Opinions Please! Pics :)

Hi fellow growers,

Firstly I thought it would be nice to introduce myself.... I've been a long time reader of these forums but have recently joined as I am now attempting my first grow.

I thought I should maybe post this in the newbie section but thought I would get some more valuable input here....

Ok I am attempting to grow a plant outdoors (I'm in southern hemi so just heading into season) from some bagseed ... Only managed to get one to germinate so thats all I have to work with for now. Its took approx 5-7 days to sprout and planted root sprout down.... I have been putting it outside for the last few weeks to get the sun and bringing it in at night, but have had terrible weather for the last week or so... Heavy rain has made everything damp... I have tried to give the plant as much light as possible but on cloudy days it has been challenging! I have given it no nutes to this date but have aquasol fert ( 23-4-18 ) ready to go..

Anyway my plan is to put it in the ground tomorrow. I will be mixing the ground soil with good potting mix and some added home compost.

I have a few questions -

1. I havent watered it for about 5 days as like I said the weather has been damp and the soil is still damp on the top. Is this fine?
2. I'm not sure if its ready to be transplanted into the ground? Its about 6-7 inches tall. If it is ready any transplanting tips? Is a plant this tall likely to hold up to harsh weather like wind and rain?
3. When should I start adding nutes? I feel I'm at the stage where I can start adding small amounts.
4. What are your opinions on the overall well being of the plant? I thought I would probably be a little taller after a few weeks but put it down to a week of bad weather. It looks a little overwatered but again, put that down to wet weather.

I guess I'm just a little nervous as once it goes in the ground, thats it! No moving and if the weather turns bad, the plant must survive!!!!!

Sorry for all the question. Thanks to all who have provided me with much knowledge about growing so far. :-P:-P:-P

Look forward to any help people can give. Thanks :leaf:


personaly, I would top it at the second node and let it fatten up a little. Start it out on some light nutes, 1/4 strength.
in about a week,she'll be tough enough to go outside. keep a fan on it also.
Cheers for the quick reply...

Anyone else think this plant needs to be topped (not that I dont value your opinion VGH!)?

I have a reasonably hidden good place to grow so height isnt really an issue (unless it gets past 12ft!).... Would you still top it even if height isnt an issue? Will it fatten up alot faster if I top it?

I have made sure the plant has always been around air movement (fan or outside) to strengthen the stem..


Well-Known Member
I like topping for the simple fact I like more than one main cola. If one gets damaged I have three more. The plant is easier to manage when it isn't ten feet tall.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I like topping for the simple fact I like more than one main cola. If one gets damaged I have three more. The plant is easier to manage when it isn't ten feet tall.
I just grew 6 NL plants, check my signature for my grow I just took some pic's of most of the bud I got from them. My fim'd plants put out way more than my topped plants! I only topped once so maybe topping multiple times would be better but I only fim'd once and I am sold on Fimming. I got like 7 med colas with Fim'ing and only two big colas with topping. And trimming was alot quicker on the fim'd plants VS topped plants.

loaded dervish

Active Member
I wouldint worry about toping it yet put it outside wait for the 4 or 6 node i would look at the weather for the next few days make sher no rain it is a indian summer realy cold but i think it will survive what strain is it and what part of the south do you live in. there are many little details that will help us give you a better anser what works in washington wont work in china you now what im saying! worry about toping your plant when you get there just worry aobut the weather for now 1 thing at a time that is how i do everything in life!
Hey guys....

Thanks for all the info. I ended up topping it just above the 2nd node, so I guess we'll have to wait and see how it goes....

I've also attempted to clone the clipping... Cut all the larger leaves in half and cut the stem at a 45 degree angle... All cuts were done under water.. The stem is now sitting about 5-10 mm in water so I'm hoping for the best!

Thanks again...
I wouldint worry about toping it yet put it outside wait for the 4 or 6 node i would look at the weather for the next few days make sher no rain it is a indian summer realy cold but i think it will survive what strain is it and what part of the south do you live in. there are many little details that will help us give you a better anser what works in washington wont work in china you now what im saying! worry about toping your plant when you get there just worry aobut the weather for now 1 thing at a time that is how i do everything in life!
Hi Loaded,

Thanks for your input but its a little late about not topping.... just snipped. I'm not sure what strain it is as it was just some bagseed that I have had for ages..

Im from east coast of Australia... I would think that its some type of Sativa as I believe they grow alot better here in our climate compared to Indica.... I might be wrong tho...