Florida Growers Thread

i dont consider pot a drug or anything different then taking a aspirin for a headache or a Tylenol for pain, I am sober, i dont drink or use drugs but i do smoke pot. But i consider myself still sober.....:-P

Ironically Humboldt I mostly agree with you, however when I started smoking pot, I quit smoking tobacco, drinking, and lost almost 110 pounds. However, being completely dry and having no money at all I'm now "100% sober" by law. I can honestly say the world is a very different place for the first time in 3 years. Different yes, better ... dunno, but different. All in all I'm waiting on check and then I'm off to find me a nice bag of some HIGH quality bud, but I have no control over when that comes, so fuck it, I'm completely sober for a while. Might even be able to piss clean if the check takes long enough.

Ironically Humboldt I mostly agree with you, however when I started smoking pot, I quit smoking tobacco, drinking, and lost almost 110 pounds. However, being completely dry and having no money at all I'm now "100% sober" by law. I can honestly say the world is a very different place for the first time in 3 years. Different yes, better ... dunno, but different. All in all I'm waiting on check and then I'm off to find me a nice bag of some HIGH quality bud, but I have no control over when that comes, so fuck it, I'm completely sober for a while. Might even be able to piss clean if the check takes long enough.


i hear you brother, you deserves some good smoke, nobody should go with out.
if nobody went with out this world be filled and run by simple minded, ignorant, self-indulgent pigs who havent any self control, that could never hold off their lusts or urges only for a little while. The important shit would never get done due to stoner procrastination, and pipe dreams. If everyone had your attitude, the world would be full of drug addicts and serial killers/rapists. be cautious when you make statements such as that. it makes you look like what i just described.
the world would be pure chaos and dysfunction if nobody went without their starbucks or cigarettes or alcohol or other drugs and vices. That is just pure consumerism and abuse of marijuana to say never go without. So you should always be "high" and never live a moment in your life as a stable/functioning being and experience/learn about other things besides constantly filling your mind with weed,weed,weed. dont get me wrong I love marijuana, but i dont like the circumstances and stigmas and laws associated with it because most "pot heads" cant control themselves.
Sacred, *I tried to send this private but your mailbox is full*

Most pot heads I know are either college professors, classical musicians, or corporate slaves. They don't get 'stoned' every day, but in all likelihood never lack for a J or dugout in their pocket. Most of them are simply mellowing the stressors of daily life. Two in particular are PhD's who are both working over 80 hours a week and raising 2 teenage girls with an older kid in college. They're anything but lazy, yet they, like me, smoke daily. I recently left my job, by choice, to pursue a Masters Degree after a 9 year lapse in education. So the non-motivational drug pushed me off the edge of my 80 hour a week slave job and provided me with the confidence to return to my path in classical music. 5 weeks into my degree and I've missed no classes, and have gotten extreme accolades from the faculty and student body. While the three 'non-toker' musicians in my section are the most difficult to get into class and keep there. We stoners are in our seats, smelling sweet, and playing great.

The myopic view you portray is worrisome. The laws 'around' marijuana are specifically and only based on profiteering and political control of the people by businesses from 1930 - today. Even now Alcohol, Police, and Paper are fighting against prop 19 because weed makes those three things, essentially worthless. The stigma you speak of was created by those very companies to 'sell' prohibition to the people and they've been selling it for 80 years now. Cheech and Chong (don't get me wrong, I love the bums) picked up the propaganda and made fun of it so they could profit. They chose the worse attributes of marijuana smokers to make fun of and they do it so well that non-tokers and occasionally even tokers, believe we are all that way. I'm a little disturbed that a fellow toker wouldn't be able to distinguish between 'pop-culture stoner' and real life. Sure there are wastoids and junkies out there who freak out at the thought of going dry, and while I'm not exactly happy about being dry, I'm not knocking off the gas station to get cash for a quarter bag. Mostly I'm a little sad because I probably blew out my serotonin receptors for a little while, they'll recover if I choose to let them.

"most "pot heads" cant control themselves." Of the 30+ local stoners I work with daily, 3 can't control themselves, the rest of us are busting our ass. I mean no attack and am really trying to hold my anxiety issues in check 'sans mary-jane' right now because I refuse to take the narcs my Doctor prescribed. I'm much to smart to take the mind killer Xanex again. Ironically, when he diagnosed me, well before I started smoking weed again, he only 'casually' mentioned that I might consider stopping smoking cigarettes, drinking and drinking coffee. Through MJ I tossed all of the above and Xanex. After three days my panic attacks are back, but they're FAR more mild than they were 4 years ago when I was avoiding Xanex whenever possible. I can thank my more mild attacks to the lack of Big Tobacco-Pharm-Coffee in my life, which I can thank weed for helping me rid my life of those.

