usa is full ov grasses and snitches


Well-Known Member
There are snitches EVERYWHERE! So the my rule is " Never show my face when i do need to buy some bud, someone goes instead of me, no one needs to know that you are growing your own bud", and remember your "friends" can turn Enemys...


Active Member
The way I look at it is its a risk.....Is it calculated or not? I think its good to talk about the risk on here because I believe there is alot of Youngsters that dont stop and think "hey if I get busted whats gonna happen" and go overboard with shit and are careless about their ventures. At the least it will bring to their attention that you can go to jail because its illegal rightfully or not!

As for sticking up for the USA I believe everyone is different and therefore different things appease and dis appease them individually. So one person may disagree with an issue while another stands behind it. The black men here like their woman fat. It all comes down to if your happy where your at. Dont judge a whole country because of your uneducated views.