Dr. Duke For President 2012

what is happening I thought we were soposed to defend our country from invasion and aren't we soposed to protect our citizens? I thought that was the reason we pay taxes
Mexico has like a million boots on the ground here, it was only like 100 years ago we were fighting them. now their countrys at war their here and were ignoring it
he means the whole thread is fucking dumb.
the ideas being tossed about are dumb.
go back under your rocks, people. everything is fine.
what happened to free speech and freedom of religion? why are you so predigest against people who's views you don't agree with? let's stop the intolerence and give david duke a chance..I think it is about time we had someone who will stick up for the rights of minorities in the white house. DUKE 2012 IT'S UP TO YOU !!!

You do know that Ol Dave was a grand master of the KKK. In case you didn't know it, the KKK and the tea party have some things in common:
A former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[3][4] Duke describes himself as a racial realist, asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."[5] He is a strong advocate of opposition to Zionism and the opposition to the Jewish people, as well as what he asserts to be both groups' control of the Federal Reserve, the federal government and the media. Duke supports anti-immigration, both legal and illegal, preservation of what he labels Western culture and traditionalist Christian "family values", strict Constitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, ardent anti-communism and white separatism.[6][7][8]
This is the guy you want in the white house, come on man.
You do know that Ol Dave was a grand master of the KKK. In case you didn't know it, the KKK and the tea party have some things in common:
A former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,[3][4] Duke describes himself as a racial realist, asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."[5] He is a strong advocate of opposition to Zionism and the opposition to the Jewish people, as well as what he asserts to be both groups' control of the Federal Reserve, the federal government and the media. Duke supports anti-immigration, both legal and illegal, preservation of what he labels Western culture and traditionalist Christian "family values", strictConstitutionalism, abolition of the Internal Revenue Service, voluntary racial segregation, ardent anti-communism and white separatism.[6][7][8]
This is the guy you want in the white house, come on man.
Your going to vote Duke also
who else is voting Duke, come on man !!
Duke belongs in the white house