My new grow tent setup....Please help.


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I just setup my freinds new tent and delete these now! 007.jpgneed advice based on the pics below. The tent is 4ft wideX8ft longX7ft tall. The lighting is a 600watt MH/HPS and a 4ft 8 bulb T5 setup and a 2fdelete these now! 004.jpgt 6 bulb T5 setup. I have a wall mount fan but have no isdea how to rig it up to the tent yet. Any Ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.
delete these now! 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
cant use it in a tent, i tried but a great alternative an waaaayyyyy cheaper than a wall mount fan is a small 10 in oscillating fan you flip em upside down and put the foot between one of the support bars that go across and the tent material. the tent holds em tight against the bar an stops em from falling or swinging it really does work great. i have one in each corner and then a few small footprint tower fans on the floor, i cant tell if your tent has the white bars it has at the corners running across it like in my sunhut but it works like a champ if u do!


Its quite easy actually. I have 2 wall mount fans on each corner. Basically 2 zip ties around the base to the corner post, either a chain or more zips at the neck where it extends from the base to the blades- that connects to the top beam (i use zips and make a Y using both top beams to keep it centered). then 1 more zip or chain to hold the top of the fan casing (top center) and that connects to the top beam or the chain holding the neck- depending on if u are going to oscillate it or not(again i prefer the Y method to the topbeam for oscillating). I can take a pic if needed.

I also have flipped the floor versions and hung them and it works great and is easier, i just had too many lights, the filter etc hanging already and i didnt want tent to collapse lol - had 3-2light t5's at base, 1-1000w, and 1-400w LED, and a can filter lol, could have held plenty more but id never forgive myself if my babies got crushed under my stupidity


Well-Known Member
I figured out how to rig up the wall mount oscillating fan. I ended up zip/cable tieing it up in the middle of the ceiling so the whole tent gets a decent breeze and just as important its not in the way of any of the lights. I dont have any type of filtration system for the smells but that really shouldnt be a problem becouse its in a outdoor/indoor setting. My only worry now is with winter comeing and the tent getting to cold but i figure Ill turn the fan way down that goes to the 600watt ligh and all the other lights should keep it warm during lighted hours and in the off time I'll have a little electric ceramic heater hooked up to a timer. I'll probally set the heater at 60ish degree's or so.
All this seems like a hell of a upgrade from a small closet and it looks pretty damn good.
Thanks for the replys and input
If any of you have any ideas and or advice please let me know
Peace, BigBudE


KPHLASH- What do you think of the LED's? Have you flowerd with it yet?
Yes i have. LED's still dont have the power to be used solo IMO. good for clones and small veg's and great with HID. The 1 thing i noticed is the clones with the LED as supplement for the 1st few weeks of flower, showed better buds than same clones without it (everything else was consistent). Basically they are nice to fill spectrum gaps because most lights are missing high blue and high red. But its a 50/50 between CFLs and LEDs, LED cost more initially, but use less power and change bulb less often. Once they invent larger bulbs LED's will be better solo. Im going to invest in a 3w LED setup and see if it works better, but when u grow as much as we do, nothing is as good as a 600w or 1000w HID with some supplementals. Also gonna try and see if all LEDs and my HID are better than all t-5s or and HID.

Hope that helped- basically, if u have 1-2 plants an LED would work ok, but u have to keep it basically on the plant-so not for large grows. They make for some cool pics tho, everyone asks why my shit is all purple lol

*side note-- I work for a dispensary* I grow very regimented in my test tents so I can see what is making the difference. Air, temp, etc are always the same, then I change 1 thing in each tent and use clones all cut at the same time, pot them all at same time with same batch of soil n water. trying to get that perfect environment, once i do- ill let u know :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.
How much do dispensarys pay employes hourly? When Indianas laws opens up some I would like to go back there and open a dispesary. How would I go about finding all the info I needed to open a disensary?
Thanks again


It varies, but dont look for much, i started at $8.50/hr and now make more than 2x that because i manage the dispensary and the garden.

The state sets the requirements for dispensaries, so check with them. Ours is under department of health and department of revenue. I would just make a day of going to the government office and dealing with all the run-around you will probably get. Also and most importantly-get a business attorney that specializes in MMJ, you may want to call some in CO to see how things work here-I think Indiana will follow us more than Cali. Even here, they change the laws every year, so we are always redoing and rechecking things-ignorance will still get you arrested.

Finally, get a serious stash of cash-you will need it-a tax for this, license for that, bills bills bills. They are now requiring us to have our scales inspected yearly and if you dont have a commercial scale u have to buy one -$400 or so...Then you need a caregiver license to hold more than 2oz at a time, another $35, also the containers are about to be regulated and we will be charged for those too...


Well-Known Member
Damn-Sounds like a lot of regulations but if you love what you do, it should all be worth it. Sounds like you have a great job.


Damn-Sounds like a lot of regulations but if you love what you do, it should all be worth it. Sounds like you have a great job.
:) ya I have to say even my worst days here are better than some of my better days at all of my other jobs. Its hard work and I put in 30-40hrs at the dispensary, and another 20-40 in the warehouse - ya thats like 11hrs a day for 7 days-mostly right around harvest when we are flushing, clipping and drying etc. we hire out for clipping a lot-getting smokers who don;t grow-and teach them the our way to trim from day 1 is a lot easier than converting a grower to a different way. pay them by the plant, then offer to sell them stuff at wholesale when we finish-we get back a lot of our money and they get a lot of good weed for $200/oz - win/win

Not to scare you with that, but ya some weeks its hard and some its easy and i work 10hrs a day for 6 days, but most of it is playing with plants, sampling the new batches to see if they are ready (yes i really do that as WORK-also try anything we are buying from someone else.) rolling joints and selling weed. I like talking to these people and i have done a lot to help them. Got a few heroin addicts off, couple meth heads too. Most of my patients are PTSD military (CO has a ton of bases and VA) Cancer and MS. Then you have your random problems, most of our patients are quite old-say over 75% are over 50, 20%-25-50 and 5% 18-25...i was surprised actually lol.

All in all its better to have my job than own a dispensary. Craigslist has tons of ads for jobs-but tons more applicants

My tip to you: Keep as many journals on here as possible and then when they legalize it you will already have a portfolio :) and find some smart wealthy people to run a business and u run the products.

I got my card well after everything was setup here, so i just grew my legal amount, took a bunch of pics, and brought in some bud for them to try, they let me be a joint roller and taste tester of new stuff (basically free weed to make up for shitty pay) then budtender for a while, then cash register, and eventually they trusted me to grow at the warehouse with them, lol after a few months they all got kicked out and i got promoted and hired good ppl- they didnt know shit-just friends of the owner-lol Cinderella Story for me.

Sorry I tend to ramble in the mornings, too much hash oil :) beats coffee tho


Well-Known Member
Sounds damn good to me. You get to help out people who need it, and smoke for free and get paid for it. Ha ha, they need to do a episode on Dirty Jobs at a the dispensary and at the warehouse. They would probally get the highest ratings the show has ever had!
You mentioned getting a few herion addicts clean, What was the recommended strain for that?? I WAS addicted to H for around 8-9yrs and for the past 5yrs Ive been going to a Methadone clinic. Im starting to go down a few mg's a week to get off the methadone but its a slow going process but it beats going back to H. Hell, I havnt done anything besides my prescribed dose of methadone for 5yrs so methadone has definitely done me some good but it still feels like tradeing one for another.

Well I transplanted my SLH from the 1gal into the 7gal and then moved them to the new tent, There stressing a little:-( but my chemdog is doing great in there.

Thanks for the reply.