I think your trippin man. lol It looks purple to me. I agree with notorious, it is the real deal though, SR71 PK. It has alway been right at 56 days, but I have let it go to 60 too. I don't find any difference in the few extra days. It is a 8 week strain exactly IMO. Since I have added the CO2, I have actually shaved a couple days off of that. I do think the purpling has a lot to do with the reservior temps. Last round mine had just a hint of purple to them, but that was before I got my res chillers and keep the res temps at 68 deg. I used to mix my res and feed immiediatley when I hand watered, so the water temps were always cold ( 68-70deg). I think the water temps have a lot to do with the coloring. I have also heard if you drop the room temps way down during the lights out for the last couple of weeks they will color up, but I have never had room temps under 74 deg. I have even heard of people throwing wet trimmed buds in the freezer for a couple hours to color them up, but I would never do that one myself. It just sounds dumb. lol I do think the lower room temps would work though, I have heard it from many experienced growers. I have been asked many times if I drop room my temps way down to get my buds purple, but I haven't. There is also a product that Boomer used that is supposed to make them purple. Sorry I can't remember the name.
Anyway man, I think you did a great job. So I would be proud of that bomber bud you just grew. How did the GC turn out?