Please don't take offense but those last two posts don't sound like the Sacred I've bantered with on here in the past.

my intentions were in no way to insult the tokers who have functional everyday lifestyles. I know quite a few, however many arent going to college, doing the "right thing", etc. While some may work to pay bills and other things, their physical/psychological state is far from stable. I am not solely attributing that to mary jane, I think that every one should be able to have clean, fresh bud. But when emotions or problems come up, alot of stoners need to develop a way to cope with it, without just hitting the pipe, they lack having they ability to deal with every day, "real life" things without the ganja. Also as for cheech and chong, i completely understand that those are fictional characters and movies, however there are alot of people like them. Take marc emery for example, IMO he doesnt give "Toker's" a good name. There IS a such thing as overdoing it. I know people who cough their lungs out constantly from smoking about an ounce every two weeks(of low grade shit) for years, imagine the tar from the mj alone puts in the lungs, then all the adulterants/contaminants and pollutants in it. Can you run up and down your street without stopping halfway through and HAVING to catch your breath, would you say that mj makes you more physically, and psychologically fit? Would you say for the most part that it creates healthy habits and structure? If the case is that most stoners are in their seat, would you really say that the potheads attend instead of skipping have dropped out to partake in the more lucrative enterprise of cannabis. I am saying that if everyone had the attitude of never going without, the world would go to shit. Being a professor or having a phd doesnt soley measure success, Congrats on your accolades(not sarcastic).
I know alot about all the greed/money/power games with the government and the BS surrounding pot. Regardless, the laws/stigmas are in place and there is nothing we can do, till all the other lazy ass stoners get of their asses and gather some people to the rallys or to vote on a bill. American's(not only) are so complacent in their sedentary "lazy boy lifestyle" that they dont get up and take this country back, like the good people should. There is power in numbers and the gov. would have to oblige with the majority, but again this wont happen until "the people" grow enough balls to stand up and fight back for what is rightfully ours. i wonder how fast the founding fathers of this country are spinning in their graves, knowing that this isnt as much of the land of the free and home of the brave, as they say. The point is that all this commercialism and mass consumption and greed has to stop or the world is going to fall apart at the seems. If someone would just take the initiative. the government is over running us and will soon be over ruling us as they already are now. They take what they want and invade our privacy whenever they want. The government needs good change, it cannot afford anymore negative.
i think the people that dont do shit while there high prolly wouldnt do shit if they where sober either, i know a few people like that they just got the "I dont wana" attitude
So i am saying, to everyone who could use a change or two, is to step it up, give yourself a good name, then give pot a good name, then give this great country a good name. Because you cant go around trying to change things without yourself being in place to do so.
I hope you guys are Voting for Alex Sink in Nov. in Florida, She for the legalization of medical marijuana. and

heard Rick Scott has a slight lead and he is against the legalization of medical marijuana.
Whats up guys, Central Fla here. I've been on this site for a while now and haven't even bothered to stop in and say whats up to my fellow Florida growers. This is some of the Cali bud that i get in. Tasty!View attachment 1214226

I sincerely hope you didn't feel as though I was attacking you. I just worried about the over abundance of 'every stoner is this way or that way.' No education is not a measure of success, however someone who takes three hits in the morning to treat his back pain without mind numbing drugs like Oxycontin, so he can spend 15 hours a day on choppy waters collecting dead fish for analysis and petrol content is FAR from a lazy stoner. Yes they vaporize about a half oz every month between the two of them, but they are neither lazy nor a brain dead burn outs. If anything kills their drive to succeed it will be their employers who are working them into the ground, as did mine.

I personally don't drink because I consider it a poison, but I know plenty of drinkers and like most of the marijuana users I know very few of them are alcoholics. The ones that have become alcoholics have become worthless. I agree with Acidbox that the lazy stoners I know pretty much would be lazy either way.

When you say, "The point is that all this commercialism and mass consumption and greed has to stop or the world is going to fall apart at the seems." The only thing I can say is, "You are correct sir."

The commercialism, mass consumption, selfishness, greed, and high-and-mighty attitudes, are causing the general malaise we are all feeling. I personally don't care if stoners go vote or not. Locally, there are a few 'pro-legalization / medicinal purpose / decriminalization' officials in Florida we can vote for. Will their voice be heard on our painfully christian-right-republican state government? Anyone think a trio or duet of voices could combat that blow hard Rhonda Storms from Tampa and the other 90+ nut bars that purchased their seat in the state senate? The only way we'll ever get full legalization is if PUFMM is really successful or the feds toss in their prohibition towel and the state can no longer afford to battle the influx of legal bud from other states. Who wouldn't road trip as far as S. Carolina for quality, cheap, legally grown bud and travel freely until they re-enter the deep south conservatism of GA and FL? I sure as hell would go fill my trunk.

