this fucking racist anti-semite deserves a bullet between the eyes for the hate he brings into this world (yes, i realize the irony in that statement...try to picture someone killing hitler in the name of reduced violence).
guess what ticket this white-supremacist would run on?
if you guessed tea party, you get a cookie.
There is no doubt Duke has a defective heart. But some racist douchebag spouts off, you compare him to Hilter (which is an insult) and you want to kill him. Not surprising. Freedom for all unless they disagree with you. You are no better than the person who equates Obama to Hitler.
You play the race card by falsely accusing the Tea Party of being racist. The Tea Party was formed by Ron Paul who has a history of not allowing race into the picture. Obama and Biden have both said the Tea Party is not racist. The race card issue has been desperately played before and failed miserably. When you can't discuss the reason you may as well make false accusations.
you had me until your last statement. Racism exists just about everywhere. To allude that racism is tolerated in the Tea Party when it definitely is not, IS playing the race card imo.i did NOT compare duke to hitler. i only used hitler to illustrate my statement was ironic yet reconcilable. i do not with to argue anything with you here as agree with me that duke is a racist douchebag with a defective heart. that is all i wished to convey, i got carried away in how i would treat duke if i had the chance.
ron paul has been a VERY non-racial viewpoint type of guy, which is one of the reasons why i like him. he did not let race enter the equation when commented on the mosque near ground zero. i very much like and respect him for this. i also agree with obama and biden in stating that the tea party is NOT racist.
but i am not playing the race card, i am simply pointing out that duke is now hopeful of a presidential run once again thanks to he advent of the tea party. he has failed miserably before to get the democratic or republican nomination. he sees opportunity in the tea party. i do not say this mockingly of the tea party either...just as a point of fact that duke, an intelligent person despite being a pitiful shit of a human being, thinks he has a better chance of getting nominated to run for pres under the tea party ticket than as a rep/dem. he sees the tolerance for racism in the tea party that clearly exists. that is not playing the race card....that is fact.
what happened to free speech and freedom of religion? why are you so predigest against people who's views you don't agree with? let's stop the intolerence and give david duke a chance..I think it is about time we had someone who will stick up for the rights of minorities in the white house. DUKE 2012 IT'S UP TO YOU !!!this fucking racist anti-semite deserves a bullet between the eyes for the hate he brings into this world (yes, i realize the irony in that statement...try to picture someone killing hitler in the name of reduced violence).
guess what ticket this white-supremacist would run on?
if you guessed tea party, you get a cookie.
I think the white hetrosexual christian working class minority has been opressed and held back long enough and could use a leader. this minority group faces discrimination and hatred every day. the govt has passed laws restricting oportunity for them and has failed to protect them from imigration and invasion
Says the anti-Semite. But then again you really haven't had too many coherent thoughts now have you? pot meet kettleThe zionists that do control America would never let him succeed. He is right about that. His clan affiliation also ruins his vote amongst progressives. Maybe the Tea party would support him, he kind of sounds like a tea party kind of guy, but president, not in this lifetime.
i will cry some crocodile tears for the 'white heterosexual (sic) working class minority' (they are actually not a minority by any stretch of the facts, you dolt) right after anyone comes forward to reduce the achievement gap or the disproportionate number of ACTUAL minorities crowding our prisons.
i watched a mama bird pre-digest some food for her baby bird this morning. i am clearly not pre-digest.
yea and the only other channel is the Blue Collar Network motto "Here's Your Sign"This looks like fun...Ok I'll play along! The Tea Party i just a bunch of racist, homophobic, inbred hillbillies whose TV's only get Faux News...Why else would the Nazi Duke be assumed to be a TP'r????'re it!
That's the rub. Why does any group have to come forward and help another group? Why not strive for equal justice under the law? Shouldn't the laws and purpose be liberty for all? One quick way to reduce the prison population, which would also reduce the percentage of minorities in jail is to stop the war on drugs.
Fourteen percent of the population is black but thirty six percent of those arrested for drugs are black. Over 400 BILLION dollars on the war on drugs since the early 1970's.
[youtube]KoTV9l77_UA[/youtube][youtube]kd0Srmil5fw[/youtube][youtube]4VvE3J6XC1w[/youtube][youtube]bRqLVjOuSWQ[/youtube]I think the white hetrosexual christian working class minority has been opressed and held back long enough and could use a leader. this minority group faces discrimination and hatred every day. the govt has passed laws restricting oportunity for them and has failed to protect them from imigration and invasion