Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
Superthrive is snake oil imho. Meaning I think its completely a scam.

Having said that, how is your soild drainage uptosumpn? Does the water flow right out or does the soil actually soak it up for a minute before draining? Sometimes the water can just run down the sides of the soil and not actually soak into the root mass. I had this problem a while back, added more perlite to the mix and never had the problem again.

Another thing that has been a lifesaver for me is keeping a plastic fork handy. Scrape it across the top of your soil every other day to keep cracks from forming which allow air to reach the roots. Helps a TON when watering too, the soil actually soaks water instead of shedding it when its dry.



Back in Aug I received a Kannibia La Blaca Fem Auto from the tude with their promo, The seed turned out to NOT have the autoflowering gene. I have placed a link to the grow in my sig if you want to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Superthrive is snake oil imho. Meaning I think its completely a scam.

Having said that, how is your soild drainage uptosumpn? Does the water flow right out or does the soil actually soak it up for a minute before draining? Sometimes the water can just run down the sides of the soil and not actually soak into the root mass. I had this problem a while back, added more perlite to the mix and never had the problem again.

Another thing that has been a lifesaver for me is keeping a plastic fork handy. Scrape it across the top of your soil every other day to keep cracks from forming which allow air to reach the roots. Helps a TON when watering too, the soil actually soaks water instead of shedding it when its dry.

Really? A scam?? Well IDK?? Do Tell......As far as the drainage, I misted them for 2-3 days every 12hrs, then around day 4, 1oz of water every 12-14hrs....So when I did add the 1 oz, it soaked in the soil first, not the sides, then water comes out 20-30sec later...>I water slowly, watching it soak, then apply rest....So idk why it drains so fast....this has never happend before...?
Anywayz, cool info with the fork thing...gonna try it...thanks!!


Well-Known Member
as far as snake oil? i don't think superthrive is fake, it's a ripoff though. i saw it for 20$ for a small bottle the other day, but it's a known fact that the plants love those specific hormones and vitamins, i mean, ST is something the plants make internally. when i use i do notice the my girls perk up after a small dosage


Active Member
hey try using jiffy pellets.(peat) or i use hydro farms jumpstart pellets (coconut) i dont know exactly the differnce but im 99.9% sure coconut being better then peat. but they work perfectly and cheap comes with reusable dome. just throwing out some ideas peace...


Well-Known Member
Talked to my buddy and he has no problem with me updating. And I can answer questions. This is the guy I've mentioned in past posts that has a legal grow at home. This is not that grow, he has a second house. A few of the Lemon Skunks were moved over here, so he can 12/12 the ones that didn't 'auto'.

I know, but there is a LONG story behind that, the short of it is, he doesn't believe these AK seeds are going to 'auto' like they should. started six, then six more from his last batch of AK seeds (~550), only one (in the first batch) even looked like it was going to auto, but it turned out it just pre-budded and stopped. So the plan is (if they mostly are not showing) to 12/12 at week 4. He'll move the true autos (blue berry, and H.Kush both crossed with AK) back to his house.

which in a way works out anyway, because he just cut clones from all those mothers sitting on the table (12"-22" tall), and wants to 12/12 the mothers for some variety.

I guess I could explain why he believes these AK won't auto now, may start a conversation on whether this is possible or maybe one of you may know what the problem really is.
The original batch of seeds came from a friend who had been growing them for years, he gave him about 100. He started them, at different location, that was NO WHERE near as nice. and there were issues during the grow. He planted all 100, and got 62 females, they ALL auto'd just fine. but the issues I spoke of are numerous, but it reached over 100 a couple of times, they got water stressed quite a few times, temps rarely got below 85.

So the thinking is: this may have stressed the mothers out to much and screwed up the genetics. because like I've said, both times he tried to start a batch from the seeds from that grow, they are not auto'ing.

any thoughts on this???
I have had ZERO luck on auto AK's "autoing." :(

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Cheers guys Keep the autos coming guys (Next Strain)--_LaMusa_--

The Muse--_info_--THC Level : 18-19%_--_Characteristics : extremely powerful

A Crossed selection between a real Skunk touched by automatic gene, with another automatic line from Alaska. The result is automatic higher plant of a great production and extremely powerful that bring in flavours and new texture with touch of bitter chocolate and liquorice. We put on your disposal a new generation of automatic plants that would fill your mouth with an unusual intense that would stream your body


Well-Known Member
I have a hard time trusting a breeder that doesnt speak English, or at least have the common sense to have someone who does read over their descriptions first :P Just shows a lack of attention to detail.

And if they expect me to believe they used a REAL skunk....well they're effing CRAZY!! haha!


`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah i know what u mean bro
I ordered from a spanishbank the autoStoned is spanish too
i found an insane site that sells autos iv never seen b4
thc level 23-26% and some awsome others but not as strong

The Stoned
Automatic feminized. LR2 x Rosetta Stone / Kush. Brainy / Stoned. Taste: fruity / hash. Days from seedling: 65-75. Yield: 45g (indoor), 60g (outdoor).


Hey guys heres my Cobra and Stoned :leaf:
under five 23watt clfs 19/5 + Sun during the day 6.5 ph spring water
Cobra is ripening

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Nice man your autos are looking great. I ordered some auto white widow a while ago but none of them were auto's which sucked. I got one 2 week old auto now from a buddy (which was a bomb surprise) but its on 12/12 because i got a non auto flowering at the same ..bummer i need two grow rooms fast! Sick grow man +rep!

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
Dude here,
Just thought I'd pop in and say hey. Ive been following this thread here and there for a little bit now, a lot of great info.
Please allow me to introduce you fine ladies and gentlemen to a good friend of mine.
My fitness consigliere, Michelle. My Diesel Ryder.
She's about 6 weeks old, flowering for 26 days. 10" tall in a 1 gallon pot. Under a 250 hps and some side cfl's.
I was hoping others had some good grows with this strain in soil. What was your yield? Harvest day? Im thinking she can go till 75. Let me know...

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
JJC885 True ow shit i hope the whitewidow i have is auto Was it from Lowlife ?
iv growin 1 of each Easyryder_LaDiva_Cobra_Stoned they all where autos but ill keep a close eye
on the whitewidow and TheMuse

Ryder on the storm hey nice dude looking dope


Well-Known Member
High everyone, I am poised and ready to order some autos for outdoor sun in Hawaii, 'need you vote at this point in this thread for the best (potency, yield, ease of growing) strain. I am a return customer of Attitude, so anything from their menu I will consider.

Thank you! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
High everyone, I am poised and ready to order some autos for outdoor sun in Hawaii, 'need you vote at this point in this thread for the best (potency, yield, ease of growing) strain. I am a return customer of Attitude, so anything from their menu I will consider.

Thank you! :leaf:
Afghan Kush or Hindu Kush has everything you need.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
dude dont just take kulong advice

id say LaDiva bro theres some new strains like LaMusa 18-19% thc

ladiva has huge yeild and smoke to die for so tasty


Well-Known Member
here's some porn from my first hydro auto:


it's an unknown seed/strain, and it has maybe a couple weeks left, i love the color changes.

it's not too fat, i've ran the ppms relatively low.