Oregon OMMP and Growers.

go to notification and then inbox in the top right corner of the screen, and then when you in the inbox click all the small sqaures on the left side and then go to the bottom and click on the selected messeges thing and thne click the delete on and accept
fuck it heres my number oregon 024, im legal and i dont think any one will call me for any reason.
541-441-0371 ask for mcpurp or my real name if you remember it.
any one else who calls this number i will be pissed and will find you hahahahaha
fuck it heres my number oregon 024, im legal and i dont think any one will call me for any reason.
541-441-0371 ask for mcpurp or my real name if you remember it.
any one else who calls this number i will be pissed and will find you hahahahaha

If only I had a list of Top 10 Phone #'s to Prank ... Unfortunetly, I have a life =) haha
fuck it heres my number oregon 024, im legal and i dont think any one will call me for any reason.
541-441-0371 ask for mcpurp or my real name if you remember it.
any one else who calls this number i will be pissed and will find you hahahahaha

internet rule no. 1 don't post personal info like your phone #
hows it goin beacon, what par of the big O are you from if you dont mind sharing?
you got any thing goin on right now
hows it goin beacon, what par of the big O are you from if you dont mind sharing?
you got any thing goin on right now

round Medford, just got moved here, still feeling the landlord out, so Im am holding out a bit longer before set up. but did get legal already.......
round Medford, just got moved here, still feeling the landlord out, so Im am holding out a bit longer before set up. but did get legal already.......

being legal is a very good thing, im from grants pass its about 30 miles from meddy. are you gonna let your landlord know your legal and your growing or no? i never told my landlord cuz most people are not Medical MJ friendly.
nope, thats why Im waitin a bit to feel him out, I got everything ready, empty room, equipment, etc. I've let them know Im on disability, thats bout as much as I figger I'll tell em........hehe. Take my chances, be careful and stealthy, worst case I gotta move, I've been told by a few that many times if and when they do find out, they may just ask for a bit more rent........lol.......all bout the money. But I went ahead and did the caregiver thing along with me being my own grower, so Im good on medicine till I get my going, but I been waitin a long time, I prolly cant stand lookin at an empty room longer n a month or so.................LOL
ya i was my own grower as well a, i didnt see the need for a care giver. glad your good on meds though, it sucks to be out, i just got placed on probation so i cant use my medical card so now im stuck with taking pain killers witch to me really sux cuz they have negative side effects and weed does not
I hear that and feel for ya, I came out here from a very unsympathetic state even with proper medical evidence you couldn't get relief, already found a decent PCP, got legal, and am feeling a bit better already............hehe
what did you get your card for? i got mine for severe pain in my lower lumbars do to a car accident witch i broke my back in 2 places
same, I didn't break my back, but have multiple disc bulges, joint and nerve damage, thats the qualifying condition, disability called it a spinal disorder....?.....prolly an existing deal that was worsened by a car wreck year and half ago. That's what put me over the edge on getting disability. Im very grateful, but what a draining process...wow
I am in Multnomah County and I am looking for a grower can anyone help me? I am a legal card holder as well... please email me or DM asap because im new to this whole thing
i cant really help with a grower but when you look for one check with a few of them to get the best deal for you and to make sure your getting good meds and not ripped off alot of growers are shisty and in it for just the cash. the local medical clinic usally has adds for patients needing a grower. i interveiwed around 30-40 growers before i chose one to find the best one and one that fit my needs. all of them could only supply 1 once a month or none till the end of summer then it was just a pound and a half at the end and they all asked for cash. i found one that had meds as soon as i made him my grower and he supplied me with a qp of chron every month and then much more at the end of summer all for free. just be safe and choose wisely
well i just wanted to see if oregon is ready to show off theri plants cuz it seems like theri is alot of Oregonians but no pics of their grows.
i would post mine but i am not growing ATM.
i know you guys got some great grow s going on with some dank buds, now lets see them.
Good Day fellow Oregonians I am starting my first grow and trying to learn a thing or two along the way.. I call it my "first" grow because I am not putting forth much effort into my grow... it is strictly recreational and kind of artsy.. i have 5 sprouts all different shapes and sizes and most likely strains as well.. 400w HPS and a closet.. but I feel like trying to do some vedging outside once the weather gets nice.. I dont really know what I am doing but Im doing it for fun and the love of watching things grow.. help , support tips and anything you can throw at me would be great.. ill post pics in a couple days to show whats up... peace love music and buds! -steezy
Good Day fellow Oregonians I am starting my first grow and trying to learn a thing or two along the way.. I call it my "first" grow because I am not putting forth much effort into my grow... it is strictly recreational and kind of artsy.. i have 5 sprouts all different shapes and sizes and most likely strains as well.. 400w HPS and a closet.. but I feel like trying to do some vedging outside once the weather gets nice.. I dont really know what I am doing but Im doing it for fun and the love of watching things grow.. help , support tips and anything you can throw at me would be great.. ill post pics in a couple days to show whats up... peace love music and buds! -steezy

Welcome to RIU. You have the time to identify the sex of your 5 sprouts and get them outside by May 15th and harvest around mid-October.