400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
Thats what I call her sometimes, among many other nick-names. Happy dog has been a common one lately. She was having some fun with the rats last night. :-P


Well-Known Member
The snood, Ha!
Never seen a dog do that before. She seems like a very gentle girl.

So your BD is taking its time eh? Gonna be some fine smoke.
I've only grown it once but I found it to be a very hearty plant, hard to kill that is.
Started with a dozen clones, forgot to water them only the two blue dream and one other survived.


Well-Known Member
The snood, Ha!
Never seen a dog do that before. She seems like a very gentle girl.

So your BD is taking its time eh? Gonna be some fine smoke.
I've only grown it once but I found it to be a very hearty plant, hard to kill that is.
Started with a dozen clones, forgot to water them only the two blue dream and one other survived.
Yea man she's very gentle. She knows the dos and don'ts pretty well. She treats the rats like they're little puppies or something, herds them around with her snout and what not. Never nips at all though. She's a good companion and she's still got a long ways, not even 2 years old yet..
BD is for sure a hardy plant. I haven't done much to fuck with them before, but they'll take whatever you give them and are happy with it. Last round I cut right around this time and thought I could do better, so here we are.


Well-Known Member
My little drying set up for this round. Shower we don't use, sheet of panda film, telescoping curtain rod, wire hangers, 4" desk fan and a nylon mesh sack to hang dry my trim in. It's actually a pre-filter that you strain laquer with. No, I didn't strain any laquer with it. The panda is draped over the front of the shower doors and tacked on the wall above where the tile stops, creating a light proof tent. 2/3 of the God Bud plus one cola from The Black in there now.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Howzer! I need to find a better place to dry my buds, the one I took 2 days ago was almost done today, so I need to find a way to extend the drying time a few days.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Howzer! I need to find a better place to dry my buds, the one I took 2 days ago was almost done today, so I need to find a way to extend the drying time a few days.
Less moving air or higher humidity. I would keep the air exchange the same if it were me.


Well-Known Member
Cut the other 2/3 of God Bud down today. Lots more than I expected :D..I'm itching to see my dry weight on her. Every last little nuglet was nice and dense. Now I really can't make a decent estimate, today threw me off a bit. So far everything is looking great for this round.. I still have the others left to chop. :-)


Well-Known Member
Good to hear my man; seems I missed your question on the top of this page :( I just sprouted the one seed but from other Wappa's I've seen they look uniformly the same. Seems like paradise seeds has very stable genetics.


Well-Known Member
@purplehazin- I ask because I like the way she's grown up. I was thinking about it and I might get some now.
@Daniels- Thanks man. I got the rest of God Bud yesterday and haven't taken any pics yet. To my surprise I ended up with 4 wire hangers full and a shoe box lid packed full of what I couldn't hang..
@ Guy on the last page.I have horrible short term memory I forgot who you were for a second-You'll get there. Hell, think of how it is for me lol. This entire plant has been chopped, trimmed and hung but I can't do anything with it yet.

EDIT : OK, sorry asassinofyouth. I won't forget you again :D


Well-Known Member
Not quite curing yet, but close. All the nugs will be broken down from the large stems and go into paper bags tomorrow afternoon. It's in the bags until they're dry to my liking and then it's into the jars. They've been hanging for 4 days now. I want to go check out your Aerogarden now :D


Active Member
Lookin' good Howzer. Yeah, an unused shower is an awesome drying area. Mine is like my gardening center. I told my buddy I was drying my bud in the shower and he was like "That's the worst place, you need it dry not hot and humid!"
I had to tell him I wasn't showering with it. We had stoner laughs and laughs.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good Howzer. Yeah, an unused shower is an awesome drying area. Mine is like my gardening center. I told my buddy I was drying my bud in the shower and he was like "That's the worst place, you need it dry not hot and humid!"
I had to tell him I wasn't showering with it. We had stoner laughs and laughs.
HAHAHA. Same thing here. I had to explain to a friend that I use the OTHER SHOWER while the buds are hanging lol. .. I'll take a picture later.. I chopped The Black yesterday and my shower is full of buds now. I filled up 3 wire hangers and a file box lid full of smaller stuff with her. Blue Dream coming soooon.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to humidor style cure a 1/4oz of each bud. I have a 18"x18" mini humidor and I don't even smoke cigars. I got it as a gift and smoked the cigar that came in it with the guy that bought it for me and then it went into a closet. The "Chronoisseur Box" :-). I made a 6' tall locker style humidor a while back but sold it. I kind of regret it..Super slow dried, slow cured buds are the best.


Well-Known Member
Love the idea of using a humidor..was going to do that myself when it came time to dry....do you know where to get a similar humidor....sounds like a great size.


Well-Known Member
Love the idea of using a humidor..was going to do that myself when it came time to dry....do you know where to get a similar humidor....sounds like a great size.
Check out a cigar shop or a head shop. It shouldn't be to hard to find. Hell, look up plans online and build your own they aren't too difficult. You'll like being able to control the drying/curing environment completely.


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple pics of what I have hanging now. The larger box below the two trays is all of my trim so far. There will be a weight for God Bud this weekend maybe.
