Tent - 2 bucket DWC

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Lovin those girls man !!
Cop that meter and keep them that way ! lol
Look up Milwaukee Martini PH55 meter on Ebay or something.
That's the ph/temp combo I have and use.
They hit for like $50 - $60 now. Was $90+ when they first came out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Flo got it heading my way now :D

Do you see fluctuations in your reservoir when checking PPM / PH? It seems if I put the meter over the water with more bubbles I get drastically different reading than the rest of the reservoir. This fluctuation is making me concerned I have a reservoir change Sunday... onto full strength flower nutes, I'm going to move AK back under bulb and the WW back to more or less under the end of the bulb and more of the reflector.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Flo got it heading my way now :D

Do you see fluctuations in your reservoir when checking PPM / PH? It seems if I put the meter over the water with more bubbles I get drastically different reading than the rest of the reservoir. This fluctuation is making me concerned I have a reservoir change Sunday... onto full strength flower nutes, I'm going to move AK back under bulb and the WW back to more or less under the end of the bulb and more of the reflector.

You mean when you stick your probe straight into the res with the air stones on and water bubbling???? If so I noticed the same thing I just dip a clean plastic solo cup in my res and check that way ...

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I avoid the bubbles too !
Never thought to mention it though, my bad.
Or do like BH, and use a seperate cup.
I do see flucts, but that depends on if my plants ate a little or a lot.
Sometimes there will be no flucts in ph or ppm, just the water level.
Mostly stable like I said.
I add ONLY water back daily, then bump the nutes back up if they fall by more than 100 - 150 points from their previous max level.


Well-Known Member
You mean when you stick your probe straight into the res with the air stones on and water bubbling???? If so I noticed the same thing I just dip a clean plastic solo cup in my res and check that way ...
Good idea. I'll try that so I get a more accurate reading


Well-Known Member
Good idea. I'll try that so I get a more accurate reading
yeah dude I have a 250 dollar Hanna Grow Check Combo and its a really good meter and when I put it inside the res it did the exact same thing with the PPM. Just dip a clean plastic cup half way or less and get your reading that way ..So its definitely not your meter because even a top of the line one will do the same ...


Well-Known Member
Man it is really weird PH'ing your buckets then dipping a cup and having the reservoir PH be like 5.8 but the cup of stable nute / water from the reservoir be like 6.7! So which is right? LOL


Well-Known Member
I hope this PH meter gets here quick so I can compare lol lights are out for the evening things are looking GREAT

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
I want a meter I can leave in my rez that read PH, PPM and TEMP.
You know, the big combos you hang on the wall ! lol

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Someone on here just copped one online for $80 !!!!
I can't remember who AND I asked them for a pm of the info of where to buy but NOTHING yet ! lol
I call BULLSHIT at this point !! lmao


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking this AK looks too good to be a momma and I need to SCROG her 1 plant lol be back with pics.


Well-Known Member
Ladies are looking great!!

Here are some MACRO shots of the AK48:


Standard Shots of AK48

White Widow

WW Macro Shots

Later today I'll be going full strength nutrients and adding in some Boost & Raw for added sugar production :D


Well-Known Member
Just got finished changing the nutes up to 950 PPM that's 32 ML Micro, 64 ML Bloom, 15 ML Canna's Boost, 15 ML RAW