What can i do with this goup.[Sanpedro]


Active Member
I don't think i got the full experience. I think this was bcause of 1 of 3 things. i eather burnt some alkaloids at teh end[very unlikely i was sturrin' that shit] or it was because of the half an ounce of liquid i couldn't drink, or my specimen was low on magic. Does a lighter san pedro, mean more stressed san pedro, mean higher concentrations of alkaloids? mine looked dark green, with a very healthy look to it.

It was so thick and pasty. I thought "I could mix this with cookie dough and make about 8 cookies and cook@250 to 300. and just eat those lol. sound like a plan? or is the oven a bad area..I'm just looking for other peoples ways of ingesting it. when I make this again in a week or so i want to have a plan. I couldn't possibly drink that diarrhea anymore =p
Plus. ANC was greatly disappointed that i didn't give him a 1000 WORD ESSAY on my experience. I WILL FULFILL MY OBLIGATION@!!#!
i know nothing of the cacti or mescaline.

ive only been around psilocybin, lsd, and mdma.
but hopefully your next experience will be better.
sorry to hear about the depression...=/

but ANC just got a little 'AN-C' hahaha....we all do
i know nothing of the cacti or mescaline.

ive only been around psilocybin, lsd, and mdma.
but hopefully your next experience will be better.
sorry to hear about the depression...=/

but ANC just got a little 'AN-C' hahaha....we all do
haha well
cant win them all.
and it wasn't really depressed. i couldn't hardly look back at anything. it was wierd. like a mental block. i couldnt remember for the life of me what happened at that moment. really tough to explain
Lsd is what you get when you cross a mad rodeo horse with my little pony, something totaly unpredictable in nature.
I will find the correct resin tek for you to try next time. leaving half your dose in the glass, and taking 2 hours to ingest the other half is not conducive to tripping.
But first a few days of nice clean living to detox.
LSD scares me. ive never tried. but the things ive heard people doing on that drug is like....wow lol

El is the sacrament as far as I'm concerned. It's given me the most grounding and introspective experiences I've ever had. Changed my life for the better.
haha well
cant win them all.
and it wasn't really depressed. i couldn't hardly look back at anything. it was wierd. like a mental block. i couldnt remember for the life of me what happened at that moment. really tough to explain

from reading trip reports and after several psilocybin and lsd trips...
ive come to realize the longer and longer days go by, the more i remember my journey.

maybe this will happen to you? im sure it will.
Lsd is what you get when you cross a mad rodeo horse with my little pony, something totaly unpredictable in nature.
I will find the correct resin tek for you to try next time. leaving half your dose in the glass, and taking 2 hours to ingest the other half is not conducive to tripping.
But first a few days of nice clean living to detox.

And that resin tek sounds good. i'll be doing this agian next week. i finished more then half. there was basically half an oz. and i had about 4oz of liquid total to begin with
...so my cookie thing wont work?

from reading trip reports and after several psilocybin and lsd trips...
ive come to realize the longer and longer days go by, the more i remember my journey.

maybe this will happen to you? im sure it will.

Nono. im sure it was a seritonin thing, maybe with a little bit of fatige. i also smoked 3 grams of kush in a pipe durning my trip. not verry good man.
way too much. at the time tho i was in exctacy haha
I think the fact that you were loaded with cactus alkaloids from the previous attempt also got you a bit.
But I'm sure yo usee the potential once you get fully aquainted with this substance, idealy one would build up and test your tollerance.
say 100mg first time, 200 next time 3 to 400 when you want to go all the way. And this is where cactus tea and resin has the disadvantage as your dosage will only be a rough guess.
I think the fact that you were loaded with cactus alkaloids from the previous attempt also got you a bit.
But I'm sure yo usee the potential once you get fully aquainted with this substance, idealy one would build up and test your tollerance.
say 100mg first time, 200 next time 3 to 400 when you want to go all the way. And this is where cactus tea and resin has the disadvantage as your dosage will only be a rough guess.
You know i was thinking the same thing. my first attempt, i now know wasnt completely failed because i did feel initial effect but they wore off in 30 minutes or less.
Ideally for me though, is to get to 200+ for my first and 400+ for the next. I felt i'm used to a few hallucinogens, and if my first go of this wasn't to intense i wanted to try bridgesii after i completely detox[a week or more]

So, I really wanted to know if i could take my end product that i had and mix it in with cookie dough[roughly 6 to 8 cookies worth] and cook them at 250 to 300 degrees[below mescaline's average melting point] and eat those like the cookie monster on sesame st?
just evap that stuff at low temp till its like tar and roll balls.
But it would be a small dose again ?
just evap that stuff at low temp till its like tar and roll balls.
But it would be a small dose again ?
no this is going to be another san pedro more then likely. a light stressed one[alldaysun] and more length[24inches]. the bridgesii in my area are like 50$ each foot. im going to have to wait to buy those cuttings someone was nice enough to show me on ebay.
San pedro tho is around 10$ a foot, and i've found both light stressed ones and extremely healty babies![6 inches or less]

So if i would have kept going[once again i stopped at 4 oz or so] it would have been turned into tar? awesome. i guess im gonna try that, and if it doesn't agree with me then after that i'll try my secret cookie recipe hahah!

Hey thanks again for all your help anc. It's been great having someone experienced to talk to lol.