I feel your pain Sacred, I really do. I don't like co-dependency any more than the next neo-pagan-hippy-communo-anarchist-grad student. I would gladly plant some seeds in the back yard and practice as little consumerism as possible if the sherrif's heli-pad wasn't 4 miles from my house. :(

Oddlly the only people I see doing anything today are the ganga smokers. My PhD friends, my fellow musicians, we're busting our asses handing out petitions on our respective campuses and around town. Every time I discover a 'sober' friend who believes all stoners are lazy and worthless, or "Cheech and Chong types." I listen to their story and/or beliefs and just reply, "It's nice to know you think of me that way." Each and ever person says the same thing, "You don't smoke weed." I reply, "Correct, I vaporize it."

Many many people have a beer or a cocktail at lunch and return to work feeling a little more relaxed about their day. Is it so bad that I have a few hits periodically to keep the combination of anxiety attacks and general stress at bay while I be veraciously productivity? I participate in the local burning man community, and they bust their asses constantly to get ready for next years Burning Man, with the two local, and 5 regional burns that occur every year. They're goal in life is art, creativity and weed, but they are motivated about them like no one I've ever seen. In all honesty I'd rather have THEM running our government.

I don't know the Canadian dude you're talking about in detail, I've read his name in the Zines but not paid attention to him. He's not in the U.S. and REALLY not in Florida, and I am rather myopic about who's worth the time to research, and Canadian's are 'Eh.' :P

You asked about physical and mental health and I thought I already addressed that from my perspective. The years from age 18 - 32 where I smoked a grand total of 10 hits at concerts, I weighted just short of 300 lbs, smoked a pack of cigs a day, and drank on average about 6 drinks a week. When I started using Marijuana again, I lost almost 100 lbs (and still going down), quit smoking until I seriously flubbed on stage Monday night and I'm now back at quitting again. I also found the motivation to remove the greatest stressor in my life, my employer, in favor of bettering myself started and attending graduate school like I should have done in 2001. I've also stopped being dependent on Xanex to control anxiety attacks. Physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually I've improved myself almost 10 fold while under basically constant usage of Marijuana for 3 years, not stoned for three years, just relaxed; medicated if I were in the right state.

Co-dependancy is horrible, but the better part of this world is co-dependent on something or someone. While I loath republicans, I was nauseated at the plethora of people 'begging' for more free money around the 2008 election, it nauseated me how we've gone from a Country where were told to 'ask not what our country could do for us, but what we can do for our country' to a dog and pony show of 'we're going to give you EVERYTHING you wamt, except weed, so you don't have to lift a finger.' If I wanted to live in the U.K. I'd move there. I see the 'current' political trend of the people to ask the government to provide everyone with everything from health care to housing to food. How is that not co-dependency? IMO it's MORE of a social problem than people who are dependent on marijuana for any happiness at all. What ever happened to people who declared independence to avoid the trap of government dependency (servitude.)

You're right Sacred, things need to change, but it has almost nothing to do with marijuana or it's usage. It's mostly has to do with the fact that we are willing to buy any old line of 'B.S.' without doing a lick of independent research into... anything. Anyone actually read the healthcare bill? Of course not it's something like 5000 pages, done on purpose to make it almost impossible for any human to comprehend. I was once taught 'ignorance of the law is no excuse.' Looking at the plethora of laws around, 'gnorance of the law is unavoidable. We are all being set up to be criminals and debtors to the state, with no chance of reprieve or personal or financial independence.

I don't like anyone who does nothing but sit on their ass, they have no one to blame for their problems but themselves. I think no one should have to go without weed, but I agree that moderation is always the best policy. I have a sign on my studio that says, "Practice everything in moderation, including excess." I attend 2 drug fueled weekend parties a year where after them I'm doing well to remember my name. After that, I return to a few hits 3 or 4 times a day at about, yes an ounce of crappy mids a month, no tar, no CO, no COz because its vaporized. and I walk at least 4 miles 3 times a week with my wife to help her loose the baby weight, with no wheezing, anymore no that I mostly dumped Big Tobacco from my life.

I practice excessive drug us, 2 weekends out of the year. Is that awful? That sad thing is those are at local burns and I'm usually stoned, rollin and I'll even break my caffiene and alcohol rules, if their gifted to me and the gifter is cute..and topless. :)

In all honesty I think we agree Sacred, but I think your view is myopic. Take away coffee and smokes this world will go to hell because those drugs power commercialism. The funny thing is I do agree with Cheech and Chong about 1 thing. Marijuana is the only drug that you can take that immediately after a hit the first thing most of us do is share with our neighbor. How many times have you been passed a free drink of beer at a concert? I can't go to a rock concert anymore without being passed a joint by someone, no one will ever pass me a beer though. Take away weed from this world and I honestly think that it would just become even more stressed and even more sad. I'm all for prohibition of cigs, alcohol and other 'energy' drinks. They're designed and marketed to make us work harder, for more commercialism, so some hog can own 3 mansions on everyone else's work, which in many cases is barely a livable wage. The problem isn't weed or tokers, it's people who buy the bullshit fed to us by Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the New York times. All of these are funded by your local profiteer so they can peddle their wares in your living room, and we pay for that 'peddling' most the time.

