Why wont anyone answer any of my threads


i start threads with relative easy question yet i cant get an answer,everyone just passes over them yea alot of help this forum has been.


Well-Known Member
i start threads with relative easy question yet i cant get an answer,everyone just passes over them yea alot of help this forum has been.
your first 7 words answer your own question, easy questions have been asked 100xs and if u cant find them on here then u can prb find them in google.


Well-Known Member
Helps if you post pics..

Really helps if you use the search function/google and avoid spamming RIU with yet another pH problem.

Good luck :joint:


ok so you assume i havent used the search feature on this site,thats just tipcal of exp growers,all you have to say is use the search feature or google well if the answer is there i cant find it thats why i started a thread


Well-Known Member
most of the time questions get passed over or igonred due to lack of info provided by the poster. If you don't care enoung to provide us with the important details or pics, why should we?
kinda like your post here...you forgot to ask your question..lol


Well-Known Member
IMHO, The RIU search function is pretty garbage.

Try typing a keyword into google followed by "rollitup"

ex. "yellowing leaves rollitup"


well my question is this i have a ph lockout issue the run off is 5.9 i`am in soil well this is to low so i want to raise my soils ph will a flush of 6.8 ph water raise my soil ph or if not can i add fast acting lime to the top of my soil then water will this raise my soils ph


dude it's a forum, sometimes you gotta reply to your own thread to bump it up to the top again. keep bumping if you really want a reply. don't let it ruin your day lol

as for your question i couldn't give you the best advice because i don't grow soil. but i can say use as little of the pH up as you can. pH up is a last resort. use ro water, the pH should naturally go up anyway, and you'll have to focus on keeping it down instead of up. the pH down is ok to use. having tons of that stuff in your water makes it taste bad to your ladies, and they'll yell at you when you come home for not showing them love like you do to the girls at the clubs.


Well-Known Member
well my question is this i have a ph lockout issue the run off is 5.9 i`am in soil well this is to low so i want to raise my soils ph will a flush of 6.8 ph water raise my soil ph or if not can i add fast acting lime to the top of my soil then water will this raise my soils ph
Testing runoff is a very unreliable way to test pH. Too much fast acting lime will mess your shit up quick! My guess is you pH is just fine. 5.9 is a little low for soil but not horrible but I'd be willing to wager that your pH is just fine. Top dressing with lime and running 6.8 pH'd water through will do virtually nothing to raise pH. Soil doesn't work that way.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
well my question is this i have a ph lockout issue the run off is 5.9 i`am in soil well this is to low so i want to raise my soils ph will a flush of 6.8 ph water raise my soil ph or if not can i add fast acting lime to the top of my soil then water will this raise my soils ph
Depending on the ph of your water, which is probably 7.5 to 8 why would anything need to be added to raise the ph. A good flush with dechlorinated tap water should work just fine and raise the ph.


I am not a soil grower but I believe the answer is yes either will work.

(edit) Doc posted same time as me- I'm sure he is right and I am wrong.
well my question is this i have a ph lockout issue the run off is 5.9 i`am in soil well this is to low so i want to raise my soils ph will a flush of 6.8 ph water raise my soil ph or if not can i add fast acting lime to the top of my soil then water will this raise my soils ph
flushing with higher ph would work, but why are you worried about the runoff? does your plant show defiecencies? do you p.h right before feeding?
I grow in soil and have NEVER checked by runoff.


Well-Known Member
Also helps if you use decent grammar.

Older members wont waste their time on sloppy younger people who won't take the time to type correctly/ post pics.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
well my question is this i have a ph lockout issue the run off is 5.9 i`am in soil well this is to low so i want to raise my soils ph will a flush of 6.8 ph water raise my soil ph or if not can i add fast acting lime to the top of my soil then water will this raise my soils ph
If you want to go from 5.9 to 6.8 ph, Don't use lime.
I do things a bit differently. Ashes will bring the ph up. Lime brings the ph down. When they are mixed together and balanced properly in the water and fertilizer mix it produces co2 gases in the bed.


yea i had a cal/mag issue got real bad as this coletrain is a heavy feeder and the leaves started to yellow so i feed with half strength nutrients and 2 tsp of cal/mag and everything started to look better then 2 days ago i switch bulbs from mh to hps for flowering and when the lights whent off that night i foiler feed with cal/mag the next morning i look at the plant and the greyish brown spots where back and leaves was all curled up so the only thing i can figure is a ph lockout


Well-Known Member
yea i had a cal/mag issue got real bad as this coletrain is a heavy feeder and the leaves started to yellow so i feed with half strength nutrients and 2 tsp of cal/mag and everything started to look better then 2 days ago i switch bulbs from mh to hps for flowering and when the lights whent off that night i foiler feed with cal/mag the next morning i look at the plant and the greyish brown spots where back and leaves was all curled up so the only thing i can figure is a ph lockout
I highly doubt you have a pH problem.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
yea i had a cal/mag issue got real bad as this coletrain is a heavy feeder and the leaves started to yellow so i feed with half strength nutrients and 2 tsp of cal/mag and everything started to look better then 2 days ago i switch bulbs from mh to hps for flowering and when the lights whent off that night i foiler feed with cal/mag the next morning i look at the plant and the greyish brown spots where back and leaves was all curled up so the only thing i can figure is a ph lockout
There's a button near the bottom right side of your keyboard.

It indicates the end of a sentence.