New projects have happened. Installations have been made, and I finally quit my job to become a full time grower.
In the room I have added one 600 watt HPS, one 12000 btu ductless mini split ac, one 2x4 tray,
I have switched all lights over to 240 via a CAP relay, and I've added a Stealth 200 RO/DI.
With this new setup I'l be flowering 24 plants under 3 600watt HIDS.
The real kicker in all of this, and the reason I have yet again been absent is I have been interviewing in order to take
over as Master Grower for the dispensary Boulder RX here in boulder, I'l be in control of currently 24,000 watts, but possibly
Will be bumpin it up to 42,000, we'll see how the space looks. But yea everybody, it's been hectic with all the applications and
Background checks, but everything should be gravy from here on, pics as soon as I learn to upload straight from my iPhone.