Oddly, we agree, I just don't see weed as a problem for over 95% of my weed using friends. The remaining 5%, they'd be worthless sober too.

Day 4 begins in 13 minutes. Back still hurts, still having anxiety issues, but less edgy than Wednesday or Thursday. I do miss Ms. Jane.


I sincerely hope you didn't feel as though I was attacking you. I just worried about the over abundance of 'every stoner is this way or that way.' No education is not a measure of success, however someone who takes three hits in the morning to treat his back pain without mind numbing drugs like Oxycontin, so he can spend 15 hours a day on choppy waters collecting dead fish for analysis and petrol content is FAR from a lazy stoner. Yes they vaporize about a half oz every month between the two of them, but they are neither lazy nor a brain dead burn outs. If anything kills their drive to succeed it will be their employers who are working them into the ground, as did mine.

I personally don't drink because I consider it a poison, but I know plenty of drinkers and like most of the marijuana users I know very few of them are alcoholics. The ones that have become alcoholics have become worthless. I agree with Acidbox that the lazy stoners I know pretty much would be lazy either way.

When you say, "The point is that all this commercialism and mass consumption and greed has to stop or the world is going to fall apart at the seems." The only thing I can say is, "You are correct sir."

The commercialism, mass consumption, selfishness, greed, and high-and-mighty attitudes, are causing the general malaise we are all feeling. I personally don't care if stoners go vote or not. Locally, there are a few 'pro-legalization / medicinal purpose / decriminalization' officials in Florida we can vote for. Will their voice be heard on our painfully christian-right-republican state government? Anyone think a trio or duet of voices could combat that blow hard Rhonda Storms from Tampa and the other 90+ nut bars that purchased their seat in the state senate? The only way we'll ever get full legalization is if PUFMM is really successful or the feds toss in their prohibition towel and the state can no longer afford to battle the influx of legal bud from other states. Who wouldn't road trip as far as S. Carolina for quality, cheap, legally grown bud and travel freely until they re-enter the deep south conservatism of GA and FL? I sure as hell would go fill my trunk.

I feel your pain Sacred, I really do. I don't like co-dependency any more than the next neo-pagan-hippy-communo-anarchist-grad student. I would gladly plant some seeds in the back yard and practice as little consumerism as possible if the sherrif's heli-pad wasn't 4 miles from my house. :(

Oddlly the only people I see doing anything today are the ganga smokers. My PhD friends, my fellow musicians, we're busting our asses handing out petitions on our respective campuses and around town. Every time I discover a 'sober' friend who believes all stoners are lazy and worthless, or "Cheech and Chong types." I listen to their story and/or beliefs and just reply, "It's nice to know you think of me that way." Each and ever person says the same thing, "You don't smoke weed." I reply, "Correct, I vaporize it."

Many many people have a beer or a cocktail at lunch and return to work feeling a little more relaxed about their day. Is it so bad that I have a few hits periodically to keep the combination of anxiety attacks and general stress at bay while I be veraciously productivity? I participate in the local burning man community, and they bust their asses constantly to get ready for next years Burning Man, with the two local, and 5 regional burns that occur every year. They're goal in life is art, creativity and weed, but they are motivated about them like no one I've ever seen. In all honesty I'd rather have THEM running our government.

I don't know the Canadian dude you're talking about in detail, I've read his name in the Zines but not paid attention to him. He's not in the U.S. and REALLY not in Florida, and I am rather myopic about who's worth the time to research, and Canadian's are 'Eh.' :P

You asked about physical and mental health and I thought I already addressed that from my perspective. The years from age 18 - 32 where I smoked a grand total of 10 hits at concerts, I weighted just short of 300 lbs, smoked a pack of cigs a day, and drank on average about 6 drinks a week. When I started using Marijuana again, I lost almost 100 lbs (and still going down), quit smoking until I seriously flubbed on stage Monday night and I'm now back at quitting again. I also found the motivation to remove the greatest stressor in my life, my employer, in favor of bettering myself started and attending graduate school like I should have done in 2001. I've also stopped being dependent on Xanex to control anxiety attacks. Physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually I've improved myself almost 10 fold while under basically constant usage of Marijuana for 3 years, not stoned for three years, just relaxed; medicated if I were in the right state.

Co-dependancy is horrible, but the better part of this world is co-dependent on something or someone. While I loath republicans, I was nauseated at the plethora of people 'begging' for more free money around the 2008 election, it nauseated me how we've gone from a Country where were told to 'ask not what our country could do for us, but what we can do for our country' to a dog and pony show of 'we're going to give you EVERYTHING you wamt, except weed, so you don't have to lift a finger.' If I wanted to live in the U.K. I'd move there. I see the 'current' political trend of the people to ask the government to provide everyone with everything from health care to housing to food. How is that not co-dependency? IMO it's MORE of a social problem than people who are dependent on marijuana for any happiness at all. What ever happened to people who declared independence to avoid the trap of government dependency (servitude.)

