FIRST GROW - More Then I Can Handle


Well-Known Member
i think i have a problem on my hands.. i had transplanted my Sour Diesel and SH-Early into recycle bins a couple days ago, and they have dried out like they normally would from when they were in the smaller pots (8inch pots i think) which is every 3 days.. they are droopy like they need water.. i fed them when i transplanted them so all the soil around the part that was transplanted is still all wet (plants in recycle bins that are fed 1 litre dry out in 5 days usually), so do you think the plant just dried up in the middle like it thinks its in the old pot? should i water 500ml in just the middle? (i used to water or feed 500ml to the 8inch potted plants) i dont know what to do, they are droopy, fuck lol
if the soil is wet in the center then do not water, it could just be in shock from the transplant.. but if your dirt is still dry around where all your root mass is then water wont be a bad idea


Active Member
Very good possibility that the problem is shock.... Any dry soil in that container will absorb the moisture from the wet soil, so the possibility of the soil being wet on the outside and dry on the inside is unlikely. It is good habit to water around the plant when you transplant it, that way the roots go searching for the wettest soil initially.. If you were to water around the stalk or stem, you could have slower growth because the soil surrounding the plant is soaked, thus no need for the roots to travel so quickly into the new soil.. If you want a large plant, you should have a large basin for your roots to grow in... Funny thing happens in nature, the plants leaves will grow as wide as they have to to cover and protect the roots from damage from the environment.. small 1 gallon bucket, your leaves will cover it... increase the size of the container, and the leaves will grow out to cover the roots. So the recycling bins, along with being a rectangle or square and not circular, which is not conducive for root growth, it is large... you will have some nice little girls on your hands..

if the soil is wet in the center then do not water, it could just be in shock from the transplant.. but if your dirt is still dry around where all your root mass is then water wont be a bad idea


Well-Known Member
yea thats whats to trick about this grow.. if he would ever build the walls..

haha j/k gibbs whats crackn man?
lol i know eh, fuck i need money im broke.. such a pain in the ass.. i'll let u know whats up soon. whats up with that sketch tho haha, thanx again.


Well-Known Member
Very good possibility that the problem is shock.... Any dry soil in that container will absorb the moisture from the wet soil, so the possibility of the soil being wet on the outside and dry on the inside is unlikely. It is good habit to water around the plant when you transplant it, that way the roots go searching for the wettest soil initially.. If you were to water around the stalk or stem, you could have slower growth because the soil surrounding the plant is soaked, thus no need for the roots to travel so quickly into the new soil.. If you want a large plant, you should have a large basin for your roots to grow in... Funny thing happens in nature, the plants leaves will grow as wide as they have to to cover and protect the roots from damage from the environment.. small 1 gallon bucket, your leaves will cover it... increase the size of the container, and the leaves will grow out to cover the roots. So the recycling bins, along with being a rectangle or square and not circular, which is not conducive for root growth, it is large... you will have some nice little girls on your hands..

ya when i transplanted i watered around the plant like you say, in the new soil and then some in the middle so the roots would stretch into the new soil but like i said the middle just dried up so i ended up watering them the 500ml and they are up and running again, just will take a little to dry them out again before next watering


Well-Known Member
bad new, i found a web on the clone in the very back corner in the small metal shiny pot and it was covered in spider mites, dont know what i should all spray down when the lights go off tonight, the lights go off at 2 and its 12:50


Active Member
Yo, I am doing a very similar grow in terms of size, medium, and approach. I am subbed, check out my set up which is basically 100w sunblaze t5 and 400w mh in clone "sub-room" then 1000w hps, 600w hps, and 400w hps all hortilux and placed progressively in a perpetual harvest system such that the youngins are under 400w and the big boys are under the 1000w light, the 600w is for the plants in the final flushing phase, as they need a bit less intensity. We should keep in touch as any problems you have could be mine tomorrow and vice versa. Good job and good luck!


Active Member
go buy diatomaceous earth from home depot...

pretty sure this is the bottle I have.... sprinkle the powder on the plants.. leave for two to three days.. then wash the plants with water and a spray botttle to get all the powder off..

