Welcome New Members!

Greetings and respect,
it's been nice to read helpful info from everyone's experiences.
Makes sense to join the forums. I'm a first time grower, with much love for the sensimilla and the earth. I'm keeping it organic and I feel like I'll get some positive results with some care and respect of this righteous plant.
Would like to get into some chill conversations about this natural hobby.
Just to let it be known, I'm working with 9 seedlings at the moment, most of those approaching 4-6 inches at the present moment. Waiting to figure which will become the ladies. I've got a simple grow room, but it feels right. I might be mistaken, but we'll see.
'til later,
Greetings and respect,
it's been nice to read helpful info from everyone's experiences.
Makes sense to join the forums. I'm a first time grower, with much love for the sensimilla and the earth. I'm keeping it organic and I feel like I'll get some positive results with some care and respect of this righteous plant.
Would like to get into some chill conversations about this natural hobby.
Just to let it be known, I'm working with 9 seedlings at the moment, most of those approaching 4-6 inches at the present moment. Waiting to figure which will become the ladies. I've got a simple grow room, but it feels right. I might be mistaken, but we'll see.
'til later,

Startup a grow journal brother! And welcome to our family.
Hey everybody.
I came across this site trying to figure out how to grow a plant the best i can with what Ive got. This is my first time trying to grow, and honestly the first time i have ever even seen a plant. I have found some useful information. So if I post some pics I could really use some imput cause im not 100% on if they look good. They do look healthy though.
Hey everybody.
I came across this site trying to figure out how to grow a plant the best i can with what Ive got. This is my first time trying to grow, and honestly the first time i have ever even seen a plant. I have found some useful information. So if I post some pics I could really use some imput cause im not 100% on if they look good. They do look healthy though.

This site is very friendly to questions. If you have questions (and especially pictures), go and make a thread. If you go to the marijuana plant problems, or newbie central boards, you will certainly get some thoughtful replies. Welcome to the forum, and I hope your grow goes well!


P.S. If you haven't gone through the GrowFAQ (link at the top of ever page), there is some extensive reading through which to go that will aid you in your quest. You can even look at some pics along the read to compare your plants to others. It is a good place to look before you panic.
it can depend on the strain you are growing, plants that like humidity will do very well in your climate .. Indigenous plants that grow near the Equator are said to be more potent also. What condition is your plant in ? and what do u feed it ?
wazzup everyone??i love the chat here..im pretty knowlegable amout the but but iv never actually had my hand at it and im tryin now...ok here what im workin with..i got five seeds from a smoke session of some pretty good budz..and they are currintly in a wet paper town which is in a zipplock pouch.iv got soil in a small paper cup waiting for seedlings..ive got a closet with about eight feet in hieght and 3 feet in width for space..plan on getting a high pressure sodium light soon (heard it could be used for vegetative and flower stages and still give a honerable yield..this correct??)..i was planning on putting aluminum foil in the walls for maximum lighting... let me know if you think my first time has a possibility of survival..(lol)
P.S. is there any kind of common or less expensive lighting i could use for this other than a HPS light??where could i get it?(ex>lowe's, home depot, walmart?)
Your pit is SO adorable! I have a lil pit pup and she is so much work. Pit pup and a Grow.. should be interesting. Well good luck on your grow and welcome
and how long does it take the seeds to sprout in the paper towel/ziplock contraption??had them there for about a day and a haldf and nothing yet should i worry??
Jus Sayin hi n i REALLY need some help with ma plant....
The stem is unusualy long and the leaves are drooping dramatically!!
The plant in 45cm tall and has about 8 leaves onit which a few are concerning me becuz there quite thin and have really faint patches on them...i use tap water for watering it...
i have 3 lamps onit for lightin..and foil around the walls
i am a beginner if u havent noticed (lool) PLZ get bk to me A.S.A.P. dnt want ma babys dying lol..


wazzup everyone??i love the chat here..im pretty knowlegable amout the but but iv never actually had my hand at it and im tryin now...ok here what im workin with..i got five seeds from a smoke session of some pretty good budz..and they are currintly in a wet paper town which is in a zipplock pouch.iv got soil in a small paper cup waiting for seedlings..ive got a closet with about eight feet in hieght and 3 feet in width for space..plan on getting a high pressure sodium light soon (heard it could be used for vegetative and flower stages and still give a honerable yield..this correct??)..i was planning on putting aluminum foil in the walls for maximum lighting... let me know if you think my first time has a possibility of survival..(lol)
P.S. is there any kind of common or less expensive lighting i could use for this other than a HPS light??where could i get it?(ex>lowe's, home depot, walmart?)currently placed seeds in a wet paper towl .been there for a day and a half..how long till sprouting occurs
:joint:wazzup everyone??i love the chat here..im pretty knowlegable amout the but but iv never actually had my hand at it and im tryin now...ok here what im workin with..i got five seeds from a smoke session of some pretty good budz..and they are currintly in a wet paper town which is in a zipplock pouch.iv got soil in a small paper cup waiting for seedlings..ive got a closet with about eight feet in hieght and 3 feet in width for space..plan on getting a high pressure sodium light soon (heard it could be used for vegetative and flower stages and still give a honerable yield..this correct??)..i was planning on putting aluminum foil in the walls for maximum lighting... let me know if you think my first time has a possibility of survival..(lol)
P.S. is there any kind of common or less expensive lighting i could use for this other than a HPS light??where could i get it?(ex>lowe's, home depot, walmart?)currently placed seeds in a wet paper towl .been there for a day and a half..how long till sprouting occurs:joint:
Jus Sayin hi n i REALLY need some help with ma plant....
The stem is unusualy long and the leaves are drooping dramatically!!
The plant in 45cm tall and has about 8 leaves onit which a few are concerning me becuz there quite thin and have really faint patches on them...i use tap water for watering it...
i have 3 lamps onit for lightin..and foil around the walls
i am a beginner if u havent noticed (lool) PLZ get bk to me A.S.A.P. dnt want ma babys dying lol..


as far as the tap..ive heard that if you leave the water to sit for a cuople dayz it should be ok..someone correct me if im wrong..someone else told me aluminum foil is not a good idea if thats what your using..better off painting walls white..again pls correct me if im wrong..im not sure why you plant is unusually tall..it could be your lighting ..some lights stimulate stem growth,some leaf growth,etc.what kinda lighting do u have???high pressure sodium lights are good and for something cheaper try cfl's(compact florescent lights)
yeh im from the uk, and i was jus wonderin thers helicopters that chek for heat emmitting from your plant, with them thermal cams, now im wonderin is ther a way that you can evade them? or you jus bound to get busted? can anyone help???:neutral:
:joint:id help if i8 could but i never even heard of that till today...how cold they even do that??trees emitt heat and other plants to..how can they even tell the difference???im from upstate ny so were in 2 totally ifferent surroundings..goodluck though bro:joint:
i dno bout america. but in the uk, boyz from the hood get lockd up for that for 4 years, for possession, and 8 to 10 years for growin, and i needs sumin that hides the heat of the lights from the choppers thermal cams, its what they chase criminals wit, cos humans give off heat and the lights give off alot of heat which is different from surronding heat, so i wana kno what i can do to either hide it, or mask it or do sumin sp the cops cant see me!
:joint:ohhh. well thnx bro i learned somethin new today...anybody know if they do that in upstate ny..?if so i got the same question as THEKING:joint: