My first ever lowryder #2 seed production need help


Active Member
Hey guys i pollinated my lowryder #2 from attitude seeds with a male lowryder. Starting to grow some pretty large seeds and they are starting to crack. My first time doing this to save money by making my own seeds. But how can i tell when they are done. Please help and any advice welcome.



Well-Known Member
youll know when the seeds get dark and they will fall right out if you push the calyx..i wait one week after the breeders harvest date. did you seed the whole plant?


Active Member
What we did was dry the bud as normal. In a box hanging from fishing line threaded criss cross. For 2 weeks. Then we pop-ed all the seeds out and put them in a dark film container with a little rice in it. Then into the fridge for week. I then took 9 of them, and did the paper towel thing with them, and 8 split. They are growing now. I kept 5 and gave 4 to a friend. That's a 95% germ rate. Not to bad for the first time we made seeds. We used the paint brush method for pollination, and I strongly recommend it. It is the bomb way to do it. You can pinpoint the buds you want to make seeds with.

Hope this helps. Or at the least inspires you.

good luck and have fun.


i'm looking to do the same thing. got 10 reg lowryders on their way now. how many seeds per plant can i expect?