I guess I double posted that last one. oops
It looks like my lovely ladies have all recovered from the overfertiliztion. Even the one really affected has started growing again, but its way behind the others.
schedule for plants:
watered 4 times a day for 4 min with 1150ppm
co2 set at 1100ppm and rises to 1225 and falls to around 1000
room temp is held at a constant 81 degrees
humidity is at 45 to 50%
The clones got their first feeding this week of 200ppm and last night got 400.
All seems good in the shed at the moment. The one shot of floramite has eradicated the little bastards and I have not seen one single pest since. I also mixed in a little neem oil when i applied the floramite about a month and a half ago.
heres the shed in full bloom

the pk

The green crack