this is kinda what me and Rollbluntz were getting at. they aren't true green and red bulbs (if anything you'd call them blue and red though) they are just different spectrum's. 6500k(ish) is a blue spectrum light, which is better for veg growth, and something cooler like a 3700k(ish) bulb is a 'red' spectrum, better for flower.
I was unable to get red spectrum lights in time for either of my grows (funds limited) so have been using the 6400k they came with since the start. they have indeed given me good results, but, i am starting to think that maybe the foxtails i have been getting are because of it. Ive kept my heat under control, used both bagseed and mail order genetics, and both grows now have gotten them. I am kinda eager to get some red ones for next time and see if foxtails still appear, would be interesting if they didn't.