Here we grow...


Well-Known Member
Being a man that loves the Lord, I'm trying not to curse as much day to day.... but I just tried one of the two lowest buds off this sample branch I ended up with and... I must say, this smoke is going to be f*cking awesome.
The high is so clear and up and aware... thank you Lord for such a creation...

(I also haven't smoked in about 3 weeks either...) ;-)

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
ok, i smoked the other.... i'm a kite...
LOL, welcome the incredible world of Thai Super Skunk! It's a shame really, that so many folks put this strain down, call it garbage weed from hell, and a lot of other complaints to cover their "no-growin'" asses. True, she's a little tricky, but if treated with a little tenderness and LST, AND, given a LOT of know what I'm saying, LOL. Enjoy Ruiner, Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
LOL, welcome the incredible world of Thai Super Skunk! It's a shame really, that so many folks put this strain down, call it garbage weed from hell, and a lot of other complaints to cover their "no-growin'" asses. True, she's a little tricky, but if treated with a little tenderness and LST, AND, given a LOT of know what I'm saying, LOL. Enjoy Ruiner, Good luck & good grow.......BB
Thank you Thank you, It's nice to be here, it really is...
The other 2-3 of these beans will most certainly be getting popped one day.... one day when I have a 6 month supply to hold me over....

Hey, do you guys ever see the bottom buds ripen before the top buds? My bottom buds are frostier and have more orange hairs.


Well-Known Member
Holly crap, I just looked at the sample branch under my 45x scope (at the next bud up the stem) and it looks like a a magical mushroom city of clear tricomes!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't help it...

This one was about to snap too,... yonk!
lol.."oops looks like i snaped a other..silly me" know whats crazy is your probly the only person in a very large area thats going to have this in mouth is watering:-P


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1198279View attachment 1198280

I can't imagine anyone else putting them selves though this intentionally, that's what I've been telling a buddy, no one else will have this nearby because no one else wants to mess with it!

Also, forgot to mention this morning:

I watered with about 5\6 a gallon of strait well water. I didn't both ph'ing it or anything else, just gave it some cool crisp stinky well water... being in week 15 I figured I could probably start to taper it off at this point, lets she how she responds...


Well-Known Member
Well, I figured that since things were taking so long to finish that I'd give her one(hopefully!) last shot of something to eat. A lot of the new growth was starting to yellow and it was happening to fast, this should help with that. I might be able to let this thing go on forever, it's as if it grew buds, and then grew whole new buds again out of the tops of those. I just can't chop yet, every few days I've got another joint worth of fresh new buds, chopping this girl will be a matter of getting her when the old is almost to far gone, and the new if just barely ready, giving me a full range of amber to clear trics. BTW; The sample buds are simply great. I'll end up chopping another lower branch in the next week I'm sure, it's been fun to feel what the difference is in the high from a 12 week branch and a 15 week branch. Here are a couple pictures from just before week 16 is starting.

Here's what I did last night/this morning:

mixed two gallons of well water with
1/4 cup worm castings
1/4 Jamaican bat guano
1/8 Peruvian seabird guano
1/2 tbsp Liquid Karma
1/2 eye balled tbsp molasses
1/2 a cap full of Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed extract
I let it bubble overnight

came to 759 ppms
and the PH was surprisingly high @ about 7.01, especially considering the well water starts @ 4.7
I didn't bother using any PH down, this should be fine though everything considered. It makes me happy to see all this new growth start to fatten up and all the rest of her keep getting frostier everyday!


Active Member
Hey Ruiner. That lady is truly becoming an enigma! 15 weeks of flowering and you haven't chopped yet and now more nutes. You're a madman. You already got a 6 months supply, what more are you gonna get at this point? A few grams? She is an amazing plant, by the way.:peace::leaf:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
notice the third pic above, all of the leaf/bud coming out of the tops of all those flowers is new as of a week ago, she has still got quite a few white hairs... believe it or not, she is still really growing.... 16 weeks today... it can't be tooooo much longer now...

also, another week 16 sample below, looks even better then the week 15 sample! :)
(this is the same branch the very very first sample came from, hence the gimpy bottom bud)


Well-Known Member
I'd say 2 weeks. Straight water and chop. You should rename this the Perpetual Flower Grow, lol.
You ain't shittin buddy. Perpetual indeed, I perpetually watch it grow and grow and grow, hell I'm surprised all the original buds i sampled hadn't regrown by now! Some are on their way! I WILL chop her in the next one - two weeks without a doubt.

Anyone want to start taking guesses on final weight?

Here's some food for though, all the lower buds have only been about 1-2 grams per branch... the first one I chopped and let dry for a few days trimmed all the buds away from the stem and threw on a digital scale only to watch it teeter between 1 and 2 grams (I needed a more precise scale for this job, i know)
I'd guess the same for the branch I chopped this morning, between 1-2 grams dried.... soooo, with that in mind, any guesses?


Well-Known Member
about a 1/4 lb. would be my guess
Whoa whoa whoa there buddy. If I get a 1/4 lb off this one plant I'll be making canna-butter out of an ounce of it. I am humbled and honored that you think I might get that much, (and you know more about this than I do, so I pray your right) but If I get over 2 ounces I'll be surprised! These buds are very airy and light... of coarse all I have real exp with so far are the wispy very bottom buds... Moash, you know your shit bro, no doubt, but have you grown a TSS before? no disrespect at all