Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow


Active Member
That's what's up. I think im gonna let mine sit for another week or two till i see more red and less white hairs. Dam thing won't quote spitting out white ones though 10-11 weeks of flowering or so and still spitting out white ones. Actin like some real bitches Hahaha


Well-Known Member
nice! cant wait bet ur excited!
i def am rasta!!! u will finally get the smoke and yield report u were asking about....and remember to come on over to my new ebb and flow journal....its gonna be a perpetual grow, where im pullin 1 tray every 2 weeks and putting a fresh tray in every 2 weeks....and each tray has 20 lollipops in it, so 20 plants every 2 weeks will be if i really want to....i can have differents strains jumpin off every other week...pimpin right????? im excited homie....ill keep ya posted....peace...Ganja


Well-Known Member
That's what's up. I think im gonna let mine sit for another week or two till i see more red and less white hairs. Dam thing won't quote spitting out white ones though 10-11 weeks of flowering or so and still spitting out white ones. Actin like some real bitches Hahaha
Bro, i wouldnt touch them bitches until they stop growing new growth...ur doing the right thing...believe me, i know its scissors fingers are so damn itchy....i wanna cut something, anything....soon...soon...thats all i keep tellin myself....i guess i cant rush!!!


Well-Known Member
as riddle says think of it as a doctor the more patients u have the more money u make in the long run!
Here ya go rasta....and anybody else who is gonna peep the new grow ill be starting in a couple weeks....heres the first pics of what i got in the works....My flower room in still in use, so these pics are just the mock up table and trial run of pumps in the middle of my basement....and this just in!!!I think the table will be rockin' with a 8" air cooled 1000watthps on a 7" lightmover....thats just what i heard anyway:bigjoint:....we'll see....peace out guys....Ganja



Active Member
Hey what's good, man that new setup looks ridiculous. I wish i could legally grow id do big things,maybe on day right. They are sting to maybe legalize medical here in Nov. This is the fourth or fifth time its been voted on maybe this time it will pass.


Well-Known Member
yo...what up heres the girls...gettin all skunky and big and shit!!!:leaf:im loving it....trichs are about 3 to 5% amber...the great white is further than the sour diesel...which is wierd, cause the great white is supposed to be longer flower time than the diesel...but its not minding...just diggin the shit outta watchin them grow like crazy in these last couple weeks...hell a couple weeks back i was wiggin out thinkin i was gonna lose can laugh now..finally....anyway pics 1,3,6,7 are the sour diesel, and pics 2,8,9,10 are the great white shark....havent smoked the great white cant say what its about....won a cannabis cup some years thats gotta speak for something...we'll see...the sour diesel lives up to its name once again...and that was off a tester nugg about 2 1/2 weeks prematur...has the very diesely, fuel type smell...with a pungent, bitter, but pleasurably smooth taste...cant wait to smoke a fully cured bud of either...soon...very soon...peace,enjoy and let me know what u guys think of my 1st real grow....Ganja



Well-Known Member
dman man u over there doin it big huh! lol cant wait till that tables up and runnin and them bitches are lookin o so good not to far away now!


Well-Known Member
hey ganja i used to be a beliver about flushing until i read a fw articles her and there one that riddleme put togethr and basically people treat the plant as if its a toilet during the flush like u can just flush it and the waste (nutes ferts etc.) will drain out and go somewhere else...well if u ever noticed during a flush the fan leaves always yellow and die off...this is happening because the plant isnt getting what it needs i.e. nutes so it takes it from the fan in true fact all your flushing is your medium becuase what u dont give the plant it will take anyway...

the last two weeks prior to harvest is the most important time where the buds put on most of its y is that we dont feed it? y starve it during these critical times? i tried this and fed %100 nutes during the last tree stayed green all up until a day be4 i drowned her...the weed is not harsh and does not snap crackle and pop!

it takes anywhere from 30mins to a few hours for the water to reach the top of the plant...y not just have a really big flush the day u cut?

u should try this with one of your trees i did and the results kicked everybodies 'no 2week flush=harsh shitty smoke' theory in the nutts..u should give a thought...imo


