What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

Sounds like you're in a lot of pain, brother. You ok? :D

In more pain than most people will ever experience. And thats what I get every month. To make it worse, florida will probably be the last state to legalize and I would trade it all just for some good indica.
In more pain than most people will ever experience. And thats what I get every month. To make it worse, florida will probably be the last state to legalize and I would trade it all just for some good indica.

then you're not in THAT much pain
then you're not in THAT much pain

Thats pretty ballsy for you to try and say that. Did I say that a strong indica will take all my pain away? No. I didn't. but I'm sick and tired of throwing up from all the pills I'm on. I hardly keep food down. I've lost 24 pounds in the last few months.

so suck my dick
Stay strong brandon, sorry for the pain. I'd hand you a big ol' sack of stinky bubba if I could. How is the weed you guy's are getting in florida?
Pay no attention to the haters, brandon.

I hope in the future your state's legislative powers come to their senses so people like you can produce and possess legally. They'll come around. It's a shame that a few warped pen strokes can prevent people from getting there medicine.
Medicine cabinet, eh? Disposable razor, tooth paste, tooth brush, a comb, baby aspirin and some metamucil :D Mine isn't as happy as any of yours. Even if I know I'll never be constipated.
Pay no attention to the haters, brandon.

I hope in the future your state's legislative powers come to their senses so people like you can produce and possess legally. They'll come around. It's a shame that a few warped pen strokes can prevent people from getting there medicine.

The ideal is that people in that region have a very old way of thinking.... a lot of stiffhead republicans who ignore the total facts of what truly cannabis is capable of doing... but instead have people hopped up on strong pain meds that leads to strong addiction!
The ideal is that people in that region have a very old way of thinking.... a lot of stiffhead republicans who ignore the total facts of what truly cannabis is capable of doing... but instead have people hopped up on strong pain meds that leads to strong addiction!

VERY old way of thinking in this area. We passed a law recently making it essentially illegal for head shops to operate... ridiculous.
pain killer addiction is the worst man...especially when your perscribed them legit and you have to keep taking them..brandon, what exactly do you have man? im getting tested for RSD
I fractured a few of my vertebrae playing football in high school. One of them twisted almost 180 degrees. Then recently I was in a severe car accident. Doctors say I was centimeters away from being a quadriplegic. My whole upper body got fucked in the accident. I have to have my ribs surgically fused if I want them to go back to normal.