ok umm, epic fail. =( please help


Well-Known Member
Don't care what you guys think about me, MG sucks for weed, you can cry all you want about it. I'll put my supersoil grown against your miracle poo anyday.
And to the idiot that says hydro stores don't carry soil. You just proved my point about how stupid most of you are.
Bottom line is I was right from My first post, but the MG people didn't like me saying it sucks, so You attacked me.
So what, Don't care. you can all suck it.
Im no idot,my hydro store dosnt sell soil, because here soil is sold everywhere else,,,thats what i was going off.,
I would be up for a soil comparison, your super soil (is it bought as super soil?)from my MG(mixed with pertil to 80:20 ratio, 80 being the MG, haha, im not trying to be rude, just think we could do that. both same strain, germ them and do pic compare.
Im in the UK growing indoors, under 250watt cfl, I think a challange has been lay down,,, haha, take it easy.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Im no idot,my hydro store dosnt sell soil, because here soil is sold everywhere else,,,thats what i was going off.,
I would be up for a soil comparison, your super soil (is it bought as super soil?)from my MG(mixed with pertil to 80:20 ratio, 80 being the MG, haha, im not trying to be rude, just think we could do that. both same strain, germ them and do pic compare.
Im in the UK growing indoors, under 250watt cfl, I think a challange has been lay down,,, haha, take it easy.
A side by side grow is already being done on this forum - and the MG is kicking super soil's ass so far.
Some just refuse to believe even when evidence is presented.


Active Member
supersoil OR Fox FArms? get your facts straight. and just because the plant grows bigger in veg, doesn't mean the bud will be any good.
Get a freaking clue people. I'll say it again. WHY does Not 1 well known grower use it? WHY does not 1 hydro store sell it.
think about it.
The grow off is between mg and ff from clone not seed.I have to agree with you on it being to hot for seedlings but you don't have to be an assclown about it. This is a forum to help people out cuz. If you are going to debate someones opinion go to the grow off thread.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Thanks for actually noticing also drfever. But its fine, i recieved the information i needed, I purchased some new seedling soil, along with party cups and a bag of perlite and spaghnant peat moss. and also i decided to buy a bag of mg organic. i lowered my light down, the two plants i had under there this morning did not recover so i now started germing 4 seeds to ensure i get atleast 1 but hopefully all 4 going.

thanks especially to jack.


You're welcome. Now this is just my opinion but I don't think you want to add any more Sphagnum peat moss to your MG potting soil. There's already quite a bit of it in there and it's probably the main thing effecting it's drainage properties. Adding more of it will just counteract the benefits to drainage that adding the perlite will give you.

And I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you about fungus gnats (so you don't panic when you see your first one). Because you're using MG you're most likely going to have them. A couple of them flying about your grow is no problem whatsoever. It is only when they become a serious infestation that you have to worry about them causing harm to your plants.

The most effective way I've found to keep them from becoming a problem (needing drastic action to fix) is to put some yellow sticky traps out at the very begining of each grow (the day the seed goes into the dirt) so that you catch most of the ones that emerge before they can reproduce. If you can't find them in the gardeing section of one of your local stores you can get them on line from Bugspray.com. I'd put at least one out for every other plant.

sticky trap a.jpg



Active Member

You're welcome. Now this is just my opinion but I don't think you want to add any more Sphagnum peat moss to your MG potting soil. There's already quite a bit of it in there and it's probably the main thing effecting it's drainage properties. Adding more of it will just counteract the benefits to drainage that adding the perlite will give you.

And I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you about fungus gnats (so you don't panic when you see your first one). Because you're using MG you're most likely going to have them. A couple of them flying about your grow is no problem whatsoever. It is only when they become a serious infestation that you have to worry about them causing harm to your plants.

The most effective way I've found to keep them from becoming a problem (needing drastic action to fix) is to put some yellow sticky traps out at the very begining of each grow (the day the seed goes into the dirt) so that you catch most of the ones that emerge before they can reproduce. If you can't find them in the gardeing section of one of your local stores you can get them on line from Bugspray.com. I'd put at least one out for every other plant.

