUD 9,729,382,345. =)
Lol love how someone said lovely body high, It totally depends on the type of sshrooms. For some people an 8th can rape there mind. I say try 2.5 at first.
Agreed... but like you said it can rape they're mind. I didn't disagree that it wouldn't fuck with your mind, what I said was, you wouldn't be seeing purple martians running around you. I've tripped a few times, from a few different batches, with a few different groups, & yet have seen a visual presentation that Hollywood has painted out for shroom users.
i've twice tripped BALLS off shrooms with crazy visuals. i have no idea where they came from but they were from the same dude both times. i've only done shrooms like 5 times or so, but those 2 times were a lot like an acid trip. one of the times there was a chick who had fallen off her honda crotch rocket and had this busted vessel in her eye and it freaked me out to the point where her face morphed into this fucked up thing and everything she said sounded like satan was talking (less than an 8th). that's when i excused myself to go float on the porch. now if that was acid i would have been in real trouble and my night would have been ruined. i've definately had some very visual shit on shrooms, not just the "is that a bug or lint" stuff. an 8th should be enough for 2 people depending on the product. i agree the friend is trying to be a dick. reminds me of the eminem song "my fault" lol.
Again, I never said you won't trip, that is what shrooms are for, to trip. I am not saying by any means your mind will not be altered, that is the purpose of it. But you helped explain my explanation of shrooms, IT TAKES OBJECTS YOUR ALREADY SEEING & MORPHS THEM OR ALTERS THEM IN YOUR MIND. Like you said with the women who had the popped blood vessel, the shrooms did not CREATE that popped vessel, it was there, but the shrooms did CREATE a horrifying thought of that vessel.
Shrooms TAKES objects & messes with them, it doesn't CREATE objects, that is acid. Never will shrooms create objects without first using an object, it will only tweak existing objects. That goes for anything, now you can be looking at a poster with an alien on it. It can create a visual of that alien for you in real-time, standing right in front of you, but like I said, it didn't CREATE that alien for you, it USED the poster (Object) & tweaked it (Created an alien in real-time).
Never will you be looking at a wall & suddenly a dinosaur will appear in front of you & start talking to you about George Washington... it just won't happen. Shrooms work in a different way then acid, it is a hallucinogen that works based off what the mind see's & experiences. You don't realize this because you are shrooming, your mind is already in another state of mind.
It's better if you have studied shrooms & how they work with your mind, rather then just trying them & going off of experience. Experience is one way to gain knowledge, but you must study that topic in order to know how that topic works. =) Sorry guys, I've put many long, dragged out hours in studying different drugs, I find them all fascinating for they're own sole purposes.