When Is My Bowl Trash?


Active Member
so i have a fresh bowl packed and about to start smoking. when do i stop. at what point is the pot no longer good.


Well-Known Member
eh, what are you saying?

typically, people stop when they finish the bowl. yet if you load a bowl that is too big and don't finish it, the pot will stay good for a while, it'll just get dry, as it usually does.


Well-Known Member
If you're using a bong and it's just you, just pack a bowl big enough for one milky hit. That way you dont waste any if you cant take it all.


Well-Known Member
i usually feel it with my finger. if the weed has some hardness left to it, u can still smoke it. if its just a small amount, u can torch it and it will fill the bong from that little bit. so basically unless the ash feels like flour, its still good to me


Well-Known Member
I was really hoping this thread was a joke. Poor kid, I guess everyone has to start somewhere though.


Active Member
I'd like to think I am pretty seasoned, and I just found this because I was curious and googled it.

Back when I first started, yeah pack a bowl full o' brown mex and smoke it till it doesn't smoke anymore. Now that I grow my own and have more than I can smoke I was wondering - when is the point when it's not even worth smoking? When you vape, the buds still look a little budlike, even though they've given up their THC. What is the point of toking on a bowl if it's a glowing cherry? Isn't that past the point on THC vaporization?


bud bootlegger
But seriously, what's the point of smoking charcoal?
its not charcoal my man, its just weed that hasn't been smoked all of the way.. i keep smoking that shit till the bowl is ashed... and like someone else said, use your finger to feel it, if it feels like flour, its ashed and time to pack another..