fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

found a few still out there, .................. 007.jpg008.jpg016.jpg015.jpg014.jpg

i hammer stakes into the soil and then right thru the bottom of the pot into the ground. this keeps them from tipping over.

the last 2 pics are of the same plant. i got lazy and didn't take the time to tie up all the branches. it's a hash plant haze, and the buds are huge and hard.
killer FDD- looks like that last plant is a little heavy! just amazing to see those monster plants in small pots. i would be happy with just a single one of those smaller plants. a beautiful morning you got there today as well!
Ohhh that loveley hashplant haze! Im truly in love with the strain. Tho im never able to get mines to grow that tall. Allways end up with small bushy ones even in pots twice the size of the ones your using. Amazing and beautiful!!!
after 3 days of crawling under the house my back finally blew out.

L5S1 - http://lmgtfy.com/?q=L5S1

i can't breathe, i can't walk, i can barely lean over to type this. i went down at noon today and slept all afternoon. it's now 7pm and i feel no better. i have been doing my stretches and doubled up on my meds.

we got our gas meter back and have gas to almost all locations. i have one little thing left to do to get that project 100% complete. i can take a hot shower now. it may help relax my muscles.

i did not get a chance to get any gardening done today. i have 12 plants inside i need to knock out real quick, but i'm not sure if my back is ready yet. sometimes this will lay me out for 3 days. if i can't move tomorrow i'm gonna get way behind.

it cooled off to 90 today, supposed to be even cooler tomorrow. it's nice we have had such good weather. i have only had to cover my garden for 1 day. last year they had to go their last 3 weeks covered.
About 20 years ago Paul Harvey quoted the National Journal of Medicine about the best medical approach to a bulging disc being morphine. As one who has a dual rupture on L-5, I know that this is the only effective way to get any relief, but try to find a doctor that will use this treatment. As I've had to explain to the docs is that narcotics are just tools that you have to use only when you need them.
I was on oxycoton for 6 months until I started using mj on a regular basis and the doc was pleasantly surprised when I walked away from the narcotics. If we could get medical mj in our state, it would sure help a lot of people.
Heat and rest will help. It's like a hangover, you really can't do anything about it, but make the body more comfortable.

About 20 years ago Paul Harvey quoted the National Journal of Medicine about the best medical approach to a bulging disc being morphine. As one who has a dual rupture on L-5, I know that this is the only effective way to get any relief, but try to find a doctor that will use this treatment. As I've had to explain to the docs is that narcotics are just tools that you have to use only when you need them.
I was on oxycoton for 6 months until I started using mj on a regular basis and the doc was pleasantly surprised when I walked away from the narcotics. If we could get medical mj in our state, it would sure help a lot of people.
Heat and rest will help. It's like a hangover, you really can't do anything about it, but make the body more comfortable.


i usually keep it stretched out. i knew i should have been doing more stretches. the baclofen and naproxin help, but just enough to where i can move around a little.

i have never really tried or even believed in cannabis salves and rubs. i am ready to start looking into it. i have heard it works. it would also be a good way to get the wife to give me back rubs. ;)
found a few still out there, .................. View attachment 1214087View attachment 1214090View attachment 1214088View attachment 1214089View attachment 1214086

i hammer stakes into the soil and then right thru the bottom of the pot into the ground. this keeps them from tipping over.

the last 2 pics are of the same plant. i got lazy and didn't take the time to tie up all the branches. it's a hash plant haze, and the buds are huge and hard.
I like the idea with the stakes. nice...
after 3 days of crawling under the house my back finally blew out.