Active Member
hey ganja i used to be a beliver about flushing until i read a fw articles her and there one that riddleme put togethr and basically people treat the plant as if its a toilet during the flush like u can just flush it and the waste (nutes ferts etc.) will drain out and go somewhere else...well if u ever noticed during a flush the fan leaves always yellow and die off...this is happening because the plant isnt getting what it needs i.e. nutes so it takes it from the fan in true fact all your flushing is your medium becuase what u dont give the plant it will take anyway...

the last two weeks prior to harvest is the most important time where the buds put on most of its y is that we dont feed it? y starve it during these critical times? i tried this and fed %100 nutes during the last tree stayed green all up until a day be4 i drowned her...the weed is not harsh and does not snap crackle and pop!

it takes anywhere from 30mins to a few hours for the water to reach the top of the plant...y not just have a really big flush the day u cut?

u should try this with one of your trees i did and the results kicked everybodies 'no 2week flush=harsh shitty smoke' theory in the nutts..u should give a thought...imo
Imma try that on my next grow. Especially since I hate flushing. I usually take one plant from the grow and use it for different "experiments" anyway. It would be good if I was able to get the end product I wanted without the flushing. Thanks for the suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Nice! Are you flushing or using those SmokeNgrow nutes still? :)
what up dude???Yes my good sir, i am still using last time....fed 2 nights ago with the last of my SmokeNgrow nutes.....will start the flush for a week and then the chop....
ps...sorry i havent got back to ya DOL....been so damn busy trying to get all my ebb and flow shit built and set up...will be sending u something tonigh though....peace out Dude...Ganja


Well-Known Member
hey ganja i used to be a beliver about flushing until i read a fw articles her and there one that riddleme put togethr and basically people treat the plant as if its a toilet during the flush like u can just flush it and the waste (nutes ferts etc.) will drain out and go somewhere else...well if u ever noticed during a flush the fan leaves always yellow and die off...this is happening because the plant isnt getting what it needs i.e. nutes so it takes it from the fan in true fact all your flushing is your medium becuase what u dont give the plant it will take anyway...

the last two weeks prior to harvest is the most important time where the buds put on most of its y is that we dont feed it? y starve it during these critical times? i tried this and fed %100 nutes during the last tree stayed green all up until a day be4 i drowned her...the weed is not harsh and does not snap crackle and pop!

it takes anywhere from 30mins to a few hours for the water to reach the top of the plant...y not just have a really big flush the day u cut?

u should try this with one of your trees i did and the results kicked everybodies 'no 2week flush=harsh shitty smoke' theory in the nutts..u should give a thought...imo
Hey rasta...thanks for the on the fence about the whole flushing deal....ive smoked flushed and non-flushed herb and i cant taste no damn difference...ya digg??so i believe what ur saying....and just think about it, what ur saying makes 100% sense....plants need food to survive and why are we starving them?? im going to give it a try with a couple of these bitches and see what happens to them...So what exactly do i do to my plants???just keep feeding them then chop whenever i want????let me know..thanks homie...Ganja


Well-Known Member
just feed as normal look to even increased ur nute content lil bit...i mean dont go all out and create problems but yet wen ur ready to harvest it just give it a nice final flush and wait like 3hrs which is plenty of time for the water to reach the to of the plant and ur good...flushing just slushes medium not the actual rid a plant of nutes is like takin blood out of a human u just cant and still accpect it to survive...but yea give it a shot i mean an oppinion is an oppinion but a fact is a fact and u cant change that...give it a shot lemme kno if ur results are the same as mine


Well-Known Member
also the final 2-3weeks the plant does a shit load of feeding so u might actually find urself increasin nute dosage by quite alot


Well-Known Member
also the final 2-3weeks the plant does a shit load of feeding so u might actually find urself increasin nute dosage by quite alot
cool...thanks for breaking it down for me rast....appreciatte it and i will give it a whirl when i chop u said, facts are facts, so ill see if the facts are good!!peace out homie...Ganja


Well-Known Member
why is this kid randomly posting trees in this thread?..divine u should start ur own thread if u wanna show off your trees