kinda nervous about ordering seeds


Well-Known Member
Confications rarely happen and I mean very rarely.I know I've ordered 100 times over the years without a single confication.
That is very true - I very often send Lophophora williamsii (peyote) seeds and plants to cactus growers in the US. Done it masses of times, only ever had one plant seized. One is on its way to a state in the MidWest right now.


bud bootlegger
ive also gotten that lovely letter from customs on an order from sannies..
i think the last line of the letter says something like no further action will be taken.. good enough for me, and i haven't heard a thing since than, which was probably about two months or so ago..


Well-Known Member
I got a letter too, so I stopped going with Dr. Chronic. They have good gear, but the chances of getting my seeds intercepted again, was.... not worth the trouble.
Well ive actually never had it happen. Ive just seen it happen to other people. For the OP, I went to the single seed company (, ive only ordered two seeds at a time but when i bought them i opted for garenteed shipping and they sent it in a DVD case in a small paper package. Ive never had a problem getting my seeds through customs. My package was marked as a gift DVD by the company and all customs did was weigh it and stamp it with a approval stamp.