StarTrek @ 8 Weeks Flowering


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:leaf:100% Legal/Medical/Licensed:leaf:

Took down the majority of the plant, leaving about 50+ good sized popcorn nugs and some fan leaves left of the main stalk to finish now that they are finally exposed. I will get some pics of what is left of her, so you guys can see how I did the multi-harvest. I'm estimating that by leaving the popcorn nugs to go another week I can add atleast another oz to them before taking her down completely.

Mazar :fire:
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:leaf:100% Legal/Medical/Licensed:leaf:

Here's the first nug that I trimmed that was just below the top cola. Odor/aroma is extremely strong, fruity, grapefruit-trainwreck like. The flush made a huge difference, as it is enhanced that much more and the plant showed obvious sign of chlorophyll breakdown in it's larger leaves. I can't wait to smoke! bongsmilie

Mazar :fire:
your ladys are beautiful, and look what theyve produced, some sexy arse buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the widow is getting big aswell

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Lovely stuff Mazar, wish I had nice weather like you guys! I like the name btw, I remember smoking hash from that region when I was a boy. Use to com ein big kilo slabs with the areas name printed on them...real nice hash. Doubt that ever gets imported now!

Have a good weekend an thanks for the invite to your grow.



And yes, I thought Mazar was a cool name. I've learned quite a bit about the Hindu Kush Mtns and the Mazar region in Afghanistan as it's origin since purchasing. This is actually a landrace strain that has been around for decades (with the breeder for 30+), and has been known in the past to be one of the best hash strains out there, and has been known to be used in the past to produce Royal Afghani Hash with the official stamp on the slab, as you mentioned. Cool stuff! I'm glad she's good for that cause, because I love making hash/hash oil over edibles. Edibles are fun, but the fact that they take so long to hit and only have a less intense high spread out, rather than just hitting at once (and i've made some strong butter in my day), I think I'd rather convert it to hash. It tends to offer me a lot more medical benefits in the end.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
your ladys are beautiful, and look what theyve produced, some sexy arse buds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the widow is getting big aswell
Thx brock!

These pics are all the StarTrek, actually. The White Widow has been fully harvested, so I didn't include any photos of her. The Widow is currently in jars and assisting in intensifying aroma & flavor. The Mazars are all that's left to harvest, along with the last of the StarTrek (popcorn nugs). I will get some Mazar updates shortly and post them in my Outdoor Mazar thread. Stay tuned! :)


Well-Known Member
I've been sticky as fuck all day! :) Felt great to take a shower a bit ago. I tried to rub my hands to get all the THC off and into a hash ball but i was still soaked. Even walking in the GH will brush buds up against you and make you smell like a damn box of fruity pebbles by the time you walk out, so I mean, THC was just melting off me when I finally cleaned up haha and i'm not even done! It's great tho, because I think hash, hash oil, & oil/butter for edibles is one of the best pros of growing, so every bud I trim gives me that much more to throw towards that cause, and I look forward to feasting on that to keep me from smoking on all my colas at once. And don't worry homes, I'll set some aside for you to blaze when you get off parole. It should be even better by then cuz it'll be cured so well. I look forward to submitting a smoke report on this when it is properly dried/cured and ready to blaze.
i bet you reak of weed, when we would trim in the small city we were in we would go to stores to pick up food and stuff and it seemed every one knew what we were doing cuz we reaked and some of us still had trim on ourself, but its cool cuz almost every one in the small city grows and knows each other.
and i love hash as well ans oils, not a huge mediablse fan though i have never had any that tasted good and got you really high except one time when my uncle made blueberry muffins, now that shit fucked me up for a few days.
and hey that would be sick if you still had some left im supposed to be put on a mail in list soon for probation so i dont even have to see a po so i might be smoking sooner then i thought. ill save you some of my jackfrost as well cuz lords knows im gonna have enough to last a long while

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
what method of making cannabutter did you use?

- 2 oz CANNABIS TRIMMINGS (If using pure bud, use 1/2 oz for this recipe)
- 6 Sticks of Tillamook Butter (Many prefer to go unsalted, I did the same)
- 2 Cups Water
- Crockpot WITH Cover
- Strainer
- Wire Mesh Cooking Utincil (Additional Filtration)
- Cheesecloth/Coffefilters


1) Begin by prepping all of your ingredients so that you have everything ready and accessable by your cooking area. This will help things run smoothe, and keep the kitchen clean & organized. Your bud should be in a bowl or bag properly dried and either use a grinder or break down & mix real good by hand.

2) Begin heating your crockpot on medium-high so that you can get the temps up to a level that will quickly melt the butter.

3) Add sticks of butter and begin melting

4) Lower the temp from med-high to Simmer-Low

5) When butter has completely melted add the dried/ground-up bud or trim and start stirring well so that you can incorporate it evenly with the butter and really layer it.
***Some like to add the water first, melt the butter in, then add cannabis. I find that being cannabis is alcohol & fat soluable and NOT water soluable, that it extracts the THC more effeciently when you start by cooking the cannabis in majority fat, and then add the water later***

5) After about 10-15 min of stirring and light simmering at low temp (DO NOT BOIL YOUR WEED OR YOU CAN RISK DEGRADING THC LEVELS), your butter/bud mixture should be developing a nice green color. At this point, you can now ADD 2 cups Water and create a more liquid mixture.

6) Continue to slow cook on LOW for atleast one hour, but 2-3 hours is recommended to ensure you get every bit of THC you can.

7) Before pulling, I like to do a quick temp boost and raise it to medium until I start to see some bubbles develop in the butter mixture, but not reach boiling temp and do a final stir.

8 ) Prepare your strainer/straining tools just above the container you plan to store the butter in, and begin pouring the mixture being sure to extract any/all plant matter with your straining tools. If a couple pieces get thru it's ok, you can always go back with a fork or small straining tool and fish it out of there.

9) If you have cheesecloth or coffee filters available, use those to fill up with handfuls of bud and squeeze over your container. You will find that it contains a lot of soaked up butter, and will increase what you get out of your batch by quite a bit, as well as potency. ALWAYS STRAIN YOUR PLANT MATTER INTO THE BATCH BEFORE TOSSING!!!

10) Cool your butter by placing in the fridge. Like Jell-O, over the course of a few hours you will start to see the butter firm and harden. As this process occurs, you will notice the water left from the batch settle at the bottom. Because of the plant matter, the water that builds up should be a brown color. Looks nasty, but once your butter is hard you can pull the chunks out, expose the water, and drain it out of the container. After I did this, I transfered it to another container so I didn't have trace moisture.

11) Put your butter in the fridge and use it for any recipe that calls for butter (or oil in some cases, as a replacement) and enjoy! I did cookies today that worked out great and it only took 1/4 of my batch. I still have so much butter it's ridiculous :grin:

Hope this helps!

Mazar :fire:


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:leaf:100% Legal/Medical/Licensed:leaf:

Took down the majority of the plant, leaving about 50+ good sized popcorn nugs and some fan leaves left of the main stalk to finish now that they are finally exposed. I will get some pics of what is left of her, so you guys can see how I did the multi-harvest. I'm estimating that by leaving the popcorn nugs to go another week I can add atleast another oz to them before taking her down completely.

Mazar :fire:
fucking amazing!!!

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member

Thx man! I really liked that shot, too. Love the way the camera caught all the sun rays shining down on the greenhouse.