5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful psychedelic tryptamine. It is found in a wide variety of plant and psychoactive toad species, and like its close relatives DMT and bufotenin (5-OH-DMT), it has been used as an entheogen by South American shamans for thousands of years.

So you are going toad hunting??


Well-Known Member
If you want to dive right into the most insane psychedelic, go right ahead buddy! But you should open up the chapters slow, instead of reaching the end without ever knowing the beginning ;)


Well-Known Member
i have heard the trip of 5 meo dmt is the closest to a near death experience u can get without actual death. i would try it but it at the bottom of my list. i got alot of other stuff to try before i get there.


Well-Known Member
i have heard the trip of 5 meo dmt is the closest to a near death experience u can get without actual death. i would try it but it at the bottom of my list. i got alot of other stuff to try before i get there.
i claim to have had a near death without actually death experience on 3 grams closed cap cyanescens a few years ago.

before, my friend was talking to me and his eyes, nose, and mouth slowly floating off his face.
then i started blabbering on about how Change really is happening (this was during the Obama election)
of course change will always be happening in life (obviously) hahahaha i love blabber hippie talk.

i was convinced that i could make anyone believe my thoughts and beliefs.
my buddy i was tripping with wasnt understand a word i was saying even though i believed i could make him listen.
by the next day, these 'theories', thoughts and beliefs just seemed stupid and were just a memory.

sorry....onto the near death experience.....
once my buddy passed out on me (who nearly wasnt tripping as hard)
i huddled into the fetal position. thoughts about everything that i've done in my life occurred to me.
things i've achieved, my mistakes, who i am and why i am here today, and the people who love and care about me.
at this point i couldnt tell if my eyes were open or closed.
all i could see or envision was me, huddled like i was in a pitch black room with a bright white beam of light shinning down on me.
the thoughts kept brewing more and more.
i could hear whispers all around me and people crying, i couldnt see anyone or make out what they were saying. i could make out the crying. it sounded like a mournful cry by women and sniffles.
first thought that came to my head was i was on my death bed
"i have lived such an amazing life, I have done so much and if i died today" (knowing i was on a drug that wouldnt kill me, which in previous intense mushroom trips i've had, i was convinced i posioned myself or permanently made myself trip, which caused panic or terror in those trips)
me having full knowledge of this now, it gave me pure bliss, ecstasy, euphoria...etc
all i could feel was pure ecstasy, i have never experienced any other feeling that was this orgasmic....ive used mdma, xtc several times and this feeling couldnt even compare to this first time i took mdma, which was a top favorite experience.
the thought of death was in my head but it wasnt negative thoughts at all.
i felt like my naturally stored DMT was released running through my veins and pumping my brain full of things ive never thought of.
i highly doubt this was actually happening but im giving it off to the power of the cyanescens and maybe just a hallucination.


Well-Known Member
Nice. It's funny I was reading reports on pan cyans earlier today they seem very intense. Lots of outer body experiences. I would like to try them one day. I know what you mean about the near death experience while tripping. I had this while on 2c-I then smoking too much jwh-018. Too much anxiety with 018 had me feeling like this might be the end. Your life plays like a movie in your head. Gives you an outside perspective on your life. I was able to sum of just about all of my problems in my life to one underlieing issue, my laziness, which made me feel good.


Well-Known Member
dam. thats crazy. at least u made it out of that trip alright. i personally have never had a bad trip but i know my time will come. i just hope im ready to deal with the demons in my head. haha


I've yet to try 5-meo, but n,n dmt is rather insane, as a seasoned tripper I would NOT recommend dmt for a first experience.... so a big hell no on the 5-meo.


Of all the psychedelics I've done, to this day the Salvia I smoked 2 months ago twisted me more than anything I've ever experienced.

Ever had the page of reality you are existing in turned over? Very "end of the world"-ish...


Well-Known Member
dam. thats crazy. at least u made it out of that trip alright. i personally have never had a bad trip but i know my time will come. i just hope im ready to deal with the demons in my head. haha
i hope you never have one bruv.
i never have bad hallucination trips, any visual, no matter what i will, could, or do see will just make me grin ear to ear.
most visuals and hallucinations are HARD to impress me so once something crazy happens. id be satisfied.

but only bad trips i have are 'mindfucks'
The Mindfuck:
What some people desire more than anything out of a trip, this is usually the kind of trip that scares people more often. You feel an overwhelming sense of self and your thoughts become distorted. I believe visuals come from this but are completely seperate. You may feel very inferior or insignificant, or you may go deep into a 'hole' in which you do nothign but silently think with glass eyes.

but the thing is, i may HATE whats going on in the trip at the time (if im having a bad trip)
but the next day and days to pass, i thought it was so enlightening and it made me feel more comfortable with my sober mind.
and made me look forward to future trips.


Well-Known Member
i am still yet to even try regular DMT. i totally want to though. and one day i do wanna try the 5 meo dmt though, one day.
take my advice....
if you love you mind and your world. and you respect this medicine and use it for its soul purposes...

dont look for DMT. let the DMT find you.
i took this advice....and one day, it found me and guess what?
i believe its NOT a coincidence.

i used to only find tripping attractive (before DMT found me) because i was curious and wanted to see 'things that weren't there'
hense the bad trips.... i basically used hallucinogens to just get fucked up.

it wasnt til DMT found me and i sparked my first bowl til i realized that tripping, hallucinogens, and entheogens really do needed to be treated with respect.
its a medicine for the mind and soul.
dimethyltryptamine has opened a door in my mind that i cannot close and i am so happy i have opened it.

just wait and maybe this door will be opened for you and it'll be just as positive for you as it was for me.



Well-Known Member
This why I'm generaly so against people takeing small doses of mushrooms, its easy to start abusing that. A solid indian dose and you are settled for months.


Well-Known Member
what would you consider a decent 'indian dose' for a beginner?
and whats your personal 'indian dose', anc??

and i know you have great experience with dried cubez and fresh.

what are the major effect differences between fresh and dried?
duration? visual? potency? onset?
or is there not much of a difference?

ive only have had cubez. ive wanted to try cyanescens for so long, i live in colorado, usa. and those are almost impossible to grow here. none the less to find....=/
im asking because i know cyans are a lot higher in psilocin content then cubez...