You're right Sacred, things need to change, but it has almost nothing to do with marijuana or it's usage. It's mostly has to do with the fact that we are willing to buy any old line of 'B.S.' without doing a lick of independent research into... anything. Anyone actually read the healthcare bill? Of course not it's something like 5000 pages, done on purpose to make it almost impossible for any human to comprehend. I was once taught 'ignorance of the law is no excuse.' Looking at the plethora of laws around, 'gnorance of the law is unavoidable. We are all being set up to be criminals and debtors to the state, with no chance of reprieve or personal or financial independence.

I don't like anyone who does nothing but sit on their ass, they have no one to blame for their problems but themselves. I think no one should have to go without weed, but I agree that moderation is always the best policy. I have a sign on my studio that says, "Practice everything in moderation, including excess." I attend 2 drug fueled weekend parties a year where after them I'm doing well to remember my name. After that, I return to a few hits 3 or 4 times a day at about, yes an ounce of crappy mids a month, no tar, no CO, no COz because its vaporized. and I walk at least 4 miles 3 times a week with my wife to help her loose the baby weight, with no wheezing, anymore no that I mostly dumped Big Tobacco from my life.

I practice excessive drug us, 2 weekends out of the year. Is that awful? That sad thing is those are at local burns and I'm usually stoned, rollin and I'll even break my caffiene and alcohol rules, if their gifted to me and the gifter is cute..and topless. :)

In all honesty I think we agree Sacred, but I think your view is myopic. Take away coffee and smokes this world will go to hell because those drugs power commercialism. The funny thing is I do agree with Cheech and Chong about 1 thing. Marijuana is the only drug that you can take that immediately after a hit the first thing most of us do is share with our neighbor. How many times have you been passed a free drink of beer at a concert? I can't go to a rock concert anymore without being passed a joint by someone, no one will ever pass me a beer though. Take away weed from this world and I honestly think that it would just become even more stressed and even more sad. I'm all for prohibition of cigs, alcohol and other 'energy' drinks. They're designed and marketed to make us work harder, for more commercialism, so some hog can own 3 mansions on everyone else's work, which in many cases is barely a livable wage. The problem isn't weed or tokers, it's people who buy the bullshit fed to us by Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and the New York times. All of these are funded by your local profiteer so they can peddle their wares in your living room, and we pay for that 'peddling' most the time.

Oddly, we agree, I just don't see weed as a problem for over 95% of my weed using friends. The remaining 5%, they'd be worthless sober too.

Day 4 begins in 13 minutes. Back still hurts, still having anxiety issues, but less edgy than Wednesday or Thursday. I do miss Ms. Jane.

No, i didnt think you were attacking me and i hope you dont think i was attacking you either. Its all peace. i am very cautious as not to use words such as: every and all, etc. I did not group all "stoners" or people together. I have heard the very familiar testimony of the pot for pain, instead of pills and I agree 100%. i am all for an organic remedy. Also you seem to have a biased view of corporate jobs and continue with the strong defense/offense of the hardworking pot head who always gets shat on, When ALOT are not in that same boat(hardworking), no pun intended lol. Who are you referring to when you say theyre on a boat testing petrol levels?

I also consider "hard liquor" to be a poison, and any alcohol abused or anything abused is really a poison to the person, not the object itself(even mj). you keep saying that the few you know are burnouts and alcoholics, Reality is more are "worthless" then arent.

Fill your trunk with "legal" bud, but you better keep your happy ass in SC with all of it, unless you want to get shit on by FHP, if you get pulled over and then they smell it. I am not religious, i simply have a relationship with my god the creator, i have doubts and different opinions, adapted views, but at the end of the day after looking at all the ugly deceit in the world, i look and think about all the beauty and I know that it does come from somewhere. And that it is truly beautiful and great and i hope one day this world will inherit that peace. i also wish most people didnt take the term "Christian" for Bible crazed freaks ,etc.

There are sheriff heli/pad that fly "around here" too.

what would you attribute those anxiety attacks to? not being able to cope without "a few tokes"? I never said pot was bad, i said over using/abusing it is bad and causes problems, wether anybody wants to realize it or not. It is not pot itself, it is the people. I agree about MOST "canadians".

>>"I was once taught 'ignorance of the law is no excuse.' Looking at the plethora of laws around, 'gnorance of the law is unavoidable. We are all being set up to be criminals and debtors to the state, with no chance of reprieve or personal or financial independence."<<So true!!!

Moderaiton of everything is key, being balanced.

i wouldnt consider my self narrow minded at all. I also wouldnt consider myself someone who unknowingly and naively buys into random shit.:bigjoint:
Who are you referring to when you say theyre on a boat testing petrol levels?

