Droopy leaf conundrum: over or under watering? PICS!


Well-Known Member
If anyone can help me determine if these droopy leaves look like over or under watering (or something else), I would SO appreciate it.

Purple diesel, flowering for 5 weeks, indoor CFL, soil, 1-gallon pots with good drainage. Watered them 2 days ago (Friday) and today (Sunday) I noticed practically all her leaves were drooping, like so:

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Even the leaves near the buds:
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Why oh why are the symptoms of over and under watering so damn similar?

Thanks for any suggestions!


Active Member
Yes...looks like OWER watering bro.Its because after midways in flowering,the plant dring LESS water..About half the amount.It does 4 me too..Its because too much or little water will affect the 'joints' of the leafs,weaken them 2 save energy..


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply malenius. i was also leaning on over-watering, but i just felt the soil with my finger and it's pretty dry, even 2 inches below the surface... so now i'm starting to think it might be under-watering... so confusing.

could it be that the drainage holes are doing *TOO* good a job, and too much is draining out after i water?


Active Member
thanks for the reply malenius. i was also leaning on over-watering, but i just felt the soil with my finger and it's pretty dry, even 2 inches below the surface... so now i'm starting to think it might be under-watering... so confusing.

could it be that the drainage holes are doing *TOO* good a job, and too much is draining out after i water?
I looked at it, and 2 me it looks like ur grow medim is the thing...In round buckets,or square containers,Its always good drainage in my opinion..But in pots like urs,(i got some pots like that)It will tend to grow tap root...Then the water will be stored deep and like never disapear...Take my word"change 2 bigger,more open medium next time....So I will still say OWER watering bro..


Well-Known Member
i hear ya. next time i will definitely use 5-gallon buckets.

not sure if this changes your opinion, but here's a couple pics of the container i'm using currently (1-gallon):

from the top:

and bottom (sorry crappy pic)

i thought the drainage was pretty good, because most of the water drains out when i water, but maybe not?

thanks again man.


Well-Known Member
in any case, it's almost lights-off time tonight, so i'll check the leaves tomorrow. if they look better, then the problem was probably over watering. if they look even more droopy, i'll assume they are too dry and it's time to water...

sensible plan?


Well-Known Member
(i think) it turned out to be an under-watering problem.

the plant was even more droopy this morning -- like, every single leaf was pointing downward. even though the leaves didn't feel too dry, the soil felt really dry. so i went ahead and watered about 1/4 gallon of ph'ed no-nute luke-warm water (because i read yesterday that lukewarm can be good for plants?).

anyway, literally 1 hour later, half of the leaves have perked back up. overall still pretty droopy, but 50% improvement from an hour ago. night and day.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
well if your really not sure which it is i would buy a moister tester i use mine all the time just to make sure.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i got mine at home depot its a soil ph tester, light tester and moisture tester it was $3. dont use the ph tester tho it really isn't good. but the moister tester works great.