Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow


Well-Known Member
yea man doi this little experiment riddle me pointed in the direction of...almost ready to harvest will come down this week :) cant wait to see what this lil cfl project is gonna yeild me


Well-Known Member
what up guys...just wanted to let u guys know how these new nutes that i got work....the name of them is "SmokenGro" is a guano based fertilizer....and they basically come pre mixed in a tea u just fill ur water up and add the tea bags....each teabag makes 5 gallons, i need 10 gallons for my grow, so i throw 2 teabags in...and i think u can get ones that are 1 teabag per gallon....heres the link if anyone is interested>"...this is my first time using them,, so i will update and give u my opinion on far i just love how basic they are..everything is measured for u...i didnt even have to mess with ppm which was right at 890-900ppm which is where i need to be at this stage, so no need for adjustment...and ph was spot on at 6.7, so i didnt need to adjust, so far im diggin that aspect of my plants react to them is the ultimate decision maker for me....will keep posted on how they react....big thanks to Dudeoflife:clap: for coming through with these nutes for me.... for those of u who dont know him, hes a riu member, and smokengrow is his company....i think we need to support each other in any way we can....stick together and alot of positive shit can happen....i will be running a ebb and flow setup for my next grow and will be using "smokengrow" nutes from beggining til stay tuned.....peace and keepem green....Ganja
Excellent writeup, Ganja!

You will see some serious resin production.


Well-Known Member
i chopped the small clone that was flowering...was hopin it would swell like crazy but every since i dropped her and she cracked under the crown it just stopped growing and ripened some sorta qwik so i harvested her...shes in another room drying lost most of her water weight already and i think it will be done soon well the dry willl be done soon! waiting till maybe tonight or another day be4 i chop the other tree


Well-Known Member
ok guys...was in my room tonight and my ladies were looking extra special to me, so i decided i needed to show my hoes off to you guys.....some trichs getting cloudy, so harvest should be within the next 2 to 21/2 weeks...peace and enjoy.,...:leaf:Ganja:leaf:



Well-Known Member
they are looking great and are still sweilling away!! god job:clap: cant wait for yeild and report!

howd those nutes work out for u?


Well-Known Member
they are looking great and are still sweilling away!! god job:clap: cant wait for yeild and report!

howd those nutes work out for u?
what up rast??yeah i cant wait to smoke some of this shit myself...especially the great white, havent had any of that yet....

nutes seem to be working awesome...the plants love them it seems like....and the best part about "smokengrow" is the price and the simplicity of how u mix them measuring spoons, just measure out all ur gallons and throw the "nutebag" in and its like making a cup of tea....just a really big i said, after this soil grow, im switching to the ebb and flow, 4 tray that will be the true test, when i run the smokengrow nutes, from beginning til end ya know? i can only give the opinion of what ive seen from this one feeding with them...i want to be able to review them for a full harvest and then give my honest results, ya dig???Nice, well i know ur glad u got urself some freshy fresh smoke huh??hows the taste??and what was the final yield???and did u chop ur other ones yet....Do u have any pics after u trimmed??if u do i wanna see them....let me know....peace brother.....Ganja


Well-Known Member
what up rast??yeah i cant wait to smoke some of this shit myself...especially the great white, havent had any of that yet....

nutes seem to be working awesome...the plants love them it seems like....and the best part about "smokengrow" is the price and the simplicity of how u mix them measuring spoons, just measure out all ur gallons and throw the "nutebag" in and its like making a cup of tea....just a really big i said, after this soil grow, im switching to the ebb and flow, 4 tray that will be the true test, when i run the smokengrow nutes, from beginning til end ya know? i can only give the opinion of what ive seen from this one feeding with them...i want to be able to review them for a full harvest and then give my honest results, ya dig???Nice, well i know ur glad u got urself some freshy fresh smoke huh??hows the taste??and what was the final yield???and did u chop ur other ones yet....Do u have any pics after u trimmed??if u do i wanna see them....let me know....peace brother.....Ganja
Thanks for the praise, Ganja.

In all fairness, GH Maxibloom has carried this one. SmokeNGrow is only icing on the cake for now, since it was introduced so late in the grow. However, I believe that your crop will produce a heluva lot more resin these next couple weeks than if ya stuck with the "other" brand :)

I would really like to see a start to finish with my soil recipe on here, though, one of these days.

In any case, I am stoked and eager to see your hydro skeeeeelz with my goods. That's a whole new thread, though.

Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
the clone ssadly was only 3grams dry...i didnt weigh it wet though but i was hopin for a quater but oh well lol it was a fun lil clone project i just took the clone super late lol and i kept it on 12/12 and it didnt really stretch much but she almost instantly started to wa a nice lil smoke i fast dried it (hung it but manipulated it with heaters and dehumidifiers) there was no cure so wasnt a great taste but i did get high...truthfully was disappointed i dropped it...i had to pick it early it had like another month o well lol...tomorro morning i will be chopping my bigger tree! cant wait for that!

the small 2gram bud io took from the tree a few weeks ago was wayyyy better smoke than the clone!

good to hear ur liking these nutes! cant wait to see the true test!
well done dol:clap:


Well-Known Member
well rast u just gotta look at it like hey, i got some smoke and i got high so thats all that mattered...u grew it urself, so u know what was in it, u didnt have to smoke shit that has chemicals and all that other good shit that u have no idea whats in the weed ur buyin elsewhere...I hope ur yield off ur other one will be better, as im sure it will....i didnt know it was a month early...i though like two weeks...that really sucks bro...i feel for least it was only one and not a whold crop fucked up, ya know???
Im really curious as to the yield on this grow....Hopefully at least a zipper a plant and ill be happy....some of the bigger great whites, might yield closer to 2 oz dry weight....we'll see...ill keep ya posted...but yeah rasta, def follow me on over to my new journal when i start the tables up....thanks for the job will done....peace bro....Ganja


Well-Known Member
yea def! the smoke will be better as well! i just hope it is like an kinda thinkin it will be but u never kno...i took off a small bud that was 2grams and i couted about 10 o fem the same size so i donno if it wil really be over or tryin to not guess on weight so i wont be disappointed


Active Member
Hey just got one reading through all f his and sounds nice my babies are outside but the maturity looks very similar to yours,this Bengali m first grow ever ill be following through the last little leg of your journey on this any new updated pics?


Well-Known Member
Hey just got one reading through all f his and sounds nice my babies are outside but the maturity looks very similar to yours,this Bengali m first grow ever ill be following through the last little leg of your journey on this any new updated pics?
whats up traind...thanks for coming through...its all good...yeah u caught the ass end of this grow....but follow me on over to my new journal, that i will be starting, right after this harvest is cleaned out....ill have the link in my sig, closer to that time....and as for pics, was planning on putting some up tomorow night around this same time, so stop back then....peace out...Ganja


Well-Known Member
What's up with those pics Cuzzo?
My fault my word that i will put up the fresh pics tonight right at lights excuses....just outright forgot last night....i got u browski....oh and just to let traind and everyone else know....Ganjas Garden of Ganja will be getting chopped to the ground on either thursday or friday...whenever i have more time...will post fresh pics tonight...peace traind....Ganja