New Method For Quick Dry


Photo-0154.jpeg.jpgOk...I have stumbled across a new method to quick dry a nug or two. This method may not be new at all, but its new to me. I was using the microwave steam method and thought that was nice...but this way is so much better to me.

I have a decorative candle with a small decorative shade on it. The other night I wanted a hit but all I had was the plant, so I clipped a freshy. I was going to do the microwave thing, then I saw the candle lit in front of me and decided to put a piece of tinfoil on top and throw the bud on. Then i totally forgot about it for like three hours...oops! so that bud turned out a little crispy. I have done it twice since then and had much better results. If you keep your eye on it you can pull it off when you are ready. Im sure you could make your own contraption if you dont have a decorative shade like this one. Just make sure you dont cover up the hole completely because the candle will go out.

I like this was better becuase when it is looks more like an actual dryed and cured bud. Unlike the micro steam method that completely shinks the bud, makes it airy, and makes most of the trichomes disappear. The candle method takes a little bit longer...but worth the wait.

This is an Edit: I forgot to mention 2 important parts. use at least 3 layers of tinfoil, and rotate your bud periodically(maybe every 15 minutes) both of these steps help it from burning one side of the bud
another method is to use unleaded gas 1 gallon per plant make sure you do it outdoors for better taste use supreme grade fuel only.