My PhD college professor friend. He's a ecologist working to minimize the local impact of the BP spill all over western Florida. It suck we used to hang three times a week and he's been so busy since April that I haven't seen him or his wife, who's also a researcher but I don't know her field.

what would you attribute those anxiety attacks to? not being able to cope without "a few tokes"?
W/o too much detail, genetics maybe, possibly an event that happened when I was 14 and it's really misdiagnosed PTSD. I really don't know. I was diagnosed
with Social Anxiety Disorder shortly after I started college in 1994, during my 'illegal substance' free years. I have been given a myriad
of drugs, the last one being Xanex, I still have about 3 left from a scrip I filled in 2007, before I started using weed again. I got so fed up with the
'shrinking' and pills that I stopped investigating 'why' when I discovered taking 2 or 3 hits and not smoking a whole bowl would mellow me to the point
that I don't break into cold sweats when there are more than 5 people in the room and I didn't become socially and intellectually debilitated like I was on the prescription drugs. When I actually developed it I don't know, I was doing so many drugs from age 13 - 18 that I honestly I don't remember much at all prior to going to college.

have a biased view of corporate jobs and continue with the strong defense/offense of the hardworking pot head who always gets shat on
This is just a tiny 'edge' you touched on. I'm personally and politically an anarchist, I loath the concept of any authoritarian control over me. I spent the last 10 years working over 90 hours a week for what a lot of people might consider chump change in the I.T. industry, averaging between 3 jobs around $60K a year. Four months ago my former employer pushed me to the point that I could no longer control the physical functioning of my body and I almost drove their vehicle into a median. While I was requesting to tend to my wife in the hospital his reaction was, 'I don't care what your problems are, get your ass to work and deal with it." I chose to no longer work for that vile drunkard or his drunkard boss and his philandering CEO. IMO the better part of Corp America can burn in hell for what it's done to the people in this world, including my over-achieving PhD'd friends.

Yes I'm pissed about the discrimination of we 3 hard working pot heads, because I had to drop $60 four times to buy fake piss to keep my jobs, yet our corporate meetings always happened at Hooters over a 6 pitchers of beer while I drank water or tea. So my bosses and co-workers are allowed to drink, and drive back to work, while on the clock doing 'work busienss' but I'm not allowed to take a few hits a couple times a day to make it possible for me to interact with more than 3 poeple at once? Discrimination and unfair treatment in the workplace is nothing new, but the whole hypocritical attitude of everyone piss testing for weed while they're slamming Nat Light or Busch or whatever is just evil IMO. Top it off with a close analysis of 'working' for someone else will show that it's just as futile as renting an apartment, sure it takes care of your immediate needs but it really don't do anything for your long term security.

I see corporations abusing my friends all over the place, the 'consumerism and consumption' ethic you and I both loath, is spoon fed to us as children BY corporate America and in many cases our government too. It's a symbiotic machine and we are the fuel and little else in the eyes of the CEO's, lobbyists and legislators. We 'grease' the wheels of their money machines with our blood, tears, divorces, drug addictions, alocholisms, gambling addictions, and heart attacks which IMO would be greatly reduced of the unimportant pressures imposed by the companies that employ us and the companies that tell us to spend our money on their products. My former employer has 3 confirmed kills, no I'm not kidding, 100% dead people, in the state of Florida. 1 car accident due to exhaustion (poor kid was 20 and working 100 hours a week), 1 heart attack due to stress , and 1 guy was pushed to the point of murder; looking at how I was from 2007 - 2008, I'm almost certain I was next on their slab. So yes I take great offense to the exisistance of corp. America and will defend the supposed few hard working stoners to my dying breath. I still disagree the casual marijuana users I know work FAR harder than the casual alcohol users I know, since I don't know anyone who doesn't fall into either category, except my wife who's a goody two shoes. The 3 burn outs and plethora of alcoholics I know would probably be worthless people even if they were sober, but the drugs they use do not help their situation. I would really be interested to see datum on medical marijuana users in the workplace from California and see if employers have any problems with their employees work ethic.

I might be a strange case but I can not sit and do nothing when stoned. I have to get up, move, go do something anything, I MUST get to work. As a grad student it's great, I take some hits and instead of playing video games or watching TV to escape the stresses, I'm just not stressed and do what I have to do for school. My PhD friends (there are only 2 of them) I fear are using Marijuana as a way of letting their employers work them to death, as it does the same thing to them. When I'm sober I, and they, have the same work ethic, we're just more mean about it when we're sober, a few hits and we're really nice about getting shit done at a lightning pace.