This comes straight from Wikipedia, for diatomaceous earth under the pest control section...

Diatomite is also used as an insecticide, due to its physico-sorptive properties. The fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects' exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate[7]. Arthropods die as a result of the water pressure deficiency, based on Fick's law of diffusion. This also works against gastropods and is commonly employed in gardening to defeat slugs. However, since slugs inhabit humid environments, efficacy is very low. It is sometimes mixed with an attractant or other additives to increase its effectiveness. Medical-grade diatomite is sometimes used to de-worm both animals and humans. It is most commonly used in lieu of boric acid, and can be used to help control and eventually eliminate a cockroach infestation. This material has wide application for insect control in grain storage.[8] It has also been used to control bedbug infestations.[9]
Do this ASAP... and take the plant away from the others.. if you are unable to control the problem, its best to sacrifice one plant fro the sake of your room.. if you are able to control the problem, you can always put the plant back in.. but if you leave it in you may be opening yourself to many other problems..

Best of luck...


Active Member
As for the soil, you should wet the new stuff before you put it in the bucket. If it is dry then it will draw any water from your transplanted root ball/soil and dry it out.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Not sure diatoms will do much for mites. Don't know everything though. We use it on the farm to control slugs, cabbage loopers, squash borers and such. It's also the absolute best cure for fungus gnats. I'd try pyrethrum. Just set of a Dr. Doom bomb in my room yesterday. Seems to be working, on the adults anyway. Whatever organic product you use, repeat twice at 3 day intervals to kill successive generations.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
this is the clone i found the web on, that clone is like invested, there was a bunch on it.. i havent seen any on the other plants. i do have alot of different ways of getting rid of these, i have some "Shultz" insecticide spray, i have "Doktor Doom" Botanical foaming spray, i have "Doktor Doom" (dark green bottle) spray for cracks and windows etc. (potent), i have Neem Oil (dont think its the full out actual neem oil tho so i havent used it yet), and i have those "Hot Shot No Pest Strips" mine is named different, but its a thing that you hang and it puts this chemical vapour into the air and kills anything close to it (mainly meant for flying insects) but i think i'll put them up again anyways, they got rid of the thrips by themselves no problem before.

the thing is i dont know if i should spray ALL of the plants, that seems like alot of stress to put the plants through aswell as alot of plants, and the ones under the 400watt are younge. but if anything i would spray everything under the 400watt. i put the clone outside on my table, dont care about it, im not bringing it back inside, fuck that lol.. but maaaayb cuz it is getting pretty cold outside, and cold temps. get rid of them apparently. either way the main focus is obv. the rest of the garden

specific comments please



Well-Known Member
Yo, I am doing a very similar grow in terms of size, medium, and approach. I am subbed, check out my set up which is basically 100w sunblaze t5 and 400w mh in clone "sub-room" then 1000w hps, 600w hps, and 400w hps all hortilux and placed progressively in a perpetual harvest system such that the youngins are under 400w and the big boys are under the 1000w light, the 600w is for the plants in the final flushing phase, as they need a bit less intensity. We should keep in touch as any problems you have could be mine tomorrow and vice versa. Good job and good luck!
thanx man sounds good, i'll check it out.


Well-Known Member
Im so jealous of your setup :cuss: I wish I had that much room, So many possibilities!!!

your right, Lots of possibilities, so many different ways i could be doing things, so many plants to fuck with haha.. it can be overwelming at times, like right now im suppose to buy more water bottles cuz i wasnt able to feed my "main mother" and the "G13" yesterday.. theres a couple different schedules i have to go by lol


Well-Known Member
all the insecticide products i mentioned above have pyrethrum in it.. so they should do the trick, just again not sure if i should spray ALL the plants down.


your right, Lots of possibilities, so many different ways i could be doing things, so many plants to fuck with haha.. it can be overwelming at times, like right now im suppose to buy more water bottles cuz i wasnt able to feed my "main mother" and the "G13" yesterday.. theres a couple different schedules i have to go by lol
Oh yeah I would be in their for at least half of the day, You would have to be to take care of EVERYTHING!! Good Luck to you my friend your gonna be busy!