Friend or bastard?


Well-Known Member
Ok sorry. Its weed for sure.
I don't blame everyone for trippin cause that 1st pic looked really odd and made your blueberry look like hemp or something.

And yes it is very skinny.

My friend is a very good friend and knows alot more about growing than I do.
I didn't mean it in a serious way.
This plant started growing three blade leaves when it started to bush out a bit. Now it's growing five blade leaves at the top again. Will take some pics where you can see all the leaves. It is a strange plant though.
All my other plants have had bugs eating them. This plant has never been eaten by bugs. Dont have a clue why not.
It's starting to bud now. Will take some pics later today.
Also it has a very fruity smell, not the usual skunk smell.
The clone I took from this plant has 3 bladers and five bladers on it.
Your plants look very nice though. I still need to learn more about topping etc. It's my first proper outdoor grow.


New Member
Hi mountain.
Nice pics. It is a very different looking plant but it does look healthy.
Ihave only one suggestion that I would do right away and that is transplant it to a much bigger pot. it will grow better and fill out more with that alone.

Water plant in your pot first. Water really well. Over water even. Let it sit for about 3 or 4 minutes and then transplant to a bigger pot. When you put the soil in a bigger pot, water that well also before transplanting. When you have finished tranplanting, move the plant in the shade for 24 hours before putting in back in the sun. Its best to transplant either early in the morning or later in the evening.

Always do it in the shade though.

Its good to see the 5 leaves but by now your plants should be showing 7 leaves unless there is some type of plant that only has 5 leaves.


New Member
Yeah...I don't see any 7 's.

its werid and even its leaf texture is different.

Did you get this clone from a trusted friend or someone you don't really know?

Just curious.


Well-Known Member
DUDE! i have 4 blueberryies going right now. and i was inspecting today, u know doing the usual check through. I NOTICED ONE OF MY BLUEBERRIES WITH 2 SETS OF 3 leaves. 5 leaf fan leaves below, and 7 fan leafs above. but it immediately made me think of this thread. YOUR NOT ALONE! i'll get pics tommorow.


Well-Known Member
DUDE! i have 4 blueberryies going right now. and i was inspecting today, u know doing the usual check through. I NOTICED ONE OF MY BLUEBERRIES WITH 2 SETS OF 3 leaves. 5 leaf fan leaves below, and 7 fan leafs above. but it immediately made me think of this thread. YOUR NOT ALONE! i'll get pics tommorow.
It's an outbreak!! Fuck transplanting, dig a hole and stick it right in the ground!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I don't see any 7 's.

its werid and even its leaf texture is different.

Did you get this clone from a trusted friend or someone you don't really know?

Just curious.

I got the seeds from a friend who collected them from the weed he was buying. That weed was def really good weed. Very expensive and from a long time dealer. He normally got Top 44, but a couple times he got blueberry. At least thats what the dealer said. This plant is totally differant from all the other plants and thats what makes me think its a blueberry. Also the nice fruity blueberry smell. The seeds were mixed up. Thanks for the advice on the pots. Will def buy some bigger pots for all my plants now.
I like to know I can move my plants.



New Member
I still think he has hemp but I wouldn't just dig a hole and plant it. Most people don't know how to ammend the soil to get the roots growing and them the roots get impacted and the plants barely grow.

To grow a good plant outdoor takes an aweful lot MORE work not less. You have to dig a huge hole about 2 deep deep and add all kinds of stuff to the soil and to make the soil workable. Weed hates compacted earth and won't grow well.

If you get a HUGE container you have better control of your grow...pests, animals, thieves, weather etc.

Sorry but I still think it is hemp.

I met someone on here last year that babied a plant like this for the entire summer and then when fall came wondered when it wasn't flowering.:?
It's an outbreak!! Fuck transplanting, dig a hole and stick it right in the ground!


New Member
Are there any leaves of 7? Because on a plant THAT size you should see plenty of 7's.

Then plants start with 1 leaf, then 3, then 5 then 7 until they flower and then it reverses.
You sometimes get odd leaves but thats perfectly normal also.

Just check it out and see. I sincerely hope I'm wrong mountian because, otherwisde , it looks healthy etc.
I got the seeds from a friend who collected them from the weed he was buying. That weed was def really good weed. Very expensive and from a long time dealer. He normally got Top 44, but a couple times he got blueberry. At least thats what the dealer said. This plant is totally differant from all the other plants and thats what makes me think its a blueberry. Also the nice fruity blueberry smell. The seeds were mixed up. Thanks for the advice on the pots. Will def buy some bigger pots for all my plants now.
I like to know I can move my plants.



Well-Known Member
okay drew your right. thats not cannabis. thanks for informing all of us. we are glad a stranger like youself could enlightnen us with such great knowledge and wisdom. is there anything else we can learn from you?


Well-Known Member
hey drew. i didnt think so at first either. but hey! im growing blueberry right now. and HEY! guess what! i have a couple branches that have just 3 leaves! Its called a phenotype buddy. obviously blueberry shows a genetic mutation that creates 3 bladed leave/ wow dont you feel like a dumbass cause you dont know how to grow.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mr. Spliff..

That plant is more than HUNGRY... FDD is right.. That plant is starving.. if it gets into a bigger pot or even straight into the ground, IT is gonna put on 1000% more MASS in less than 4 weeks...

Where in the southern hemisphere are you?

Nice to have you representing on this site!



Well-Known Member
wow billy bob. give yourself a pat on the back. you know all the scientific names. im suprised you have a plant with three blades on it and you didn't cut it down thinking it was poison oak