As to my comment about if the U.S. goes full legal and the dirty south remaining with it's political head firmly planted up it's ass, I will gladly go grab a trunk load of newly legalized bud from up North and I will drive it back into the dirty south and I pray I get busted my GA, LA or FL highway patrol. I'll take their ass to supreme court and have the feds force them to free all of us down here. I have no pride and will gladly take one for the team once I know at least 1 federal court will be on my side.
I'm personally and politically an anarchist, I loath the concept of any authoritarian control over me. While I was requesting to tend to my wife in the hospital his reaction was, 'I don't care what your problems are, get your ass to work and deal with it." I chose to no longer work for that vile drunkard or his drunkard boss and his philandering CEO. IMO the better part of Corp America can burn in hell
I hate corporate america just as much and i think the majority deserves to burn in hell as well, including BP. The over building and "expansion" that is occurring, not only in FL but all over the US and most of the world is sickening. Who needs SO many stores and places and doubles and triples of "businesses" in a few mile radius. it is simply greed. It is disgusting and pathetic. i also am an anxious person, although not as much as you say you are. Everybody has problems and needs to work on them, push forward and live a happy, positive and successful life. I also am an "anarchist", i dont respond to authority in a very positive manner, especially from pigs(not necessarily leo's), just low lifes, slimy sacks of swine shit in general. From people who have no place telling someone else what they can and cannot do.
Yes I'm pissed about the discrimination of we 3 hard working pot heads, because I had to drop $60 four times to buy fake piss to keep my jobs, yet our corporate meetings always happened at Hooters over a 6 pitchers of beer while I drank water or tea. So my bosses and co-workers are allowed to drink, and drive back to work, while on the clock doing 'work busienss' but I'm not allowed to take a few hits a couple times a day to make it possible for me to interact with more than 3 poeple at once? Discrimination and unfair treatment in the workplace is nothing new, but the whole hypocritical attitude of everyone piss testing for weed while they're slamming Nat Light or Busch or whatever is just evil IMO. Top it off with a close analysis of 'working' for someone else will show that it's just as futile as renting an apartment, sure it takes care of your immediate needs but it really don't do anything for your long term security.
It is an injustice how potheads are discriminated upon and alcohol(poison, altered) is pretty much glorified while marijuana(herb, unaltered) is demonized. There are shitty people and we just have to accept that and that some or most of the time they may get the promotion or raise, but life sucks, sometimes. evil will exist until We the people as a body make a change or until Christ comes back.
I see corporations abusing my friends all over the place, the 'consumerism and consumption' ethic you and I both loath, is spoon fed to us as children BY corporate America and in many cases our government too. It's a symbiotic machine and we are the fuel and little else in the eyes of the CEO's, lobbyists and legislators. We 'grease' the wheels of their money machines with our blood, tears, divorces, drug addictions, alocholisms, gambling addictions, and heart attacks which IMO would be greatly reduced of the unimportant pressures imposed by the companies that employ us and the companies that tell us to spend our money on their products. My former employer has 3 confirmed kills, no I'm not kidding, 100% dead people, in the state of Florida. 1 car accident due to exhaustion (poor kid was 20 and working 100 hours a week), 1 heart attack due to stress , and 1 guy was pushed to the point of murder; looking at how I was from 2007 - 2008, I'm almost certain I was next on their slab. So yes I take great offense to the exisistance of corp. America and will defend the supposed few hard working stoners to my dying breath. I still disagree the casual marijuana users I know work FAR harder than the casual alcohol users I know, since I don't know anyone who doesn't fall into either category, except my wife who's a goody two shoes. The 3 burn outs and plethora of alcoholics I know would probably be worthless people even if they were sober, but the drugs they use do not help their situation. I would really be interested to see datum on medical marijuana users in the workplace from California and see if employers have any problems with their employees work ethic.
You forgot the big one CANCER, can almost soley be attributed to CORP AM. I will also defend anyone hardworking, not just stoners. We ALL gotta get out and do something!!! Key words "casual user". Key term moderation.
I might be a strange case but I can not sit and do nothing when stoned. I have to get up, move, go do something anything, I MUST get to work. As a grad student it's great, I take some hits and instead of playing video games or watching TV to escape the stresses, I'm just not stressed and do what I have to do for school. My PhD friends (there are only 2 of them) I fear are using Marijuana as a way of letting their employers work them to death, as it does the same thing to them. When I'm sober I, and they, have the same work ethic, we're just more mean about it when we're sober, a few hits and we're really nice about getting shit done at a lightning pace.
I feel that way quite often too. I think that mj can be very capable of making one ambitious. But for alot of people it becomes a pipe dream. All depends.
As to my comment about if the U.S. goes full legal and the dirty south remaining with it's political head firmly planted up it's ass, I will gladly go grab a trunk load of newly legalized bud from up North and I will drive it back into the dirty south and I pray I get busted my GA, LA or FL highway patrol. I'll take their ass to supreme court and have the feds force them to free all of us down here. I have no pride and will gladly take one for the team once I know at least 1 federal court will be on my side.
You would probably loose unless like i said people take initiative and get out and actually accomplish something. We can have cannabis legalized, and make sure it isnt distributed/managed like alc/cigs.
+ rep buddy...im really curious to know who your employer was with the deaths, ive heard of something VERY similar

My PhD college professor friend. He's a ecologist working to minimize the local impact of the BP spill all over western Florida. It suck we used to hang three times a week and he's been so busy since April that I haven't seen him or his wife, who's also a researcher but I don't know her field.

