Just harvested my shaman x gods gift, some nice big stinky colas, they're lookin great
Currently, I have very little to say positively about this warehouse grow, the people growing before me in here just
Threw up some thousand watts, and put plants under them and called it a grow room. It's pretty pathetic, especially for
My meticulous standards. Here are the pics
Currently, there are 24 thousand watts, with ONE plant under each light.
I will be using 4x8 trays raised up about 17 inches of the ground, with 2 thousand watts
Per 4x8 tray, and 8 plants per tray, that's 4 plants per thowy watt. Il be lookin to harvest
6-8 ounces per plant
IMO all this space is being just wasted, I can't wait to tear this place apart.
And the unorganized wiry fire hazard which is above our heads.
Open for suggestions, but I pretty much have it planned out, this until wenput 18 more thousand watts
In there. I'm not really lookin forward to that...