View attachment 1220963

I filled the bottom 10% of the cup with perlite (its what i've been told) then did a 70/10 mix of soil to peat moss along with 10% more perlite mixed in, is that too much peat moss?? should i do it again just with no peat moss?

and i believe my seeds are going to be ready tomorrow, 2 have cracked. So i imagine by time i wake up tomorrow they will be ready to go into the seedling mix.

i have a friend involved, and he thinks its time i stop screwin around and just get a grow tent along with the MH HPS 400w light and all the ventilation hardware. so by time these plants get ready to transplant i will more than likely be in a tent


Well-Known Member
here is the soil I use, Wonder why subcool has His own forum here, yet miracle grow doesn't. Hmmmm

BTW, All Ingedients are sold at your local hydro store,lmao

and I grow with 1000 watts, not a living room light bulb.
Ah, awsum, thanks for the info bout the super soil recipe.
Yeah my living room light buld as you put it (sounds abit ignorant) is great for my small cupboard(56cm x 32cm x 250cm), has low height, high lumens to watt ratio, no need for ballest, and is cheap cheap cheap. About 50 dollars(rough conversion from pounds uk) for two 250's one in 2700k and one in 6200k.
Take it easy...

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I filled the bottom 10% of the cup with perlite (its what i've been told) then did a 70/10 mix of soil to peat moss along with 10% more perlite mixed in, is that too much peat moss?? should i do it again just with no peat moss?

and i believe my seeds are going to be ready tomorrow, 2 have cracked. So i imagine by time i wake up tomorrow they will be ready to go into the seedling mix.

i have a friend involved, and he thinks its time i stop screwin around and just get a grow tent along with the MH HPS 400w light and all the ventilation hardware. so by time these plants get ready to transplant i will more than likely be in a tent

You're over complicating this.

The only thing in the cups you start the seeds in should be the seed starting mix you bought. Don't add any thing to that. Use it as it is straight out of the bag.

As I've already said I wouldn't add any more peat moss to the MG potting mix. Get yourself a 20 gallon plastic tote (with lid). This is going to be your soil mixing (and storage) tub. This is what you'll work out of when transplanting your plants to bigger containers (up canning).

Get a coffee can (or some other 1/2 to 1 gallon size container) to use as a scoop/measuring device. Put 4 of these scoops of MG potting soil into the tote for every one of perlite. Dump the MG in first and use your hands to break up all the lumps in it and get it as fine as possible before adding the perlite to it and thoroughly mixing it in. Safety/health note: wear a disposable dust mask while dumping and mixing the perlite in. You do not want to be breathing in the dust that comes off that perlite. Once it gets mixed in and picks up some moisture from the MG the dust problem goes away. Mix up half a tote full of this and set it aside for now. You're not going to need it for another two weeks.

The two seeds you say have "cracked" need to go into the cups full of seedling mix now. Don't wait for the others to catch up. You don't want that root coming out of it to get very long because there's to much chance of damaging it while trying to get it into the seedling mix. Once that seed "pops" that thing grows quickly and just overnight can get much longer than you really want it to.

You plastic cup needs to have drain holes in the bottom of it and should be full to around a 1/2 inch from the top with pre wet seedling mix. Take the pointy end of a pencil and poke a 1/2 to 3/4 inch deep hole in the center and drop the seed in. Try and put the root part down as best you can. A pair of cheap plastic tweezers helps with handling the seed for this step. Lightly scrape some seedling mix over the hole to cover it. A little sprinkle of water (5 to 10 drops) right over that helps to settle everything in nicely.

As to your friend...my advice... nobody else but you needs to know what you're doing in this area of your life. And face it, if the guy had any advice worth listening to he'd already be set up and growing his own, now wouldn't he? With the exception of a couple real close, long term (20+ year) friends nobody who knows me personally has any idea I'm growing. The folks I smoke with just think I've got a good connection to some one else who is.

At this point I'd advise you against buying a "grow tent". You can build something that's a lot easier to use for a whole lot less money. A better light on the other hand wouldn't be a bad investment. But it's not absolutely necessary right now. Maybe you should hold off on any more major investments until you know a little more based on some personal experience at growing. I'm betting that with in 4 months of today, odds are, you can harvest yourself some good smoke with what you've already basically got.

Right now what I think you need the most is a 1 gallon plastic pitcher, a small plastic watering can and a set of plastic measuring spoons. Especially 1/4, 1/2 and 1 tsp. (teaspoon).

And the other big thing that will help me (and some of the others here) help you will be if you can take and post good pictures. Cell phone quality pictures usually aren't good enough for some of the things you're going to be asking for advice on.

All right [Soap Box Mode Off].



