plants becoming droopy when the lights go off.


Active Member
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows why this happens/can happen. I have been doing quick temperature checks during the dark period because i close the closet door when the plants go to sleep. when i have been checking the past couple nights, i noticed the plants fan leaves all drooping down. Thanks to anyone who can help me out with this.

peace :leaf:

check out my grow!


Well-Known Member
Ya know, that usedto happen to me all the time, and everyone told me it was perfectly normal. Granted, it never hurt a thing, BUT, I think there's more to it, than that. I am still testing my theory, but am almost certain they they are a little hungry for nitrogen. The droop right after a heavy watering, because the soil is too wet, limiting nute uptake. They droop when they are getting almsot to the point of needing watered, because a good portion if the roots are in dry areas, and not able to feed. Then, there's the general drooping, for no real reason, other than a simple lack of nutes. The thing I've found, is that no matter what the situation, a foliar feeding with veg fert, will perk them up, happy as can be. That tells me that they are a little hungry. Maybe not to the point of possible deficiency, just on a limited diet, so to speak. Common sense will tell you that this'll slow them down, a little.

The reason they are perked up the next day, is that they had time to store nutes during the night, enough to keep them happy for some, or most, of the day. During 'lights on' the plant is still absorbing nutes, but not quite enough to sustain happiness, being that more are being processed, at that time. Therefore, when the nute supply dips below demand, the plants will droop.

That's my thoery, anyway. :wink:


Active Member
that all sounds like it makes sense to me. would you suggest that i try doing a foliar feeding right before lights out? if so, how often? i have some bat guano that is high in Nitrogen that i could use for a foliar feed. Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
jawbrodt - I've seen a lot of your posts on here, and I like the way you think. You said do a foliar feeding with veg ferts. I don't know if you know about BMO nutes, but they provide a foliar spray with their 4-pack nutrient line. Do you think I could do a 1/4 strength vegetative nutes as well as a 1/4 strength foliar feed, or should I stick with just one? If you don't know anything about BMO, no worries.


Active Member
they are drooping because there is no light therefore no need to waist energy reaching out for it...


Well-Known Member
When I first checked my baby this morning (right after lights came on), it was a bit droopy. I'll check again when I get home and report back.


Well-Known Member
Yes, drooping later in the day is normal. They droop, grow a bit, and then perk up right before lights on. At least that's what it's like for mine. Watering and nutes really have no effect on my plant's droopage. The leaves start to droop around 8 pm, which is really early because lights go out at 1 am. But they're healthy so I don't worry about it.


Active Member
yeah mine dont droop before lights go off, just after. but im glad to hear that this is a normal thing to happen. thanks everyone.

u guys should check out my grow!


Well-Known Member
jawbrodt - I've seen a lot of your posts on here, and I like the way you think. You said do a foliar feeding with veg ferts. I don't know if you know about BMO nutes, but they provide a foliar spray with their 4-pack nutrient line. Do you think I could do a 1/4 strength vegetative nutes as well as a 1/4 strength foliar feed, or should I stick with just one? If you don't know anything about BMO, no worries.
Thanks man.:bigjoint: Nah, I'm not familiar with BMO nutes, but, I can say that if they're compatible with other ferts, that they can be used together for foliar feeding. 1/4 + 1/4 won't be too strong, if that's what you were worried about. I used mine at full strength(both Dynagro Grow and Calmag Plug) without issue. The main thing you want to remember, is to hit the with straight water, the next day(or, within 3 or 4), so that nutes don't get built up on the foliage. The excess, will either be absorbed, or washed off. Both helpful. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.:bigjoint: Nah, I'm not familiar with BMO nutes, but, I can say that if they're compatible with other ferts, that they can be used together for foliar feeding. 1/4 + 1/4 won't be too strong, if that's what you were worried about. I used mine at full strength(both Dynagro Grow and Calmag Plug) without issue. The main thing you want to remember, is to hit the with straight water, the next day(or, within 3 or 4), so that nutes don't get built up on the foliage. The excess, will either be absorbed, or washed off. Both helpful. :cool:
Thanks for the heads up, +Rep.