W/o too much detail, genetics maybe, possibly an event that happened when I was 14 and it's really misdiagnosed PTSD. I really don't know. I was diagnosed
with Social Anxiety Disorder shortly after I started college in 1994, during my 'illegal substance' free years. I have been given a myriad
of drugs, the last one being Xanex, I still have about 3 left from a scrip I filled in 2007, before I started using weed again. I got so fed up with the
'shrinking' and pills that I stopped investigating 'why' when I discovered taking 2 or 3 hits and not smoking a whole bowl would mellow me to the point
that I don't break into cold sweats when there are more than 5 people in the room and I didn't become socially and intellectually debilitated like I was on the prescription drugs. When I actually developed it I don't know, I was doing so many drugs from age 13 - 18 that I honestly I don't remember much at all prior to going to college.

This is just a tiny 'edge' you touched on. I'm personally and politically an anarchist, I loath the concept of any authoritarian control over me. I spent the last 10 years working over 90 hours a week for what a lot of people might consider chump change in the I.T. industry, averaging between 3 jobs around $60K a year. Four months ago my former employer pushed me to the point that I could no longer control the physical functioning of my body and I almost drove their vehicle into a median. While I was requesting to tend to my wife in the hospital his reaction was, 'I don't care what your problems are, get your ass to work and deal with it." I chose to no longer work for that vile drunkard or his drunkard boss and his philandering CEO. IMO the better part of Corp America can burn in hell for what it's done to the people in this world, including my over-achieving PhD'd friends.

Yes I'm pissed about the discrimination of we 3 hard working pot heads, because I had to drop $60 four times to buy fake piss to keep my jobs, yet our corporate meetings always happened at Hooters over a 6 pitchers of beer while I drank water or tea. So my bosses and co-workers are allowed to drink, and drive back to work, while on the clock doing 'work busienss' but I'm not allowed to take a few hits a couple times a day to make it possible for me to interact with more than 3 poeple at once? Discrimination and unfair treatment in the workplace is nothing new, but the whole hypocritical attitude of everyone piss testing for weed while they're slamming Nat Light or Busch or whatever is just evil IMO. Top it off with a close analysis of 'working' for someone else will show that it's just as futile as renting an apartment, sure it takes care of your immediate needs but it really don't do anything for your long term security.

I see corporations abusing my friends all over the place, the 'consumerism and consumption' ethic you and I both loath, is spoon fed to us as children BY corporate America and in many cases our government too. It's a symbiotic machine and we are the fuel and little else in the eyes of the CEO's, lobbyists and legislators. We 'grease' the wheels of their money machines with our blood, tears, divorces, drug addictions, alocholisms, gambling addictions, and heart attacks which IMO would be greatly reduced of the unimportant pressures imposed by the companies that employ us and the companies that tell us to spend our money on their products. My former employer has 3 confirmed kills, no I'm not kidding, 100% dead people, in the state of Florida. 1 car accident due to exhaustion (poor kid was 20 and working 100 hours a week), 1 heart attack due to stress , and 1 guy was pushed to the point of murder; looking at how I was from 2007 - 2008, I'm almost certain I was next on their slab. So yes I take great offense to the exisistance of corp. America and will defend the supposed few hard working stoners to my dying breath. I still disagree the casual marijuana users I know work FAR harder than the casual alcohol users I know, since I don't know anyone who doesn't fall into either category, except my wife who's a goody two shoes. The 3 burn outs and plethora of alcoholics I know would probably be worthless people even if they were sober, but the drugs they use do not help their situation. I would really be interested to see datum on medical marijuana users in the workplace from California and see if employers have any problems with their employees work ethic.

I might be a strange case but I can not sit and do nothing when stoned. I have to get up, move, go do something anything, I MUST get to work. As a grad student it's great, I take some hits and instead of playing video games or watching TV to escape the stresses, I'm just not stressed and do what I have to do for school. My PhD friends (there are only 2 of them) I fear are using Marijuana as a way of letting their employers work them to death, as it does the same thing to them. When I'm sober I, and they, have the same work ethic, we're just more mean about it when we're sober, a few hits and we're really nice about getting shit done at a lightning pace.

As to my comment about if the U.S. goes full legal and the dirty south remaining with it's political head firmly planted up it's ass, I will gladly go grab a trunk load of newly legalized bud from up North and I will drive it back into the dirty south and I pray I get busted my GA, LA or FL highway patrol. I'll take their ass to supreme court and have the feds force them to free all of us down here. I have no pride and will gladly take one for the team once I know at least 1 federal court will be on my side.