Club 600


Well-Known Member
I would think that a strain with a heavy body stone might be effective. Possibly the same meds that ms patients use, as the symptoms are similar.
Herijuana has a real heavy stone that might be useful-maybe too much so.
The new blue diesel has a fairly heavy body stone that might work as it is not as intense in the head.

I would think KO Kush would be a perfect canidate. I didnt get to grow mine out, but Sannies gear is usually what is advertised as. Sorry to hear about the health issues. I am dealing with similar issues with my mom. But my cookies really seem to help her. She has RumArth and several other pain related issues and it really gets her to cope. Have you tried giving her some relatively strong edibles? I use 3.5 grams of hash per batch of cookies. Usually makes about 20 cookies. I just add that to the recipe on the back of the bag and it really is amazing what it can do for chronic pain.[/QUOTE]

No i havent had much luck with ediable and i havent tried making my own. I will pick up a few when i go to a dispensary. Next harvest ill make my own Thanks for the Input COf and Integra i greatly Appriciate it from the bottom of my heart

I have ms and i find the heavey body stones make me twitch more not less lol but everyone is an individual. I like strong head stones like cheese and headband. I get the big canna bottels and ive never seen a spanner for em lmao, they a cunt to get open lol.
Thanks Mr West ill keep that in mind im gonna grow a few test strains see what she likes the most and what helps


Active Member
Heads Up, I am definitely in it to make money. I spent my time and money on this grow, why would I give it away?

Added to that, I took a risk of 5 to 10 years in state prison, with a mandatory minimum of 5. With time off for good behavior, and assuming I get trustee status while incarcerated, that is realistically a minimum of 24 months of prison before parole.

I am most certainly going to get paid. If you believe in just giving away your crop, mind dropping me your address? I'll happily come over and help you smoke it. :)


Active Member
You guys are talking about different strains that may help particular health issues. My knees are just about shot and I am probably going to have to go under the knife to scrape and repair them. Any recommendations on solid pain killing strains, the kind that knock you to sleep and keep you there? I'm sure an indica would do that, but any favorites? Thanks. Again, cool thread.


Well-Known Member
Hope not man. It's always unsettling to have a detective call you, even when you are positive you haven't done anything wrong.
yes it is very unsettling.
Why are you against people making money off of their work? I can guarantee you that I am going to make a few thousand off of my outdoor grow. It not only costs money to grow, but in my state I risked my freedom doing so. Hell yeh I am going to be making some money, lol.

Sorry to hear about the cop wanting you to become a rat-bastard. If you ever get another chance, play along and try to get as much information out of the cop that you can. Then let whoever they are targeting know.
well im not really against it but dont like it. if your an illegal grower then cool i dont really care if you charge for it. but the whole point of being a legal patient is to not get in trouble and not have to pay for meds. if you have to buy meds you might as well buy off the street. my grower hooks me up along with all his patients with free meds and alot of it i have not bean asked to give one dime to him and since he hasnt asked for any money then i will most likely give him some just because he is not in it for the money and that is how it should be, and if i grew for some one then i would not ever ask for money from them and buy doing so if i help them with theri needs then im sure they will feel the same why i do and give some any way and if not then thats fine cuz hey i got to grow the plant i love to grow. and n one is risking theri freedom here unless they are doing something wrong or are over the 99 plant count. thats just how i feel if other growers need the make money off theri patients then whatever but it sucks for them if i had to pay i wouldnt even bother having my card. and i was thinking of making an anonymous call to the clinic and let them know and tell them to stop and lay low because its bull shit they target medical users and it is bullshit they target anyone for that matter for weed they should be targeting other drugs that really are bad. i think tomorrow i will call and let them know


Active Member
I don't know if I would call the clinic or not mcpurple. If the police have gotten a judge to let them tap the phone lines you could be charged for hindering an investigation, or whatever equivalent charge to that your state has. Much better to just drop by and tell them.

As to charging for weed, if you have a grower who hooks you up for free, more power to you! Wish I could grab a sweet deal like that myself, lol. And if you are handing out your own grow as well; again, more power to you! I'll hand mine over when some Benjamins are hitting my other hand.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I would call the clinic or not mcpurple. If the police have gotten a judge to let them tap the phone lines you could be charged for hindering an investigation, or whatever equivalent charge to that your state has. Much better to just drop by and tell them.

