Need a bit of help....


Well-Known Member
So this is what I have goin on......

Had to move. I have a nice Lady goin that is in its 2nd week of flower. At the time of the move it was in its 6th week of veg. It went from a nice corner grow spot under a 250w HPS at the old place to a closet in my room that is 3'wX 2'dX and 5' of grow height with the same light. My Lady went through some shock from the move and only being under 3 26w CFL's for about 2 weeks. I have been able to control the temp with a " tower" style fan. Temp stays at 76F. Temp at old place was 72- 80F and was alot harder to control since it was in a room vs. an enclosed closet. Buds are just starting to take off as little growth happened under the CFLs. MY concern is this mass change goin to be an issue? Oh my Lady is bent to the side as I was able to keep the plant about 8" from light. It now sits about 12" from the light.

Any help would be greatly accepted!!!!


hi Growers, i was wondering i have just ended the first day in flowering, wondering, need some help, as i am a first timer, i have the ionic range of nutes and i am wondering how much grow when you are using the bloom as well? do you weaken it a bit as i am using 14ml per 2litres, now that i am in flowering how much of grow and bloom together with 2Litres, any answers?


Well-Known Member

So after checkin out some other threads I figured I would post some pics. Was not to sure about doin it as my Lady does not appear to be all that great. But phuket, it is what it is and i'ts goin to be some smoke!!


Well-Known Member
Oh btw, She is in her 3rd week of flower as of this past Saturday, the 9th. It's bent because during the move I had to set up under a work bench in my garage and tied her down.


Well-Known Member
So 10 days later and she is doin flippin great!!!! I will post new pics later.... goin to go watch Lesnar whip some ass then play some poker.


Well-Known Member

So here are some new pics.... In the 2 weeks since the last pics she has filled in and swelled up. She smells great!!!! Any comments or suggestions are welcome!!!!