Matt Rize
This is called bioaccumulation: "“Bioaccumulation is defined as the accumulation of chemicals in the tissue of organisms through any route, including respiration, ingestion, or direct contact with contaminated water, sediment, and pore water in the sediment.” – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000" Compost that is organic/plant based is really the best. Although meat or flesh can orginate from herbivores, you want to stay as low on the food chain as possible. Plant matter does not have the chances of building harmful toxins as easy as organisims higher on the food chain can. Think Mercury and Lead, among others. Plant based material is very near the bottom of the food chain meaning they will not pick up as many pollutants along the way.
Looks like you are going large scale, but for all you DIY types- I have a real nice EcoComposter I bought at Costco that is a sphere, it rotates 360 degrees and is black, so it absorbs the suns warmth keeping the beneficial microbes alive. Some of the best soil I have ever made comes out this simple sphere and it does 50 gallons at a time. It was 99 bucks and well worth it IMO. (The larger one goes for more (199.00) which I may pick up next as it holds more- 71 gallons)[/QUOTE]