help N def!!!

mr stoner

hey guys,

my comrades not too computer savy so im on here for many 2700k cfl's for vegging?...nothing too big...only one plant..(legal amount of med marijuana). after doing research, seems like his plant has N def. i found that organic blood meal 12-00-00 will do just fine but we dont know how much too add or how to mix it..the directions on the back seam too much for the little week old gurl..any advice appreciated..

stay high......:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
You can always start with a 1/4 of the suggested amount stated on the packaging. As per cfl's it depends on how big your plant is. IMO if I was using cfl's to flower I would use as many as I could and keep them as close to the plant as possible. Hope some of this might help, good luck with your little lady.


Active Member
Forgot to mention that the cfl's are PERFECT for veg. I use 2- 24", 20w Full spectrum bulbs for my seedling, clones, germinating, mother plants, and most of my veg growth.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
24 inch cfl????. never seen one 2 foot long
for mr stroner more lights more growth and bud so its up to yu how many, more of less wattage is betetr for cfl as you can get betetr penetration byt spreading them around the plant more. cfl are only good for a couple inches of good light.
before you do anything with that food, what is the soil and you need a ph pen. blodd meals take a long time to break down to so dont use it to strong or it will rise to high for ppm as it does break down and mess up the ph in the medium. and using less light use less foods to. not enough light to process foods right


Well-Known Member
Organics are typically not soluble and need time to break down in the soil. I'd suggest going with a more soluble version (probably won't be organic) till you have resolved the deficiency, then you can go back to using organics for maintenance of levels.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you cant go from synthetic to organic and back again. good way to loack em up. nutesa are.
its not that organic arent soluble. its in the wrong form till its broke down or attahced to another molecule (carbon). synthetic is already attached to a salt for uptake. but ya they take a bit longer depending on what element it is.

mr stoner

thanks guys..just switched to 250 watt mh for veg....looking to get a good yield..will post pics soon....from what ive seen today, there are new leaves peaking out, but the other leaves are still gradually turning up to its 3rd flight of branches..any advice??

mr stoner

24 inch cfl????. never seen one 2 foot long
for mr stroner more lights more growth and bud so its up to yu how many, more of less wattage is betetr for cfl as you can get betetr penetration byt spreading them around the plant more. cfl are only good for a couple inches of good light.
before you do anything with that food, what is the soil and you need a ph pen. blodd meals take a long time to break down to so dont use it to strong or it will rise to high for ppm as it does break down and mess up the ph in the medium. and using less light use less foods to. not enough light to process foods right
i got the ph tester but i here its not accurate at times....hes gonna buy the digital ph tester soon...the soil is FFOF...just transplanted from miracle grow potting soil 2 days ago...alot has changed since then...

mr stoner

You can always start with a 1/4 of the suggested amount stated on the packaging. As per cfl's it depends on how big your plant is. IMO if I was using cfl's to flower I would use as many as I could and keep them as close to the plant as possible. Hope some of this might help, good luck with your little lady.
on the back it says use 1 cup per 20 sqftor 1 tbs for every square what would be the excact ammount nd how to make the tea?...thanks mate....

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
1 to 2 tablespoons to 1 gal water for teas. bubble for 3 days then adjust ph and use it if ec isnt to hot. if so then water down to good level for the age of plant and root size. keep out of light to.

mr stoner

1 to 2 tablespoons to 1 gal water for teas. bubble for 3 days then adjust ph and use it if ec isnt to hot. if so then water down to good level for the age of plant and root size. keep out of light to.
thanks alot. now as far as watering the plant with the tea, how much would he need from the gallon everytime he watrs? or will he use the whole gallon of tea all at one time? anoother question. the plat is about a week old. is it too soon too add nutes? if not can you recomend some?

ps..directions on how too use the nutes will be very much appreciated..

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
only one that knows how much to use is him. we cant see how it soacks into the soil or the root mass to tell how much. and its way to young anyways to use food yet. usualy wont need anything for about 3 weeks in soils or soiless mixes. then real week feeds. so that mix i gave cut in half with water.
um i work for green planet nutrients so of course ill say use that for foods. and it is good. ive been with a few nute people and i like what these guys are doing for the growers, and the sources of foods.
a basic food line with them is hydro fuel groei (veg) and bloom (bloei) andf aussie tonic for stress and vitamins, same as superthrive but cheeper. and massive and finisher for bloom additives.

being i also do reasearch with a group here we hjave axcess to any nute line and have tested almost all and i like the results im getting with this stuff. most foods are made the same but i also go by what the compnaies is about and what they are willing to do or not do for us the end consumer and medical people.
they also just released a 1 part natural organic nutrient, called Medi-One. 1 bottle from seed to harvest. no other stuff needed. its results came a very close second to the full feed lines of most compnaies out there.