Just dropped the fluff


Well-Known Member
Cyproz great report man.. Def had me laughing.. I get what your saying about chillin with your dog, when i "fluffed" i was chillin with my dog and feeding him fuckin cheese and shit.. I never feed him that kind of stuff because i dont want him to beg, but i was feeling extra nice haha.. He was so stoked, it was funny to cause you could hella tell he was way confused by my constant laughter..

Btw man that would hella trip me out to walk in on that, good thing it was towards the end of your trip and not the beggining haha..
is that your dog for your avatar phelps??
and this is really fucking crazy but do you know Marcy Sturm?
if you do HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
PM if this is you

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
is that your dog for your avatar phelps??
and this is really fucking crazy but do you know Marcy Sturm?
if you do HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
PM if this is you
Well its my cousins/roomates dog, so im like its uncle lol.. He's a bad ass though.

Were you asking me? I have no idea who that is.. Sorry.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
^yeah i got 2 fluff's left.. Cant decide if i want to take em both together or save them.. Or take one fluff and one needlepoint, ahhh the choices!!!!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Come on buddy ... eating one is like ...hmm .... like ...hitting first base ....
Be a Kid and take it home ...

Safety always first !!!