Active Member
Sorry man, i was misunderstood there, i have already planted the seeds in the seedling mix, i was mixing my transplant soil.. i did not know the exact percentages.. But i will do it again with no peat moss.


Active Member
My first first plant ever (that my cat ate) was germed, sprouted, and grown in MG soil. I'd say your main issue is the lights being too far away, Like everyone is saying, get the plant propped and the light closer and you should be golden. Also, make sure you have holes in your cup for water drainage and not to water too much. Punch holes in the bottom of the cups and set the cups in bowls so that water won't get everywhere when you water the plants. Over watering my first plant made it do what you are describing.


Active Member
My first first plant ever (that my cat ate) was germed, sprouted, and grown in MG soil. I'd say your main issue is the lights being too far away, Like everyone is saying, get the plant propped and the light closer and you should be golden. Also, make sure you have holes in your cup for water drainage and not to water too much. Punch holes in the bottom of the cups and set the cups in bowls so that water won't get everywhere when you water the plants. Over watering my first plant made it do what you are describing.
That has crossed my mind, i watered it twice in 4 days, im sure thats too much. i dont know a recommended schedule because everyone is fishy about that.. i hear once a week, then i hear when its dry a half inch in. ive just heard bunches of things and i dont really know.


Well-Known Member
I don't try growing in mud, why would I use miracle poo? And it's weedconnect.net,not .com mr smart guy.
Why would you put a seedling in a time released soil? Try using some seedling starter. It isn't that hard to figure out.

stfu. dont try to bash shit you probably know nothing about. MG is perfectly fine for seedlings. i ONLY use MG in my grows and they come out fine. you just have to NOT be retarded and over nute them. weedconnect.net. plz go away. now.

you got bashed in another thread made by YOU. sooo do us a favor and leave this entire community the hell alone.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Sorry man, i was misunderstood there, i have already planted the seeds in the seedling mix, i was mixing my transplant soil.. i did not know the exact percentages.. But i will do it again with no peat moss.

No problem. I understand how confusing all this advice can be at first. Especially when you have more than one person giving it to you. About 7 years a go I was in the exact same position you are now. What I used for guidance starting out was a copy of Ed Rosenthal's book "Closet Cultivator". In fact you too should probably get yourself a book on the basics of cannabis cultivation instead of just depending on advice from people in pot growing forums. Because you'll get just as much bad advice here as you will good. I'd recomend a book by either Rosenthal or a guy named Mel Franks. That would for dam sure be a better investment for you right now than a grow tent or any of this other fancy stuff people have been telling you, you need.

That 10% of peat moss you've already got mixed in isn't gonna hurt a thing. Just dump that into your plastic tote and add another 10 to 15% perlite to it. It'll be fine.

Here's some other things I think you need and I recomend you have....

A fair sized magnifying glass (10, 15 or 20x power). Check the stationary department of WallyMart. This will help with sexing the plant and diagnosing any insect problems. Eventually you'll want to have a 60 to 100x microscope for looking at your trichromes and helping you decide when to harvest (Radioshack, $10).

You need some 1 gallon size plastic pots for your first upcan here in about 2 weeks. Then a few weeks later you'll need some bigger pots (around 3 gallon) to finish them out in.

Don't get in a big hurry to go spending a lot of money on any of these wazoo canabis specific nutrients/fertilizers people tell you, you must have. Not only do you not need to spend that kind of money to grow good weed but being as you don't have a good handle on what you're doing yet they're most likely just going to get you in trouble and fuck up your grow. My advice is to wait until you get one or two successful grows under your belt before you go experimenting with those products.

My advice is to keep this grow just as basic and uncomplicated as possible. Especially where fertilizing is concerned. With the exception of may be a little Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) during veg I recomend you stick with MG All Purpose Plant Food (24-8-16) this time around. Since they're all ready in MG potting soil (that has nutrients in it) you don't want to give them any additional ferts until there at least 5 or 6 weeks old. And then you're only going to want to give them very light doses.

Besides the SuperThrive the other thing I suggest you get is a bottle of "Grandma's" or "Brer Rabbit" unsulphured molasses. A little bit of that now and then is a good thing. But not yet.


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
That has crossed my mind, i watered it twice in 4 days, im sure thats too much. i dont know a recommended schedule because everyone is fishy about that.. i hear once a week, then i hear when its dry a half inch in. ive just heard bunches of things and i dont really know.

