A PC grow Box design - need your opinions - Sketch attached.

I've sketched this design/setup (using google sketchup) for a PC Grow box.

It is based on the dimensions of a case i already have.
The dimensions are L584mm (~23") x W227mm (~9") x H536mm (~21").

I've already gutted the case and cut 2 plywoods, another one is on the way.

The sketch is pretty detailed so i won't write so much.
simply give me your opinions... and impressions. I need the feedback before i go on and work hard on something that needs improvement.

Thanks! :)


I have a couple of questions:

Should i worry about humidity as regarding to the ATX PSU functionality? I live in a humid area already (~70%) and my PC is open and working fine... so I am not sure about this.

second, Is there a way to convert the PSU to power CFLs? the PSU only output 3v, 5v and 12v... and i think i need 230v for the CFLs... also they need AC and not DC. i looked around the web and didn't find a thorough guide. also, most ot the places i looked in were talking about getting higher voltages but only up to 30-40v...
Is anyone here using an ATX PSU to power his CFLs?



Well-Known Member
Looks like a good design, better than alot I've seen. However, I do not know about powering stuff, sorry :-?. Most people just use a power strip though. I guess you could punch a hole in the case for a cord and cover the hole with black electrical tape, that would take care of any light leak i'm pretty sure.
I have a couple of questions:

Should i worry about humidity as regarding to the ATX PSU functionality? I live in a humid area already (~70%) and my PC is open and working fine... so I am not sure about this.

second, Is there a way to convert the PSU to power CFLs? the PSU only output 3v, 5v and 12v... and i think i need 230v for the CFLs... also they need AC and not DC. i looked around the web and didn't find a thorough guide. also, most ot the places i looked in were talking about getting higher voltages but only up to 30-40v...
Is anyone here using an ATX PSU to power his CFLs?
Still no one?


Active Member
What about putting the PSU in between the plants, to spread them out a bit more under the lights? I would also bump the intake fans up higher, it would be much better to have at least one blowing across the lights. In fact, if size allows, I would do 3 outtake fans on one side and 1 intake fan going across the top of the lights on the other. With the carbon filter and the S-shaped line of air movement thru the light trap, you will lose a lot of air speed.
About your light trap spaces: Keep in mind that for a fan to pull air through efficiently, it wants to be away from a wall at a distance of the fan diameter, in this case 120mm. You will obviously need to go smaller than this for your space, but its good to keep in mind. Try putting the fan next to a wall and see how little air comes through.
nice model... sketchup?
What about putting the PSU in between the plants, to spread them out a bit more under the lights? I would also bump the intake fans up higher, it would be much better to have at least one blowing across the lights. In fact, if size allows, I would do 3 outtake fans on one side and 1 intake fan going across the top of the lights on the other. With the carbon filter and the S-shaped line of air movement thru the light trap, you will lose a lot of air speed.
About your light trap spaces: Keep in mind that for a fan to pull air through efficiently, it wants to be away from a wall at a distance of the fan diameter, in this case 120mm. You will obviously need to go smaller than this for your space, but its good to keep in mind. Try putting the fan next to a wall and see how little air comes through.
nice model... sketchup?
Sketchup it is.
Built it already. The result is 90% close to the sketch. I have 1 fan blowing on the plant and 1 inline with the lights (Intake fans array). I also added another outtake fan on top (80mm). the intake fans are moving lots of air despite they are pretty close to the 'wall'. The build is very good and the result so far is great. one only problem is that there is not a lot of space and some of the leaves sometimes get in the fans or cramped against the walls. but it's no biggy...


Active Member
Sketchup it is.
Built it already. The result is 90% close to the sketch. I have 1 fan blowing on the plant and 1 inline with the lights (Intake fans array). I also added another outtake fan on top (80mm). the intake fans are moving lots of air despite they are pretty close to the 'wall'. The build is very good and the result so far is great. one only problem is that there is not a lot of space and some of the leaves sometimes get in the fans or cramped against the walls. but it's no biggy...
nice, congrats on the successful build! I'd really like to see some pics of it. I'm getting started on a cab this weekend, and I modeled it as well. (always great to make it 'digitally' before 'physically', huh??) Glad to hear you still got decent air movement with the fans close to the wall


I have a question I am pretty new to this site and a pretty new grower too, I was thinking of using this design with my old Alien computer I need a small set up for my small place. Do you think this will be suitable for me? With Beginner seeds. Thanks
Update (after more than a year):

The case can support only one mature plant, using LST the plant is using every space available to it. The yields are usually around 15-25grams.

I added a clock to time the lights and a temp. & humidity indicators. they are placed on top of the PSU.

Main problem is with the smell. the carbon filter isn't doing a perfect job...

@Dibo: It's all about the size of the case... I can say, i'd happilly use a bigger case than the one in the sketch, since the PSU really is taking a lot of good floor space.