i havnt smoked that crap in 25 years..
lol OG. 25 years ago my dad was fucking my mom with a condom probably
I've been getting only good weed for a few months now, so when my buddy had to give up smoking for a while (some bitch called social services on him, and he used to sell / has a semi-auto rifle, but all worked out fine and he passed his UA, he also has a 6 month old child) he gave me about 3.5 ounces of shake, I don't even tell people I have it to sell, it's such crap...smells pretty bad too. Oh well, if people really want it, they can get it.
Here's the stuff I got last night. Must've been cured...weird, but it smells / tastes decent it's just compact.
that weed doesnt look that bad. I would smoke it
hah, right now.. being today is day one of week #4 since I've had a sack.. or even smoked.. (about to lose my mind..).. I would take that without complaining. Hell, if I could even find something close to that, to smoke.... I'd give that person a giant ass hug.. and give them praise. Heh, so yeah.. if you don't want it.. I'll take it off your hands.
i can't waaait, they will be done hanging for a week this thursday.. closest i have to a fresh sack.. other then that just some premature snowryder for me haha and im not going to bother to take a pic of that
Hahaha well where I'm from in socal it's $45 for 3.5 but they hooked it up at the expo in San Fran haha. Could of went 2 hours further north to Mendocino and got a zip of hash for $100. Love how it varries all over Cali
Move here!
I wish dealers in this area would start selling actual strains instead of everything there is simply being "kush" and not that it's kush, simply that they are of the mentality that would call weed "dro" regardless of what it is etc.
I know exactly what you mean. People always get me hyped up and are like "Dude i got some prime kush, then i get there and i just say nope, thats not kush.
hah, right now.. being today is day one of week #4 since I've had a sack.. or even smoked.. (about to lose my mind..).. I would take that without complaining. Hell, if I could even find something close to that, to smoke.... I'd give that person a giant ass hug.. and give them praise. Heh, so yeah.. if you don't want it.. I'll take it off your hands.
Ha Ha....he said..Sackall you guys got some very nice lookin sacs.
it saddens me to double post this (new material at least)
A good friend just came by and went
Looks pretty good man!
I like this thread, I hope it turns into a daily thing for people to post their sacks hahahaha
Thanks dude. It's a very therapeutic stone. VERY spicy in smell!
I like looking at weed, and hearing about people acquire it. So I too hope this thread keeps rollin.