Been out the picture for a couple season, I know there's got to be photos of your TORCH setup somewhere up here. I'll search for tuna tags and pipe the results to grep for 'torch'. Or maybe you could post a reminder of what your workin with. I'll spark one while I wait..
Been out the picture for a couple season, I know there's got to be photos of your TORCH setup somewhere up here. I'll search for tuna tags and pipe the results to grep for 'torch'. Or maybe you could post a reminder of what your workin with. I'll spark one while I wait..
hey fdd,
congratulations on the harvest and all the beautiful plants you grew.
is the harvest goblet finished? seeing some of your buds in there would be awesome!
the harvest goblet is finished and kinda embarrassing, but since you asked, i guess i can try to post some pics. i'll try to get some buds shots up as well.
thats fucking hella gangster!!!! you know christmas is comming up???? lol
thats crazy i bet that thing hits beastly........ plus i love the idea of takking out the slide to cash out..... usually with most bubblers when its beat or round there i gotta dig in there with something to get the ash out, or blow in the bowlhead real hard to get ash out but that sometimes causes volcanoe effect... thats a cool ass bubbler cuzz i can cash the slide out on lets say like the palm of my hands