L5S1 - http://lmgtfy.com/?q=L5S1

i can't breathe, i can't walk, i can barely lean over to type this. i went down at noon today and slept all afternoon. it's now 7pm and i feel no better. i have been doing my stretches and doubled up on my meds.

we got our gas meter back and have gas to almost all locations. i have one little thing left to do to get that project 100% complete. i can take a hot shower now. it may help relax my muscles.

i did not get a chance to get any gardening done today. i have 12 plants inside i need to knock out real quick, but i'm not sure if my back is ready yet. sometimes this will lay me out for 3 days. if i can't move tomorrow i'm gonna get way behind.

it cooled off to 90 today, supposed to be even cooler tomorrow. it's nice we have had such good weather. i have only had to cover my garden for 1 day. last year they had to go their last 3 weeks covered.

sorry to hear. I also got a fucked up L4-L5-S1. had 2 surgeries on it and it still sucks. I can imagine the pain you go through. hope you get better.

sorry for the double post.
i usually keep it stretched out. i knew i should have been doing more stretches. the baclofen and naproxin help, but just enough to where i can move around a little.

i have never really tried or even believed in cannabis salves and rubs. i am ready to start looking into it. i have heard it works. it would also be a good way to get the wife to give me back rubs. ;)

I feel your pain man. Parachuting accident in the Army three herniated discs and compression fractures L-5 S1 up to L-3 L-4. Cannabis relieves some pain and muscle spasms, but when there is inflamation and it presses on the sciatic nerve you have to wait for the inflamaiton to go down. Robaxin works for both as well.
Anyway, I wanted to recommend a topical. I make one out of the following that actually will numb the outer muscles and it even works for my 90 yr old grandmother who broke her back in her 20's and has horrible arthritus now.
Here is the ingredients
Coconut oil
Bees wax
Canna olive oil ( very strong made with pocorn buds)
Cocao butter
Comfrey Extract( been used for thousands of years for bone healing)
Calendula Flower extract
Amica flower extract
St. Johns wart flower tops exctract
lavender oil
wintergreen oil

I am telling you this shit works. Everyone who has tried it for any ache or pain have been blown away. I melt the bees wax, add the coconut oil and cocao butter in a pot. You can experiment with the consistancy, if it is too hard add more oil, if too soft more bees wax. It is easy to re-heat and adjust the consistancy until it is the way you want it.

If interested here is link on the history of comfrey, which just so happens to form a great synergy with cannabis. http://www.herballegacy.com/Ollman_History.html
i usually keep it stretched out. i knew i should have been doing more stretches. the baclofen and naproxin help, but just enough to where i can move around a little.

i have never really tried or even believed in cannabis salves and rubs. i am ready to start looking into it. i have heard it works. it would also be a good way to get the wife to give me back rubs. ;)

My g/f will sit on the ground with her back to the wall, pull her knees up and kick my back it helps sometimes, but when it doesn't I'm in for a long night and am not a pleasant fucker to boot. I have one of THESE it heats and does rolling massage. I was skeptical because I have the degenerative disease and muscle spasms from hell. It is surely not the cure-all but makes life more comfortable, ask Stumps he's tried it too. I'm upgrading when i get the "income tax" money to one that has 5 massagers instead of 2. It has a 15 minute shutoff and takes me 3 or 4 cycles to notice a difference. The heat can be intense.
a little sore and stiff today but i can move and breathe. thank you everyone for the kind thoughts. i think i just went thru the most stressful week of the year. i made it though and i can see things looking brighter. now all i have to do is find someone to take all this bud off my hands. ;)
hey bro i can relate...i have herniated disc's at L3,4,5 and S1 with degenerated disc disease..my thecal sack is flat (big ball of nerve endings mainly for your legs) 2 surgeries first one failed which was 4 titanium screws and 2 4" rods...6 months after i broke 2 of the screws in half...the rescent surgery they went in threw my belly and move my organs to put in a 4" plate in front of my spine, im in a turtle shell from my nuts to my nips...its only been 8 weeks so we will see if it works pretty soon...best of luck FDD...i bought a Serola belt a few months back and i wear it everyday check it out
I feel for you faded.
My father had two fused discs removed and gets morphine patches on the regular. :(
That's how I got into medical growing. Started a patch for him three years ago next to his tomatoes.
My thumbs been green ever since, LOL.

I got my hands full over here, too. Tried collectives in Sacramento and Oakland areas.
Might need to start looking more southward, market is flooded with meds.