As to charging for weed, if you have a grower who hooks you up for free, more power to you! Wish I could grab a sweet deal like that myself, lol. And if you are handing out your own grow as well; again, more power to you! I'll hand mine over when some Benjamins are hitting my other hand.
hey your right i didnt think of me getting in trouble for letting them know much appreciated.
and i had to go through 30-40 interviews with growers about what they offer how much a month and what not every one said they charge for weed and had none available till the end of summer except a few and out of the few i liked i got samples only 1 grower could meat my needs and didnt charge and could have meds for me as soon as i signed the card over, i got a qp every month over the somer so i used up 1 pound in 4 months and every one else it was 1 ounce a month if that.


Well-Known Member
I don't charge for meds but some of my friends insist on hooking me up in one way or another. They're all card holders but got tired of paying what a bunch of the clubs around here charge. I told a couple of them that I had a great hookup and things kind of just went from there. Now I don't pay on poker nights, get discounts at a couple places I frequent and still get some cash here and there. It typically pays for the cost of the grow but not always.

I just make sure I always bring smoke and edibles with me when we get together and it's all good.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man mcpurp thats some crazy shit. are you gonna have a discreet word with the club? thats a tricky one man. sneaky popo man med card holders are still just drug users to most of them.

country farmer, yeah man its a rip they want you to spend mkoney on a glorified spanner.

westy man check the side of the bottle its got a pic of the spanner.

in desperation last night i scraped the crumbs out of all my jars and made a mix up bowl. it5 was dry n harsh but sweet jeebus im still stoned this morning

good mornin all!


Well-Known Member
On the whole selling meds subject, I dont think its about people doing it for the wrong reason. Just because someone charges for it doesnt mean its for the wrong reason, its not free to grow. I wouldnt charge someone I was a care taker for, but I would expect some help with the bills (nutrients, clones/seeds, the basics), nothing huge. Not being in a medical state, and looking at what goes around here as supposed "high grade" I would be a fool not to cut in on that and make my money too. People around here dont know what proper cannabis even looks like. You should see when some of the local idiots try to grow, its hilarious. They should stick to their beer and nascar. Something not so complimicated. Mcpurp, I wouldnt give a shit, I would tell someone at the dispensary about that. Its your duty as a civilian, to protect other civilians from the police. Or at least help. Its us or them. Always remember folks, its not a war on drugs, its a war on personal freedoms.


Well-Known Member
Been away for a few days, need to get some pictures. I got a super silver haze leaning coletrain, shes a lanky bitch, but smell fantastic. Most of the ones Ive seen have been more indica, I always end up with some tall, lanky thing in the bunch, wtf. Last time it was a big bang that was crazy sativa leaning pheno. I guess I will have another 10-11 weeker on my hands, when I was looking for around 8-9. Should be damn good though, Im sure it will be worth the wait. Ive got some special girls this time I think, maybe a few worth cloning. I hope so, the last time (LED suck ass shit) was a disaster. I miss the outdoors, no matter what my harvest wont touch a normal outdoor harvest for me.


Well-Known Member
McP, whatever you decide, just be very careful. These guys at the clinic may be doing something underhand that would revoke their status. People in my mind who are given or get the opportunity to help medical patients should not be taking the piss. If you frequent this place then let them know, if you do not, then stay clear of it buddy. You do not need to involve yourself in a war against the police. You need to get yourself clear of the restrictions you have. So bite your lip and move on my friend, imo.....unless these are peeps you know and respect.

IF you want to sell weed for profit, no problems by me, if you want to grow for love, no problem by me, if you want to give it away, no problem by fact, anything to do with growing weed is problem by me, haha.

Carry on as you were, haha.

Really loving the BX2 Cheese Carpet I got going on!!!

Have a great days folks,



Active Member
Always remember folks, its not a war on drugs, its a war on personal freedoms.
Couldn't agree more. It is government telling you that you can not put a relatively harmless, and depending on your condition, potentially useful substance into your body. Look, I am an adult and if I want to drink a beer or smoke a joint, that is my business, not government's.


