Welcome New Members!

you might want to pickup a book or two so you can tell where you little girl is at in life. I like Organic Marijuana Soma Style or marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible there are a lot of other books that can show you can tell what stage your girls are in.
note it is much safer to grow indoors!
I'm new here too. please forgive any miss spelled words lost my glasses (dang) anyway I have a gl80 grow room it is 2'6" x 2'6" x 6'I have 6 plants in there,He He He I use a ppf-400 led light system (NICE) FROM haight solid state.com check that place out its a little chink of coin
I grow in 3 gal smart pots with foxfarm ocean forest soil with a good amount of perlite mix in for drainage as well as air flow
18 on 6 off then turn off the lights for 36 hours then 12/12 for flowering check your ph every other day water when your soil is dry
you might want to pickup a book or two so you can tell where you little girl is at in life. I like Organic Marijuana Soma Style or marijuana horticulture the indoor/outdoor medical grower's bible there are a lot of other books that can show you can tell what stage your girls are in.
note it is much safer to grow indoors!

haha if you'd read my post rather than just the pics, you'd see that i'm fully aware theyre harvested way too soon. there was no choice, its either harvest now, or lose everything.
I'm new here too. please forgive any miss spelled words lost my glasses (dang) anyway I have a gl80 grow room it is 2'6" x 2'6" x 6'I have 6 plants in there,He He He I use a ppf-400 led light system (NICE) FROM haight solid state.com check that place out its a little chink of coin
I grow in 3 gal smart pots with foxfarm ocean forest soil with a good amount of perlite mix in for drainage as well as air flow
18 on 6 off then turn off the lights for 36 hours then 12/12 for flowering check your ph every other day water when your soil is dry

what strains are you growing?
hay all whats up??? just started growing indoors my plant are still small about 2" 21 days old nice and green but still small they are under hydro grow lights T5 2 foot 4 lights
hay every one need help plant do not want to grow ???? 21 days old about 2 in.tallriht now under hydrogrows 2 foot four lights set up they are in fox farms soil
Hey Guys new too the site and new too growing. Not set up a growing area yet as i aint got a clue where too start lol but i hope to find out all the best tips too get set up through the site and hopefully learn how too grow some badbass weed :D

I have so many questions too ask but i am pretty sure they have been asked time and time again so will try not to pester you all with same old questions! hopefully get a good read on what i need too do so i can get cracking.
Hello everyone. I'm currently trying my hand at growing some mj. I've been reading up on guides and stuff. Problem is, these guides are for colder climates.
Hello. Im real new at this as Im sure everone has been at one point or another. I planted a seed a few months ago and somewhat forgot about it. The other day i checked it and there was a small bud growing on this very small plant. Although insignificant in actuallity, just seeing this awesome little plant has completely summoned an overwhelming curiousity to grow. Since the season here on the east coast is on its way out for growing outdoors, i was really hoping to start an indoor project of some kind. Could someone please tell me where to start. An suggestions to this new grower would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Everybody,

I'm new to the site and also new to growing. I'm mid way through my first run I'm growing Bubba & Master Kush. So far I beleive everything is going good plants are currently at 36 - 38" in 5 gallon pots. I'm doing 18/6 light cycle vegging under 1ks, using fox farm nutes. If anyone has any advise regarding these strains or just growing in general I would appreciate it.
Newbie to this joint lol. old ass rookie, TLO activist lol!! I will be lurking, learning,(the hard way usually) referred by skunker.
What up RIU, been lurking for years, have a few grows under my belt, and hopefully some more in the future. Been learning and learning, soaking up as much as i can, thanks to all the real help on here, even if it means sorting through the BS, peace
What up names Cimz I am in the second week of flowering my first grow i have used no nutes all i have done is put them in fox farm ocrean a week prior to flowering .. should i get nutes is it to late plants are having some browning of the lower leaves and yellowing im shur the answers are all throughout here wondering if someone could help me out with a simple good ans ... will post some pics if needed:leaf: