Huge Multi-Strain Perpetual Grow! 1000ks of Wattz!


Well-Known Member
wow thank you so much for the kind words, esp coming from you, YOUR garden is beautiful!! And yes these gals are amazing! Can't wait to light it up!

I topped because I didn't like how tall my plants were getting and I wanted to experiement with other techniques. If you have any advice for me it would be greatly appreciated! I plan on vegging for 6 weeks,flowering for 6 weeks than flushing for 2-3 weeks and than drying for 2 weeks.. So in total about 18 per harvest, 3 harvests within that 18 weeks period once my first is done

talk to you soon!
vegging for 6 weeks (after root) is probably over kill, what light are you using? I went 5 weeks due to my move and they were way too big, trying 4 now but worried that might even be a touch to long, but I use a 40,000 lumen 8 tube 4 ft t5 hood to veg.

What mothers do you have at your disposal or are you getting clones from someone else?


Well-Known Member
vegging for 6 weeks (after root) is probably over kill, what light are you using? I went 5 weeks due to my move and they were way too big, trying 4 now but worried that might even be a touch to long, but I use a 40,000 lumen 8 tube 4 ft t5 hood to veg.

What mothers do you have at your disposal or are you getting clones from someone else?
I'm using a 6 bulb T8 fixture for vegging.. I wanna get alot of herb from my plants, that's why vegging for 6 week cycles work for me, atleast as far as I'm aware it should work. I am taking clones from clones at the moment.. No room currently for a mother or mothers.

that 6 week veg time includes rooting time for the cloner. So I guess it would be 4 weeks once transplants.. Depending on size.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
preferably my flowering room will be 25'x12, and veg room 12'x10'... Lots of plants.. Lots of lights!!

when time comes I may switch from T8 to T5... But for the money I'm not visually seeing much difference in growth... Maybe like 15% more growth... Maybe! Lots of changes in the upcoming months!!
New and larger house and new and larger gardens,,,hey that gives you something to look forward to Streets!!

You will breeze right through the learning curve hon Im thinking your a natural. Im always trying to fine tune my op and in my main budroom I grow two styles,,,veg for the same amount of time that you do(couple wks to root couple weeks of like seedling stage and then a couple more week of some good growth), and grow 2 or 3 cola plants and pack them in tight. The right strain indica dom that grows a nice single cola. And I also grow true sog style with very minimal veg and smaller containers. You being a caregiver though may be trying numerous strains.

You prolly will get a z and a half per plant like you had thought but when you get it dialed in I'm thinking that you can get close to twice that in the same area :)

Nice job especially being your first grow...Go baby go!!


Well-Known Member
thanks highlander!!! was thinking of trying a sog, but im looking for large yeilds with a specific number of plants with a consistancy of 6 week harvests.

your gardens are so great!!

well more pictures and updates to come tonight! hope everyone is stoked, tons of purple, tons of trichs! as well as buds forming on the white skunk!!
c ya later!


Well-Known Member
thanks highlander!!! was thinking of trying a sog, but im looking for large yeilds with a specific number of plants with a consistancy of 6 week harvests.

your gardens are so great!!

well more pictures and updates to come tonight! hope everyone is stoked, tons of purple, tons of trichs! as well as buds forming on the white skunk!!
c ya later!
Come over to Scrog setups with me then man :) Idea is to put the screen about 3-4" lower than they finish vegged (should be 12-16" tall). Then I will harvest my current crop and stuff them under the screen. Strait to 12/12 on that day hoping I fill the screen with the 2 week pineapple stretch. Scrog is great because you can fill a 5ft x 4ft screen with a single plant, but it takes more veg time. Adjusting how many plants you use, how long your veg is, and screen placement/hole size you can really fine tune the scrog to your needs.


Well-Known Member
I just wrote a long reply to you but it got erased... Can't wait to get back on my pc.. Using cell phone is getting tiring. Please send me a link to the thread with the scrog setup.. Love learning different techniques.. Since I plan on running 10-15 600watt HPS lights when my setup is complete, so I will be trying out many setups, including DWC and aeroponics.. But this is time down the road, preferably no more than 8-12 months I'll have this setup.

I will b in need of some help, I started a thread about holes and deformed leaves and new growth.. Everyone says it's catapillars, but I'm pretty positive that that's not the case, possibly a PH or deficiency.. I'll have pics up tonight. Help would be great!!!