No one is going to be able to tell you an exact watering schedual (even if they're an expert grower) with out being right there in your grow with you. There's to many factors involved. The size of the container, the drainage characteristics of the soil, the size of the plant, how fast it's growing, the humidity, the temperatures, how much air is blowing across the plants, etc. etc.

But don't despair, it's not as difficult as you may think. You've got to get a feel for how heavy a freshly (fully watered) pot is. For instance, when you first put the seed in the plastic cup the soil in it should be fully wet (and done draining). Pick it up and hold it in your hand and get a "feel" for how heavy it is. Then keep checking it 2 or 3 times a day until you can tell when it starts to feel significantly lighter. A freshly planted seed in a 12 oz cup of that fine seed starting mix is probably going to go several days before it needs watering again. As the plant gets bigger it's going to happen sooner each time.

In fact you want it to dry out some what so that the roots have more incentive to grow out and "seek" for moisture. Of course if you find your plant wilted over (from lack of moisture) that means you went a little to long and you don't let the cup get quite so light before the next watering. Even though they're roots and live down in the soil they still have to breath. If the soil is constantly saturated they drown. And that's basically what adding all this perlite to MG is about. Keeping the soil (and the roots in it) able to breath good.

This is one of the reasons I told you earlier to get a bunch of free random bag seeds and try and start them so you could get some experience and a "feel" for what it takes to do it succesfully. I was trying to get you (to get yourself) some "cheap" lessons before you went and wasted any more seeds you paid a bunch of money for.

And another thing you need is a fan. You want to keep a gently breeze blowing on these seedlings from the minute they poke their heads up. Not to strong a breeze at first, just enough to keep them gently bobbing about. It will promote good strong stem growth which is important so that they end up being able to carry some good heavy buds with out flopping over or having stems break from the weight. I use 6" personal clip on fans I find at WallyMart for $11.



Active Member
Don't care what you guys think about me, MG sucks for weed, you can cry all you want about it. I'll put my supersoil grown against your miracle poo anyday.
And to the idiot that says hydro stores don't carry soil. You just proved my point about how stupid most of you are.
Bottom line is I was right from My first post, but the MG people didn't like me saying it sucks, so You attacked me.
So what, Don't care. you can all suck it.
You are a tard. Would you like some cheese with your whine? No one attacked you, they should have though. However, I hope other people report you being a negative dick like I have. It's a soil, get over yourself. If I took a handful of seeds and threw them outside I can tell you that plants would grow, so, what special starter crap are you going on about? Weed is a weed, it can and will grow damn near anywhere under a wide array of conditions and soils ect. so....

anyhoo...back on-topic:
I'm glad you got the help you needed from this thread minus whine boy and his "no MG" elitism. Watering wise just water when it looks like it needs it. Twice in 4 days is too much, I water my soil plant maybe once a week. I have it set-up so it's pot is in a bowl so that the water that goes through the pot stays in the bowl for the plant to use as needed. Normally when I notice that there's no more water in the bowl I'll water the plant. Good luck with your new seeds :).


Active Member
Thank you very much fuzzzzzzzzzzbutter. I am quite frankly tired of that guy. I have heard that method of watering also, there is so many different ways. So i think for this i will just go with my gut. BTW your aerogarden looks great!

And jack can you believe this, went to walmart last night and looked around for about a half hour looking for a fan, then i decide to just ask and believe it or not, my walmart carries only one kind of fan this time of year, and its a 3 foot box fan.. So today im off on a journey to find some damn desk fans. Office depot was a failure. So DG or Target is my last shot. *shakes head* what a shame. f'n walmart.
man, there sure is some stupid effers round here. Jump the guys shit for being right. Truth hurts,doesn't it.
there will always be the growers who grow SHIT and think it's great and it worked in MG, so MG must be o.k
I agree, NOT ONE EXPERIENCED grower uses it. Think about that. If you want to grow weeds, keep using it. If you want to grow some awesome smoke, that you could be proud of. Read up and find something better and quit CRYING everytime someone says MG sucks, it seems Like you guys are the ones doing that, not weedconnect.


Active Member
Wow really? I was actually going to head to walmart this weekend to try to find a desk fan...That's kinda funny...you always assume Walmart will have what you need xD Yea, Aerogardens are the shizznizz, I don't do anything except check the PH of the water twice a day and keep the reservoir filled. Everytime my friend comes over they go into a plant-gasm...they're starting to smell really good, we're hoping for perfectly cured Cristmas bud from Santa :P. Good Luck!