bout to go into flowering, what do yall think about the products im about to use


connisseur, BLOOD Bud, bud candy, phosphoload, overdrive, cha ching, final phase. now what week do i use all this

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'd cut out the cha-ching for sure.

You run Connoisseur the whole time.
Bud Blood (never heard of Blood Bud) Is used during the first week of flowering, and then again around week 6.
Bud Candy can be used throughout flowering but is best applied after week 3 and through to the end.
Phosphoload is difficult for many new growers to time right. You have to know the strain, and when it needs that phospho, but sometime around day 25 of flowering +/- 5 days. I suggest against this product if you've never grown the strain or identified when the ideal time for this boost is. It's different for every plant and timing is CRUCIAL!
Overdrive can be used throughout the grow, but like Bud Candy, isn't really necessary until flowers have set.
Final Phase is pretty self-explanatory. Last week or two.

AN is a really great system, but to really get the benefits out of it you need to be running the whole thing. Check out their website for the nutrient calculator as I think they will have the majority of the information you've requested. Sometimes it's funny... People come here to ask questions that your MFG has already spelled out on their website. For less effort than starting a thread you could have found this info. I believe they suggest you do this on their bottle.

Another product I can recommend in place of the Cha-Ching is AN Nirvana. Find a system that works for your budget and stick with AN. You don't need to go adding in Fox Farms and whoever else.


man u get ass holes everywhere, thought this was suppossed to help new comers. i read the product line, online thats how i know about it. it dose not say where to use it, in great detail. so i thought i get peoples opinon on these products and what time to use them from exprience, yall drill me on the first post wow...hahaha

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
man u get ass holes everywhere, thought this was suppossed to help new comers. i read the product line, online thats how i know about it. it dose not say where to use it, in great detail. so i thought i get peoples opinon on these products and what time to use them from exprience, yall drill me on the first post wow...hahaha
So I'm an asshole for telling what to do? Keep that attitude man, it's going to work out GREAT for you here. Ask for help and then shoot the people that give them too you.
Man, you get dumb asses everywhere. [enter your state here] /calc/index.php

This calculator will tell you when in bloom to use most of your products, but not all of them, the rest you're going to need to understand how they work and why you're using them.

Growing cannabis isn't like baking cookies. There's no one recipe that is going to work given all the strains and all the methods available. You have the information you need. How you plan on treating those that provided it to you out of the kindness of their own hearts says everything. Act like an adult dude and be glad anyone helps you at all.


no, i asked for help, and u and the top dude, start talking in shit like its right on the bottle, i know that im asking yall opinon like do u yall think it a goog line up, what works and dont work, i thought this was what the site ws for, not "it says it on the bottle" come now thats easy, alot of people read doesnt mean there the best. thats all im saying
no, i asked for help, and u and the top dude, start talking in shit like its right on the bottle, i know that im asking yall opinon like do u yall think it a goog line up, what works and dont work, i thought this was what the site ws for, not "it says it on the bottle" come now thats easy, alot of people read doesnt mean there the best. thats all im saying
I answered your question with a question i wasnt trying to drill you a new ass.Dont you see the question mark????Hint asking a question.
But if im a ass for asking you a question you are the ass for buying it then asking people for their opinions.Do your research before you buy or ask anybody else anything.This site is not for other people to google shit just for you..


I didn't buy anything yet, I was asking yall, what do yall think about the products, it's all good wasn't trying make enemies Bro. Just thoughtthis was a chat room to gain knowledge and not read the labels .
I didn't buy anything yet, I was asking yall, what do yall think about the products, it's all good wasn't trying make enemies Bro. Just thoughtthis was a chat room to gain knowledge and not read the labels .
Honestly you give yourself the knowledge from doing your own research and trying things and learning from your mistakes.Thats how we all learn.You will get alot of mixed answers thats why you try it out yourself then if you run into problems you can ask for help


I'm new and can speak for Snow Crash. I came on and needed help with a burn due to some dumbass thing I did. He helped me along with a few others. I thanked them for there help and went on. I promise you, that there's not many questions you can ask that cannot be found with the search button.


Hell I used the search button today and found out I'm growing a strain that was supposed to be an auto strain HeaveyWieght Shooting Star which it says it's autoflowering on package. Guess what it's not, now I figure if I have enough room or pull 4 of them and keep the 3 other auto's I have or pull one and try to get the rest done with 12/12. Nice right!


Active Member
Stu -

What you need to keep in mind is that when you ask for opinions, you're going to get some you don't like. Ah, that's the way of it. Honestly, though, the boards are really for the questions you've already looked to answer, but you can't find the answer on your own.

No one should be coming to the boards for every single question they have - that means you're not learning anything.

You need to do some learning on your own and realize that while these boards are great, Google can answer 95% of the questions you have. Just type your question into the search bar and you'll be ready to go.

You could have also called Advanced Nutrients to find out how to use their products, emailed them, or used their nutrient calculator that's on their site. Really, it ain't that hard to find the information you need to find.

And it sounds like you figured out vegging, so why is it so tricky to figure out flowering? Shouldn't be.

Do yourself a favor, try to find the answers on your own first, then come here. You'll get a lot less crap and you'll actually learn something in the process.


Well-Known Member
imo if ur asking for help with all these nutes then u should stick to the basics (like me) and slowly add in new additives on future grows. seems like your getting in over your head. start with ur basic nutes. in your case that would be the connisseur part A & B. good luck with all those nutes.


Frankly my only problem is the fact that I bought an autoflower that did not do the auto part and did not catch until it was about 10 days past time. My nutes are MoonDust still as for Advanced Nutes they're bookmarked along with calculator. If you have something worth offering for this problem, great. Plants look good, I just don' want them growing out of cab.