Well-Known Member
word so here are some pics... some thing is seroiusly wrong with my purple wreck plants that are vegging... all the tips look chewed on or burnt off... i dont know what is going on.. i didnt see any bugs and i LOOKED!!!!! if anyone could give me some ideas what it could possibly be? i flushed them and they are growing out quite nice.. but still have areas that look "chewed"

the purple buds are purple wreck the green buds with skinny leaves coming from them are big bang


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hi Streets,,,the burnt tips are just a sign of minor nute burn, very minor I am thinking but that gives you a good idea of how much feed your babies can take. I would not worry about the tips but you could always back off on your nutes a touch.

Nice looking bud, very frosty! Ill be posting a few pics tonight.


Whoops..just reread your post. You were talking about your wrecks that are vegging um yeah, those are being eaten by something



Well-Known Member
well from what everyone is saying... i should harvest those plants soon... its only 7 weeks and 4 days into flowering... seems a little yearly to me.. but i am a noob so i have no idea! lol gunna start flushing them this weekend


hey i know this is random but i am running a pretty similar set up to you, 2x600w hps and 1 400w mh for flower and a 4 ft 8 bulb t5 lamp for veg, using fox farm nutes (not the solubles tho), epsom salt, and molasses during flower(almost exactly the same haha). i was wondering if you could let me know your nute strength and schedule, or if you just follow the chart from fox farm. im having some mg deficiencies that seem to show up on some plants in early to mid flower and was wondering if maybe adding the solubles would prevent that or if i just need to step up the epsom salts. Any help would be awesome, thanks in advance, your garden looks awesome.


Well-Known Member
solubles are good..

well here is my current feeding schedule... first 2 weeks (after transplanting from clone) nothing, 1/4 strength recommended for weeks 2-4, than 1/2 strength to full strength for 4-6 weeks. 1/2 strength bloom ferts once switched to 12/12 for 2 weeks, than full strength nutes till u start flushing.. the soluble really make a difference with bud sites during flowering stage. and yes i would recommend using Epsom salts 2 times thru the grow. i have to water every 3 or 4 days... so i use plain old tap water for the first feeding of the week, for the second i use nutes. just repeat

wow what similar set up we have, send me a link to your grow would love to see, what strains are you using?

and thanks for the kind words of my garden, i work quite hard!


i dont have a digital camera at the moment, i know lame. right now im currently growing cheese and white widow from green house seeds and another strain called pineapple dogshit which i got some seeds of from a buddy. i just ordered some of subcool's seeds cuz pretty much every one of his strains looks ridiculously dank. but yea i randomly saw ur journal and was like damn hes got my set up haha, must of done a shit ton of research like me haha.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a digital camera at the moment, i know lame. right now im currently growing cheese and white widow from green house seeds and another strain called pineapple dogshit which i got some seeds of from a buddy. i just ordered some of subcool's seeds cuz pretty much every one of his strains looks ridiculously dank. but yea i randomly saw ur journal and was like damn hes got my set up haha, must of done a shit ton of research like me haha.
get a digital camera, mike! Love the cheese, my caregiver had some of that... Amazing.. The main reason I'm not growing for myself right now is cause he give me tons of exotic strains frequently and clones :). I'll be switching to be my own care giver soon.. As soon as I get my first or second harvest I'll be switching over. Have you seen Heaths Black Rose.. Omg I want that strain!! Probabaly because it's pink! I'm going to try and breed something similar to it next year.


Well-Known Member
Hi mike I think you mean she,,,noot he lol

How ya doin Streets!

I'm doing quiet well actually, my allergies finally lifted and I got some relief from the runny nose.. Hopefully it will be gone the whole weekend, knock on wood. The plants I had problems with in veg are coming back,i thougt I was gunna loose those strains.. Any chance someone, with first hand experience, can give me some advice on keeping mothers and how they work? Including fweding scheduals n such. I wanna keep with purple wreck strain, it's great herb and I almost lost all of them thispast week due to some sort of caterpillar....

how are you doing Highlander??


Well-Known Member
Doing really good Streets thanks,,,just finished kind of a marathon trimming session lol,,,,,well 14 hrs anyways :)
wow bet your hands are HURTIN!! Well atleats in a week or so you'l have some amazing herbal to light up.. i
I do have a question.. It's quiet stupid,what I did, really. But last night iafter I flushed I pick a bud at the bottom of the purple wreck that is 7.5 weeks into budding, put it in the micro for 10-20 seconds. Smoked it. And nothing... Is it because the micro burns all the thc out? I hope that's the case cause I will b bummed if I cut and it's not primo.. Does curing and drying make it more potent?? Thanks in advanced from your hwlp.. I just didn't have n e herb to blaze so I figured I would try it..