What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

sorry to bunch into the middle and screw the whole thing.

i had a couple more but the after effects made me feel like shit and everything was crashing down cuz of those things i had so i flushed them

my stash is slooooowly working its way up...

a comfortabe amount of methylone
weed of course
and phenazepam!


would been way more by now if it were for damn bthmg,,,,!!!!!!!! arrggghhh!!!!!

sorry sorry i hate when people do this but i just got a quick question.

is there a difference in high between otc dxm and pure powder you can get online. otc make me feel "dirty" dunno how else to explain it. thanks for your time guys!!
I suppose I would flush much of that supply you have too! Methylone and mephedrone sound too more-ish... much harsher then the effects of good mdma... why settle for less when you can have the best! Phenazepam is not bad for those times after a hectic psychedelic trip...good to always have, just in case.
Those essentially work as painkillers... it won't ease or calm a trip... trust me, benzodiazepines work much better. That's there main purpose.

ANC, what's your opinion on Kanna?
Pretty nice, I sometimes use it powdered as a smokeing additive, bit of an aquired taste when smoked.
Nices route of ingestion is alcohol based tincture. Or sceletium honey.
Yes, heard the alcohol based tincture was the best route. A highly serotonin reuptake inhibitor, a good natural alternative to mdma. Much liken to that of zoloft or prozac!
OTC DXM is normally a combination of anti-cough medicine which can heighten the risk of a possible overdose. Theres the big difference you're looking for ;)
true, but I wont wait that long....

2 and a half grams are actually aborts so that would be a very kick ass mix
true, but I wont wait that long....

2 and a half grams are actually aborts so that would be a very kick ass mix

Be careful with those aborts. I had some, and visuals started after 0.5g! I took 5.5g of them on halloween last year. I could see every event in my life as if time did not exist and it was still happening. I was having out of body experiences where I would be living in simultaneous memories from my life. Really an amazing thing.
Yeah, shrooms tend to do that, funny how sometimes events that seem totaly unrelated becomes part of a larger unsettled event, and how shrooms can show this. I love the movie reel of my life thing it does. Most of the people I loved the most have allready passed on, so its great getting to see them again. Actualy had a dream about my father last night.

Rivea Corymbosa / Turbina corymbosa / ololiuhqui
http://www.springerlink.com/content/j673n14515744047/ Source of LSA without all the vomiting.
The Nahuatl word ololiuhqui means "round thing", and refers to the small, brown, oval seeds of the morning glory, not the plant itself, which is called coaxihuitl, "snake-plant",
The seeds, in Spanish, are sometimes called semilla de la Virgen (seeds of the Virgin Mary).
The seeds contain ergine (LSA), an ergoline alkaloid similar in structure to LSD. The psychedelic properties of Turbina corymbosa and comparison of the potency of different varieties were studied in the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA Subproject 22 in 1956.

Cebil/Yopo Bufotenin and dimethyltryptamine have been isolated from the seeds and seed pods, 5-MeO-DMT from the bark of the stems.[3] The seeds were found to contain 12.4% bufotenine, 0.06% 5-MeO-DMT and 0.06% DMT.

Mimosa verrucosa (Jurema / Juerma Branca / jurema blanco)- this is what you get from many dealers instead of hostilis, some non hostilis mimosas have mimosene which is toxic... first symptoms hairloss, I don't have many left anyway. http://www.entheogen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=735
Mimosa Hostilis
Desmanthus Illinoensis (Illinois Bundleflower)
Desmanthus leptolobus (Prairie mimosa)
Sources of DMT