Active Member
IF you want to sell weed for profit, no problems by me, if you want to grow for love, no problem by me, if you want to give it away, no problem by fact, anything to do with growing weed is problem by me, haha.
Completely agree. With all of it.

And does anyone have an answer to my earlier question regarding best strain for knee pain? Any heavy indica work?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
country farmer, most heavy indies will have some degree of pain relief but are you needing to work aswell? id check out some of subcools TGA variety ive been looking at cheesequake. id recommend querkle too nice balance of sedation and high and if you choose to overdo it. interstellar shtone


Well-Known Member
Completely agree. With all of it.

And does anyone have an answer to my earlier question regarding best strain for knee pain? Any heavy indica work?
You know what, I was totally going to answer that but got carried away with my work (I sometimes actually do a normal job as well, hehe) Well CF, I have had 4 orthroscopies over the years that also involved the removal and tidying up of various ligaments and cartliges. My ACL, my Medial ligament, my lateral ligaments, my minuscus...basically there's not a lot in my knee that isn't fucked, haha. I also have arthritis now as well. It's really only this time of year that I start to get pain at the moment, generally when it gets damp and cold....I tend to chuff my OG Kush which I would say gives you the lower body leg effect. It is quite a hrad hitter but I find my head is still with it...


Active Member
Thanks for the input guys. Much appreciated. I really need to go ahead and pull the trigger on this knee surgery, but I just have this aversion to going under the knife, lol. Unfortunately, until then (and if I am unlucky, afterwards as well), I am going to have to put up with this constant knee pain.


Well-Known Member
get an epidural/regional anesthesia, that way you stay awake during the operation and can watch the doctor fannying around in your knee. You just need to get your head round the fact that at some points he will have your legs at some pretty strange angles!
Thanks for the input guys. Much appreciated. I really need to go ahead and pull the trigger on this knee surgery, but I just have this aversion to going under the knife, lol. Unfortunately, until then (and if I am unlucky, afterwards as well), I am going to have to put up with this constant knee pain.


Well-Known Member
You know what, I was totally going to answer that but got carried away with my work (I sometimes actually do a normal job as well, hehe) Well CF, I have had 4 orthroscopies over the years that also involved the removal and tidying up of various ligaments and cartliges. My ACL, my Medial ligament, my lateral ligaments, my minuscus...basically there's not a lot in my knee that isn't fucked, haha. I also have arthritis now as well. It's really only this time of year that I start to get pain at the moment, generally when it gets damp and cold....I tend to chuff my OG Kush which I would say gives you the lower body leg effect. It is quite a hrad hitter but I find my head is still with it...
I have a need for some knee sugery as well. I've torn ligaments in both knees multiple times now but they were always partial tears and I rehabbed them instead of haveing the surgery every time so I could get back to work quicker. Now they're really screwed up and I was told that one is going to need reconstructive surgery. The other they said they can get away with the orthoscopic. Besides that I have Degenerative Disc Disease that's advancing pretty rapidly, Arthritis in a couple spots in my spine and one of my feet from not taking proper care of four broken bones in it.

I prefer indica heavy hybrids for this reason as well as edibles. I'd rec any Kush strain really as they seem to have a nice mix of Sativa/Indica and like I said, edibles. Edibles are your best friend when it comes to pain because you get more pf a stone and less of a high and, at least for me, they don't make you sleepy but you will sleep comfortably if thats what you desire.


Well-Known Member
I have a need for some knee sugery as well. I've torn ligaments in both knees multiple times now but they were always partial tears and I rehabbed them instead of haveing the surgery every time so I could get back to work quicker. Now they're really screwed up and I was told that one is going to need reconstructive surgery. The other they said they can get away with the orthoscopic. Besides that I have Degenerative Disc Disease that's advancing pretty rapidly, Arthritis in a couple spots in my spine and one of my feet from not taking proper care of four broken bones in it.

I prefer indica heavy hybrids for this reason as well as edibles. I'd rec any Kush strain really as they seem to have a nice mix of Sativa/Indica and like I said, edibles. Edibles are your best friend when it comes to pain because you get more pf a stone and less of a high and, at least for me, they don't make you sleepy but you will sleep comfortably if thats what you desire.
Ah feel ya bru, the knees bugger everything else up as well, sore backs, pains in shoulders, all due to walking the wrong way.....