Hey guys, first I'd like to apologize because I'm not very good at posts...
I've been looking for a new bong, I've had around 5-6 different bongs but I'm looking for a new one and I don't really know what I want...
I do however know I want a bong thats made for quality smoking, now, I don't want a simple plain bong, I want something thats a joy to look at. I have a RooR, it's a Straight Tube and honestly I want something different.
I think what I'm looking for is something around 17" (I dont like small bongs that much) with perculators, ice catcher. My price range is anything up to 300$ (Canadian)
Also I couldn't find any sites other than GrassCity and EveryoneDoesIT to buy online, is there any other sites you could recommend me to browse, maybe I'll see something that I'd like?

I do however know I want a bong thats made for quality smoking, now, I don't want a simple plain bong, I want something thats a joy to look at. I have a RooR, it's a Straight Tube and honestly I want something different.
I think what I'm looking for is something around 17" (I dont like small bongs that much) with perculators, ice catcher. My price range is anything up to 300$ (Canadian)
Also I couldn't find any sites other than GrassCity and EveryoneDoesIT to buy online, is there any other sites you could recommend me to browse, maybe I'll see something that I'd like?