LSD Microgram Thread


Well-Known Member
apparently it took 3 cops and 4 paramedics to hold him down and get him onto a stretcher so he could get a ride in the ambulance to the hospital.
Seen this happen to a very good friend of mine. It's not a fun trip to the hospital, that's for sure. Be safe, kids.

SWIM is left for places like bluelight and drug-forums and even those places are abandoning the blatent term!
I will use whichever vernacular I prefer. So will SWIM.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro. out here good lucy comes and goes pretty damn fast.
its usually blotters that are more potent.
i sometimes get sweet tarts or some kind of candy that does nothing....."give me my money back"
but a few years ago i got ahold of some dose and only one sweet tart which contained 200-225 ugs

my buddy took two at once and ended up in the hospital cuz he went home and everything went topsy turvey.
tried breaking threw his living room window cuz he thought his parents were domonic figures and his house turned into a hellish cave.
he cut his wrists open accidentally by breaking through the window and ran out of his house speaking ONLY Japanese (he is Japanese) and forgot how to speak english.

apparently it took 3 cops and 4 paramedics to hold him down and get him onto a stretcher so he could get a ride in the ambulance to the hospital.

i wish i could explain his trip in more full detail. the more and more days go by and i ask him questions or ask him to re-tell the comes more and more vivid with detail.

im just glad this has never happened to me.
if you are going to trip any hallucinogen (even a low dose of mushrooms 2 grams) and you go home when you shouldnt.
this could end up being like you.
treat your mind and these powerful substances with respect.
if you'll have the most amazing time of your entire life and each day it will enfold new memories to look back on to. and just look forward to more days to come.
This is a good reason to teach people new to hallucinogens to have alot of respect for them. My friends and i always went somewhere far and away from others just incase one of us had a bad trip , we knew how to calm eachother. No one was close enough where we could go stommping home high as fuck freeking your parents out.


Well-Known Member
i hope you have gotten better stuff/price then that lately.

the first 10-15 times i tried lsd it didnt work. each time i took at least 2-3 tabs.....nothing...
i thought my body or mind wouldnt react to it.
but i found some good, legit sources and then i finally found the real Lucy.
simply amazing.

but nothing is worse then getting bunk dose... happened to me a few weekends ago when we went up to my buddies mtn house.
thank god a buddy brought 1.5 grams of molly that he shared with everyone.
still sucks to have bunk....
thats why mushrooms are so assuring.
but nothing is better then getting a hold of legit lysergic acid diethylamide
Yes, the L is treating me and many others well nowadays. Potency is my middle name partna :lol:


Well-Known Member
Seen this happen to a very good friend of mine. It's not a fun trip to the hospital, that's for sure. Be safe, kids.

I will use whichever vernacular I prefer. So will SWIM.
Not hating on your disguises mate, just found it a little ackward for a place like rollitup... but everyone has there idiosyncrasies so SWIM away ;)


Well-Known Member
This is a good reason to teach people new to hallucinogens to have alot of respect for them. My friends and i always went somewhere far and away from others just incase one of us had a bad trip , we knew how to calm eachother. No one was close enough where we could go stommping home high as fuck freeking your parents out.
Amen to that. I suggest if you eat a tenstrip you best be 4000 ft. suspended above the earth on some beautiful mountain top lols... take out your madness on the trees and rocks!


Well-Known Member
Amen to that. I suggest if you eat a tenstrip you best be 4000 ft. suspended above the earth on some beautiful mountain top lols... take out your madness on the trees and rocks!
I learned the hard way this past summer...elevation WILL affect your trip. Makes it much harder of a trip; as with getting drunk in a mountainous town, you get drunk easier. I ate a dose at about 8-10k feet, and it was overwhelming. Had to cheat my way out and take a zanny. Which by the way to any new psychedelic users, xanax isn't a bad thing to have on hand in case of a bad trip. One bar will knock you out of your trip in about 20 minutes. Granted, it may feel like infinity, but it will help.


Well-Known Member
I learned the hard way this past summer...elevation WILL affect your trip. Makes it much harder of a trip; as with getting drunk in a mountainous town, you get drunk easier. I ate a dose at about 8-10k feet, and it was overwhelming. Had to cheat my way out and take a zanny. Which by the way to any new psychedelic users, xanax isn't a bad thing to have on hand in case of a bad trip. One bar will knock you out of your trip in about 20 minutes. Granted, it may feel like infinity, but it will help.
Never thought of it like that, but good point. But I doubt one little xanax will dissolve the trip... I took 4mg's of xanax after tripping off L to get a good short nap before nightfall hit... it took some time to work but it finally subdued my overcharged mind. It's more like if you take seroquel it'll kill the trip. But yes, benzodiazepines are a good thing to calm a flaming mind!


Well-Known Member
Never thought of it like that, but good point. But I doubt one little xanax will dissolve the trip... I took 4mg's of xanax after tripping off L to get a good short nap before nightfall hit... it took some time to work but it finally subdued my overcharged mind. It's more like if you take seroquel it'll kill the trip. But yes, benzodiazepines are a good thing to calm a flaming mind!
Do you have a tolerance to benzos? Two bars, 4mg, sounds like a lot more than necessary. But everybody's body is different, so what do I know...


Well-Known Member
No tolerance. I ain't a pill popping benzo-train lols... but I must forgive you before saying that the blotters I eat are dosed at 200ug's per blott... so there's a lot of calming to do ;)


Never thought of it like that, but good point. But I doubt one little xanax will dissolve the trip... I took 4mg's of xanax after tripping off L to get a good short nap before nightfall hit... it took some time to work but it finally subdued my overcharged mind. It's more like if you take seroquel it'll kill the trip. But yes, benzodiazepines are a good thing to calm a flaming mind!
cant speak for it with acid as its a little bit different of a monster, but back when I used to eat/sell alot of shrooms, I found that a full trazadone would knock a trip out if need be......

for the topic at hand, i think everyone is a bit different with acid.... I've eaten 18 of those 'blue ganesh'es, stacked with a dose each of 2c-e and 2c-i.....


Well-Known Member
cant speak for it with acid as its a little bit different of a monster, but back when I used to eat/sell alot of shrooms, I found that a full trazadone would knock a trip out if need be......

for the topic at hand, i think everyone is a bit different with acid.... I've eaten 18 of those 'blue ganesh'es, stacked with a dose each of 2c-e and 2c-i.....
You beast! Sorry for the hairiness of the word, but the thought of eating nearly two tenpacks and stacked upon some 2c-e is just crazy to phantom. The thought has me lockjawed :shock:



You beast! Sorry for the hairiness of the word, but the thought of eating nearly two tenpacks and stacked upon some 2c-e is just crazy to phantom. The thought has me lockjawed :shock:
yeah.... its why I havent bought another sheet since then... I think something is wrong with me, as most people said that was a fairly good print; I mean, dont get me wrong, it was a fun night, but it was NOT what one would expect for eating @500mcg within a 4-6hr space


Well-Known Member
the most ive ever had was about 7 and 8 hits. the 7 were on blotter and the 8 were altoids dropped with a dropper so i think they might have been double dropped cause that was crazy. me and a friend dosed each candy and just ate hits until we though it wasnt a good idea anymore. its was one of my most intense trip ever. that altoids can glowed like the suitcase in Pulp Fiction. haha


Active Member
I had a 10 strip this spring, it was very intense. I couldn't give you a report on it - estimate around 1000mcg but who knows..... Possibly a DOx

My experience with it was that it was crazy, it was good, but a lesser dose gives very similar effects and is more manageable. I would do it again, but only if I had a nice stockpile - it is wasteful if your supply is scarce I'd say.